Title: Two Dreamers at the End of the World Pairing: Daniel/Charlotte (slight Juliet/Sawyer) Words: 1,229 Rating: PG-13 Warning: Angst. Implied character deaths. A/N: Written for Queen
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(Ahem. Excuse the caplock-iness; I'm just really, really excited.)
I adore the concept, and everything's so lovely and bittersweet. It wouldn't take much for a post-death fic to be overdone and saccharine, but you balance everything so nicely here. And Juliet! And the whispers! And the piano-playing! I seriously love it all -- great, great work (and that's my Dan/Charlotte bias notwithstanding ;P).
I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! I was nervous about writing them. I love your Dan/Charlotte so much, so I'm insanely flattered that you liked this. :)
... I don't even know what to say. You threw in so many amazing things (some have already been pointed out) like the piano, the whispers, mentions of Charlotte's past... this was so awesome! And you put in a little Sawyer/Juliet, which is totally my second favourite pairing after Dan/Charlotte. Thank you SO much!
Oh wow. This was just incredible! This was the first afterlife!fic I've read for Dan/Charlotte and it was fabulous. I love that you went back to him playing the piano and that he actually remembered how. The little part with Juliet was just heartbreaking - I hope that she found something nice to go back to. The end was also terribly sad in a good way, the fact that they could hear the others talking and were fading away was just so sad. Really, really well done
Thank you so much! I have this thing about Dan and piano playing. All I want for him is for him to be able to play music, just like he wanted to when he was little, so it was nice to be able to slip that into a fic. :)
I was thinking I didn't hit that point hard enough. In my head they disappear not because of the bomb, but because of the coming "war" we've been hearing about for so long now. Kate and co. ultimately did something that destroyed the island and shattered the reality there in. Sometimes I make up crazy complicated backstories for fics, only to realize they would be more useful if I actually put them in the story. ;)
I'm glad you liked it, though. And there are few things I love in this world more than piano playing Dan. :)
This fic gave me a huge lump in my throat. It started off so jaunty and hopeful. I loved the line - “I knew you were going to have a problem with this.” I really liked the atmosphere you gave it, with the whispers and the quick glance of Juliet. The ended was so sad, a mixture of tragedy and tenderness. Great work! I really liked this.
Comments 11
(Ahem. Excuse the caplock-iness; I'm just really, really excited.)
I adore the concept, and everything's so lovely and bittersweet. It wouldn't take much for a post-death fic to be overdone and saccharine, but you balance everything so nicely here. And Juliet! And the whispers! And the piano-playing! I seriously love it all -- great, great work (and that's my Dan/Charlotte bias notwithstanding ;P).
I don't even know what to say.
You threw in so many amazing things (some have already been pointed out) like the piano, the whispers, mentions of Charlotte's past... this was so awesome! And you put in a little Sawyer/Juliet, which is totally my second favourite pairing after Dan/Charlotte. Thank you SO much!
This was just incredible! This was the first afterlife!fic I've read for Dan/Charlotte and it was fabulous. I love that you went back to him playing the piano and that he actually remembered how. The little part with Juliet was just heartbreaking - I hope that she found something nice to go back to. The end was also terribly sad in a good way, the fact that they could hear the others talking and were fading away was just so sad. Really, really well done
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I'm glad you liked it, though. And there are few things I love in this world more than piano playing Dan. :)
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