Lost Fic: The Weapon (Miles, Jacob, and The Man in Black)

Jul 30, 2009 14:18

Title: The Weapon
Characters: Miles, Jacob, and The Man in Black
Rating: PG (mild language)
Words: 1,155
Disclaimer: Not mine.
A/N: For Read more... )

luau 2009: fic, fic:lost, gen, fic: miles

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Comments 18

anonymous July 30 2009, 20:16:09 UTC
fantastic work! I love the theory you implemented here. I also think that Jacob and MIB chose "their" people among the survivors and the freighties. and yes, I also think Claire is, de facto, MIB. and my fav part of the story:

The Man in Black knew something that Jacob never could. The gift he gave was a curse and would be seen as such as the child grew into a man. He would see death and he would carry the burden alone. The child would always hold himself apart from the world because he could see everything, and no one wants to know the brutal truth of life. He would understand this the moment his mother looked at him not with love, but with fear.

you perfectly analyzed Miles' personality and gave a great explanation WHY he is so bitter and lonely. I also think his mom was a bit afraid of him.

I don't know if Miles turns out to be a big player in s6 (I surely hope so) but I could see the final scene of your story as a good cannon material:)
I try to find all the miles ff that is out there, but You capture his character best.


ozmissage July 31 2009, 03:42:49 UTC
Aww thank you so much, I'm flattered! :)


demonqueen666 July 30 2009, 23:38:24 UTC
Wow, this was really cool and compelling. Great take on the "war" between Jacob and the other, and I think your integration of Miles and his "gift" into that story was a really neat idea.

So, I approve XD Thank you!


ozmissage July 31 2009, 03:43:40 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! :)


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ozmissage July 31 2009, 03:49:58 UTC
Thank you so much!

As far as I'm concerned MIB=Smokey, canon might as well confirm it because my brain's not going to accept anything else at this point.

I so want Miles to play a big role in s6. And preferably not die. Our boy needs to make it out of this okay.


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ozmissage July 31 2009, 03:54:01 UTC
Thank you!

I was referring to "The Shape of Things to Come" when the house blew up. I have no idea how the show is going to explain what happened to her, but given her strange behavior, I always assumed Claire was no longer with us. ;)


valhalla37 July 31 2009, 13:57:30 UTC
This is so, so, so cool. I love this entire concept, and it fleshes out the whole "chosen by Jacob" thing into something so much more interesting than in the show. I would love to see so much of this become canon -- the MIB as the smoke monster (which is my theory too), Miles' gift as coming from Jacob, etc. (And I adore that Daniel, Charlotte and Miles are Jacob's favourites; of course they would be! And now I think you just spawned a new plot bunny for me, lol.)

The whole thing is spooky and wicked and even though the end makes me go, "Miles, no!" it totally makes sense. Great job!


ozmissage August 1 2009, 17:06:46 UTC
Thank you so much! I can't wait to see the results of your plot bunny. ;)


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