Lost/SPN Fic: paint a cage with an open door (John/Juliet)

Jan 08, 2012 00:58

Title: paint a cage with an open door
Pairing: John Winchester/Juliet Burke
Rating: Hard R
Words: 1,697
Disclaimer: Not mine. Title from a poem by Jacques Prévert.
Summary: “Let’s go,” she says, walking away from the stench of burning flesh like it isn’t her first job. She takes the keys from his hand.
A/N: I found this in my WIP folder last ( Read more... )

fic: juliet, fic: juliet/john, fic:lost, fic: john, fic: spn

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Comments 10

dulcedeusex January 8 2012, 08:13:02 UTC
WOW Oz! This was all the angsty goodness of both shows at their high points! So many lines that I loved, will come back with a lengthy review once I'm done writing mywinter_of_faith submission! If you hadn't killed John would have said please do a series-verse cause there's so much there. XxDulce


ozmissage January 10 2012, 15:24:05 UTC
Thanks, dear! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :D


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ozmissage January 10 2012, 15:24:31 UTC
Thank you so much! :D


tia_no_one January 8 2012, 15:31:42 UTC
Wow. This wasnhaunting and amazing. I felt like I could see it all in my head perfectly, and the writing wasmbeautiful.


ozmissage January 10 2012, 15:24:59 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :D


meagan4dominic January 9 2012, 02:49:09 UTC
I am so glad you became obsessed with finishing this piece because it's amazing! Juliet totally suits the life of a hunter and I love how you waited a while to reveal it was Ben who she had killed and her describing him as a monster was spot-on. All of the angst was delicious


ozmissage January 10 2012, 15:26:04 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm completely enamored with the idea of Juliet as a hunter. I think in an AU she would have rocked that job. :D


pann_cake January 10 2012, 01:12:13 UTC
I love this idea. Juliet as a hunter makes so much sense, and what she has with John here works in a weird sort of way. I really like how it's not clear when and where in the Lost canon it is, but that it has a place in SPN. Juliet going by La Fleur is just so much love.

For some reason this line made me really sad.

Dean calls and John doesn’t answer.



ozmissage January 10 2012, 15:27:32 UTC
Thank you so much! I honestly can't remember when or why I started this fic, but when I found it in my WIP folder I had to finish it just so I could write Juliet as a hunter again. :D


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