Photos of art … gallery

Dec 13, 2016 16:00

I can't say we did all that well at our most recent author appearance ... in fact, we took a loss, because I bought some stuff myself. My theory is that we went to the well too often: All three of this year's book signings happened within six months, and within less than a mile of each other. In addition, it was our third trip to the Noble Art ( Read more... )

albion, noble art gallery, noble county courthouse, book signing, history

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Comments 6

kazzy_cee December 14 2016, 09:04:46 UTC
I like the book table.


ozma914 December 14 2016, 10:12:40 UTC
It's pretty awesome, isn't it? That's what he had my books on originally, but he ran out of space.


lifefailsme December 14 2016, 09:39:05 UTC
I NEED that table of books. Need, not want!


ozma914 December 14 2016, 10:13:23 UTC
You could probably build one of your own fairly easily! Well, easily to some people--I'm screw it up, I suspect.


curiouswombat December 14 2016, 12:19:03 UTC
That looks to be a nice place to spend your day - pity you didn't sell more books, but at least the surroundings are pleasant :)


ozma914 December 15 2016, 07:09:40 UTC
They certainly were!


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