Lost Fic: shelter from the storm (Jack/Claire)

Jul 24, 2010 14:13

Title: shelter from the storm
Pairing: Jack/Claire
Rating: R (sex)
Words: 1,630
Disclaimer: Not mine. Title from the Dylan song.
Summary: It’s past midnight and the rain gives the illusion that there’s nothing left in the world but Jack, Claire, and his old, beat up Jeep.
A/N: Written for former Queen crickets who asked for Jack/Claire and roadtrips.

They’ve barely crossed the Louisiana state line when the sky opens up with rain. )

luau 2010, fic: jack, fic: claire, fic:lost, fic: jack/claire

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Comments 8

crickets July 25 2010, 02:20:32 UTC
Gah I love this, spooky and sexy and gritty and perfect. You really set quite the mood here! Gave me chills! And just, ah I love the way you've written them. Especially Claire, very free, so full of life.

Love this so much!



ozmissage July 25 2010, 04:17:44 UTC
Yay! Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it. Your roadtrip prompts put me in the mood for something a little spooky. :D


gigglemonster July 25 2010, 02:27:59 UTC
Dude I love this so much! I've never really read fic that manages to pull of a truly spooky ghost-story like feeling but you did it SO wonderfully! Gave me chills!
I love the whole mood of this. And I adore the way you've written Claire here - carefree almost to the point of being childlike. It works perfectly. :)


ozmissage July 25 2010, 04:19:55 UTC
Thank you so much! I love ghost stories, but I wasn't sure if this would work for Jack/Claire so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. :D

Heh. I'm not sure why Claire came out so childlike this time, I think it was because I kept thinking of s6 Claire while I was writing it for some reason.


angela_weber July 27 2010, 02:45:51 UTC
Eeeeeee, this is wonderful on every level and I LOVE it! The creepiness is perfect, so carefully calibrated, and your characterization is as amazing as always. Your writing is so beautiful and so atmospheric and the way you write these two is like nothing else. Thanks so much for sharing this! ♥


ozmissage July 28 2010, 01:51:17 UTC
Thank you so much! I wasn't sure if dropping them into this ghost story type scenario would work, but crickets prompt put me into a spooky frame of mind and I couldn't resist. :)


hopelessfangirl August 9 2010, 17:17:34 UTC
Gah, this is so mindfuck-y and creepy. I don't normally read Jack/Claire, but you wrote this so brilliantly that I'm glad I did this time!


ozmissage August 10 2010, 02:20:05 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! :D


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