Lost/SPN Fic: there must be some kind of way out of here (ensemble)

Oct 30, 2010 23:51

Title: there must be some kind of way out of here
Fandom: SPN/Lost
Characters: Ensemble (Jo, Ash, Jimmy, Bela, Castiel, Miles, Boone, David)
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1,587
Disclaimer: Not mine. Title from “All Along the Watchtower”.
Summary: Five people walk into a bar.
A/N: Written for joyyjpg who requested a Lost/SPN crossover with the prompt “Five ( Read more... )

crossover, fic: bela, fic:lost, gen, fic: spn, fic: boone, fic: miles, fic: david, fic: jo, fic: jimmy

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Comments 8

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ozmissage October 31 2010, 22:41:27 UTC
You get the license and I'll meet ya at city hall. ;)

I'm so glad you liked this! I went through about sixty different plotbunnies before I got to this one. At one point you were getting an ultra meta fic about everyone being stuck inside a fanfic Becky was writing, but that was breaking my brain so I went with this instead.

Okay, Bela/Miles are like my OTP to end all OTPs right now so I'm insanely happy you liked that part. I'm totally writing those two properly one day. But in the meantime, I have to rec you this fic gottalovev wrote for me awhile back. It's Bela/Miles and it's absolutely perfect. So good. <3


janie_tangerine October 31 2010, 10:11:49 UTC
OMG BOONE AND JIMMY AND ASH IN THE SAME PLACE? THIS IS LIKE, THE FULFILLMENT OF MY AFTERLIFE DREAMS OR SOMETHING. (Meaning, you managed to smish together all my favorite dead people ever in the same place. You = amazing.) No but, uuhhhm, Boone/Jimmy? I echo joyypg, can we have more of that? Because uhm. YES. ALL OVER. And omg everyone here is so IC and the interactions are perfect and Miles being the first person Bela talks to? Ohmygod YES. Also Jo is perfect in here too. And awww poor David ;__________; (Also the whole Hotel California thing = priceless.)

AND THE END OMG CAAASSSS. ;____________________; seriously, this was amazing. And it's going straight in my memories. <333


ozmissage October 31 2010, 22:44:20 UTC
Heh. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked this.

Boone/Jimmy just occurred to me halfway through writing this and the idea was so full of hotness potential I couldn't help but slip it in there even though I didn't have time to do it properly. ;)


invisiblelove October 31 2010, 17:57:57 UTC
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY omg you win so much for writing so much Lost/SPN fic. Krys and I are working on getting spnlost_otp off the ground. Right now it just sort of has a profile and a test post and a fail default layout, but hopefully we can start pimping it soon and start encouraging all you lovely people to start reposting your fic/art/whatever there :DDD

This was an absolutely brilliant fic! Creative and original and just fantastic! The part with David in particular really got to me. I think he had a lot of significance that wasn't able to be explored b/c he entered so late in the game.

Awesome awesome awesome!!


ozmissage October 31 2010, 22:48:14 UTC
Thank you so much! :D

I'm still bitter over David. I loved that little guy.

OMG, I'm so excited for the SPN/Lost comm I can't even say. You guys should have a little promptathon to kick things off or something, like they do over at lostsquee sometimes. I'm addicted to writing crossovers between the two right now. They just go together, like peanut butter and chocolate. <3


invisiblelove November 1 2010, 00:22:20 UTC
*nod* Definitely, I was thinking about a comment fic meme too once we start :) I did some work on the layout today, so it should be open for business soon :D


hopelessfangirl November 19 2010, 04:16:08 UTC
Please excuse the fact that I am A BILLION years late reading this!

That said, THIS IS EPIC. Oh my god, this collection of characters is fantastic and I love the way you had them interact. Such a pile of lost souls... oh, my heart.
(Also, All Along the Watchtower is stuck in my head now.)

I love this, it's going straight to my memories!


ozmissage November 21 2010, 05:15:38 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! I'm not sure why I chose this particular bunch, but they all seemed to fit together for some reason. <3


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