Time's Almost Up To Get a Free Ebook

Dec 29, 2022 14:00

It seems I can type between napping, even if I can't talk all that well--long story.
(Actually it's a short story: Viruses and white blood cells are waging an epic battle in my upper respiratory system, like Game of Thrones but with more coughing.)

Before my next dose of NyQuil I wanted to remind everyone that my novel Coming Attractions, as well ( Read more... )

romantic comedy, fiction, strange portals, e-book, promotion, writing, publicity, coming attractions, smashwords

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Comments 2

millysdaughter December 30 2022, 05:50:11 UTC
I tried the link, but it just wanted me to start a blog there. I have several I am already neglecting, no room in my life for another. I wanted the PDF freebie, but it did not work out for me. sad bunny!


ozma914 December 30 2022, 14:47:28 UTC

Gah. STUPID Blogger! It keeps changing my links on its own. Gah!

The actual link is here: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/ozma914

Now I have to go back through all those posts and change the link to the right one. Thanks for telling me, but I'm going to go into the bathroom to scream now.


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