Dyer -- I mean, Dryer update

Jul 12, 2014 13:26

I had to exchange the plug on my old dryer with the plug on my new one, which I bought for $25 at my mom's church. In other words, electrical work. There were plenty of online guides on how to do it, but here's the rub: They all explained how to replace a three point plug with a four point plug. But the dryer I bought is actually older than the one ( Read more... )

mechanical fail, maintenance, home improvement, epic fail, appliances

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Comments 8

droxy July 12 2014, 18:34:38 UTC

First, as an idiot check, make sure the fuse wasn't blown for the dryer. ;)

Replace ALL the plug wiring back to the terminals on the machine.

It almost sounds like a grounding problem or there is a busted wire in the cord.

Download a PDF if you can on the wiring. =)

You paid 25 dollars for it, about what it is worth as scrap. Were you able to test that this device was working before you purchased it? I mean tested it, not taking someone's word for it. If no, you did not test it, then the appliance is broke.

AMISH: Be aware some idiot towns have new laws where you can't hang your wash. I find that appalling but there you go. It is easy enough to string clothing line in the garage so birds won't crap on your laundry.

Certified Electrical Engineer. ;) Yes, I do the electrical repairs in my house.


ozma914 July 12 2014, 22:13:37 UTC
All done, I'm afraid. I'm fairly sure I just zigged when I should have zagged, and that being the case I should just be happy to still have my hair.

Albion's an old fashioned midwest small town -- anyone who tried to come in with a law like that would find themselves going back out head first. Just the same, my clothesline is actually in the basement, at the suggestion of my doctor, due to the amount of outdoor allergies I have. At least I don't have to worry about the birds or the rain!


droxy July 12 2014, 23:29:51 UTC
Oh, I know where Albion is. I used to live in Michigan. ;)


ozma914 July 13 2014, 20:21:12 UTC
I've been to both Albion Michigan and Albion Indiana!


kazzy_cee July 13 2014, 08:01:45 UTC
How frustrating. I have no idea what a four point plug is... we only have two or three point plugs (three for electrical stuff as they have the 'earth' and a fuse in).


ozma914 July 13 2014, 20:21:49 UTC
This is a completely specific plug, not related to the common two or three point ones at all. Because we can't have it too easy, can we?


millysdaughter July 14 2014, 14:34:25 UTC
I have a clothesline, which I do use when the weather cooperates.
I am not, however, Amish.
Too many rules for me...


ozma914 July 15 2014, 01:39:26 UTC
Yeah, that whole thing about how you can use batteries, but can't have electricity in your house ... and you can ride in a car, but can't drive one ... just makes no sense.

The good news about my clothesline is that it's in the basement -- no worrying about the weather! But it does smell nicer when hung outside, though.


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