Here he is! 1/3 of the Outer Zone Saints-

Apr 23, 2009 18:41

Garrett Cain

Garrett was born on August 17 in Quadling Country. He's the edlest son of Travis and Isabelle Cain and the brother of Wyatt and Kasey Cain.

Growing up, he was the bullies nightmare. He often ended up in the Headmaster's office because of fighting and for playing some practical jokes. It drove Isabelle crazy, but Travis loved it because he knew that the bullies deserved it.

Garrett and Wyatt often competed in team roping events during rodeos. Garrett was often the 'header' while Wyatt was the 'heeler', but it wasn't unusual for them to switch positions.

Garrett met his soulmate, Rebecca, at school. He saw a strawberry-blond and approached her. She kissed him before he even had a chance to pour on the Cain charm. At that moment, he knew she was his.

Before Wyatt left for the Academy in Central City, he and Rebecca were married. They both wore white for the wedding, something that was traditional during the time of the Ancients. They have three children (two sons and one daughter): Riley, Tyler, and Luara "Lulu". Like his father, he's a cattle rancher. Garrett also joined the Resistance. To this day, his no-nonsense, snarky demeanor often finds him in fights or in trouble, especially with Longcoats. Basically, he doesn't know when to shut-up. He also has no modesty and will often go skinny dipping anywhere there is a body of water. He gave Adora quite a view on the first day he met her.

Like his mother, he plays an instrument - a fiddle.

He loves whiskey and sweet potatoes - not together of course.

He prefers the scruffy look (he doesn't like to shave and will avoid it if possible).

When he hears about Wyatt, Adora, and Jeb's death, he sets off for his parents' cabin. As he approaches, he notices it's on fire. Fearing for his family, he races back to his cabin and is shot before he arrives.

After being 'arrested' by Zero, he's taken to the Black Mountains to help mine Mauritaniam. Rebecca, his children, his mother, and sister believe he's dead.

Garrett will suffer with a side effect because of his 'imprisonment' for the rest of his life.

outer zone, family, pre-series, good guys, clan: cain

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