Title: (Not Quite) On the Cover of the Rolling Stone
Characters: Charlie, Liam
Rating: PG
Words: 355
Disclaimer: Characters not mine. Title adapted from the Dr. Hook song “On the Cover of the Rolling Stone”.
A/N: Very late offering for
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Comments 14
Here's a link to his page on the Buffy wiki so you can check out his picture if you want to.
Firstly, Charlie being all excited about being in Rolling Stone despite the bad review and small blurb put a big ol' smile on my face. The “Are you high?” “Yes, but that’s not the point.” exchange made me chuckle. ;)
AND THEN YOU WROTE CHARLIE/OZ WHICH BROKE ME BRAIN WITH AWESOMENESS! And Charlie's a ghost; that's brilliant! The last line is perfect, too. Short guitarists = ♥ Thank you so much for this! =D
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