Title: It Takes a Village
Pairing and/or Characters: Miles, Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, Richard (Miles/Richard, pre-Sawyer/Claire)
Rating: PG-13
Words: 5,270
Warnings: Spoilers through the finale.
Prompt: A post-finale story focused on Miles, Sawyer, Claire, and Aaron living together. Since the idea is for Miles and Sawyer to find themselves with the
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Comments 6
Claire who doesn't quite know how to be a mother, which rings very true, and Miles and Sawyer being all BFF - because they are - and their strange new little family that includes Richard (loved the notes, and hey - we know that happened with Miles and Richard! ;P)
“You have pretty eyelashes.” <- CHILDREN SPEAK THE TRUTH.
Anyway, good job, awesome fic and now I crave Miles/Richard!
(Psst...if you're in the mood for more Miles/Richard, pann_cake and primarycolors92 have both been writing a lot of awesome fics about those lovely boys lately.)
Thank you again, my dear! I'm so glad you liked this one. <3
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