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Comments 16

anonymous July 28 2009, 09:21:15 UTC
OMG!! It's Miles and Hurley!!! And some James and Juliet!! This is sooooo good; well written and in character...yay! Thank you for writing this, it's made of awesome and it's got all my happy place people!


ozmissage July 28 2009, 23:08:10 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! :)


haldoor July 28 2009, 09:47:05 UTC
Oh wow... what a great 'happily ever after' fic! It has just enough of Miles's bad attitude and Hurley's win-'em-over charm to make it believable! Great stuff! ;-)


ozmissage July 28 2009, 23:09:01 UTC
Thank you! I was in the mood to write some happy fic for a change.


awesome anonymous July 28 2009, 11:04:29 UTC
I love your Miles fics. I always thought there's not enough Miles ff out there. I loved the story about Miles and Juliet during Dharma time, but this one is even better. everybody was in character. You perfectly captured Miles' snark and Hurley's straightforwardness. Their exchanges were hilarious. And I love the scene where everybody reminisces their deceased friends from the island. Fantastic work. looking forward for more of your Miles fics:)


Re: awesome ozmissage July 28 2009, 23:09:52 UTC
Thank you so much! I love Miles dearly, he's a lot of fun to write. :)


valhalla37 July 28 2009, 15:29:38 UTC
Oh my gosh -- ever since the epic buddy adventure that was 'Some Like It Hoth', this was exactly the kind of fic I wanted to see. I loooooove that they build a business together, that Hurley's mom is initially so suspicious, that Juliet keeps tight dibs on all of them and that they all eventually reunite to lost to lost friends (and you know I squeed out loud when Miles honoured Dan and Charlotte; so perfect).

I'm in awe of the way you manage to keep them both so incredibly IC while expanding on their personalities, and the handle you have on dialogue -- I feel like sometimes talkiness can turn some fics clunky, but never yours. Great, great work!


valhalla37 July 28 2009, 15:30:05 UTC
*toast, not lost. Blergh.


ozmissage July 28 2009, 23:13:05 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the toasting scene because I kept going back and forth on it. I almost cut it all together, but decided to keep it in at the last minute.

Heh. I was just musing the other day about how pretty much everything I write involves two people sitting around talking. I think I'm a dialogue junkie. ;)


elliotsmelliot July 28 2009, 21:36:44 UTC
What a sweet story. You do so well exploring what could make a friendship like this work. Hurley is so gregarious in his love and Miles is so reluctant, yet somehow they make it work. I liked the part about them opening a business together. Great job!


ozmissage July 28 2009, 23:15:07 UTC
Thank you so much! I've been enamored with the idea of Hurley and Miles opening a business together pretty much since Some Like it Hoth. I would so watch that spin-off. ;)


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