Three Oz Kiss-A-Thon! Fics: '5 lbs, 1 oz,' 'Bonding' & 'TLC,' G, Oz/SVU

May 20, 2010 19:54

5 lbs, 1 oz
Rating: G
Fandom: Oz/SVU
Pairing/Characters: Tobias Beecher, Elliot Stabler, Harry Beecher
Word-count: 400
Warning: AU, Angst, Warm & Fuzzy, No Kissing (sorry), Unbetaed.
Disclaimers: Toby, Elliot, Harry and other Oz and L & O: SVU characters belong to their creators and no money is being made.
A/N: This quad-drabble came to me as I watched a scene in the SVU episode ‘Taboo.’ Elliot was holding the hand of an abandoned baby boy who was in an incubator. Elliot’s first line here is almost a direct quote from the scene.

This one was written before the Oz Kiss-A-Thon! began, but I wrote sequels to this one for the event, so here ya go. Posted to oz_wishing_well, my journals & elsewhere.

“Welcome to the world, little guy,” Elliot told the small infant in the incubator. “He’s perfect, Toby.”

Toby watched his friend whose fingers were holding onto a tiny hand. “He is a miracle.” Toby placed a hand on Elliot’s shoulder. He felt like crying.

Elliot could feel Toby’s hand tremble. Looking up at him, Elliot said, “Don’t worry, Pop. He’s a bit early, but he’s gonna be fine.”

“His mother wants nothing to do with him… Or me. You know we’ve been having problems, but I never expected this.” Toby’s voice was more angry than hurt. “How could a mother not love that precious child?”

“I don’t know. I love him and we’ve just met.” Elliot said with a smile, he wanted to make Toby smile, too. “He looks just like you.”

“That explains it, then.” Toby’s laugh was humorless.

“She’s obviously not well, Tobe. Postpartum depression is common after giving birth.”

“She never was before with Gary or Holly. This is my fault, El. Genevieve wants out of our marriage.”

“Giver her time. Kathy needed time after the Twins were born. It’ll get better, you’ll see.” Elliot was standing before Toby, both hands on his shoulders in support.

“I don’t think so. She knows I don’t love her anymore. I’m not sure I ever did--Not like a woman’s wants to be loved. We married because our parents expected it. That’s not a solid basis to build a family upon.” Now, Toby sounded sad and defeated.

“We all do what’s expected, Toby. Duty and responsibility guide most good guys,” Elliot’s voice was sympathetic and Toby knew he was speaking from experience.

“My family is broken.”

“No it’s not. It may be a bit beat up, but it is still alive and kicking. You have three beautiful children who love and need you; you’ve got your mom, your dad and kid brother Angus.” Elliot squeezed Toby’s shoulder gently. “And ya got me, too. I’m not blood, but, I consider myself your best bud.”

“You are my best bud,” Toby smiled finally. “You’re family, too.”

“Yeah?” Elliot grinned, touched.


Toby could tell that Elliot was choked up, his voice barely above a whisper as he turned to the infant. “You think of a name, yet?”

“I promised Dad the next boy would have his name.” Toby stood close to Elliot.


Toby nodded.

“Hey there, Harry. I’m your Uncle Elliot.”



Rating: G
Fandom: Oz/SVU
Pairing/Characters: Tobias Beecher, Elliot Stabler, Harry Beecher
Word-count: 400
Warning: AU, Warm & Fuzzy, Unbetaed.
Disclaimers: Toby, Elliot, Harry and other Oz characters belong to their creators and no money is being made.
A/N: This was written for the Oz Kiss-A-Thon! & is a sequel to ‘5 lbs, 1 oz.’

Toby was so nervous as he placed the small infant on the changing table. Toby’s hands shook slightly as he wiped his child’s bottom and finished securing the tiny diaper. Gen had always been the one who changed Gary and Holly, so he didn’t have any practical experience beyond what he learned at the hospital and from his mother. The diaper turned out a little crooked; nevertheless, he felt proud of his efforts. He was also totally in love with the beautiful baby.

Little Harry had only been home for the very first time for 48 hours. Toby’s mother and Gen’s mother had stayed alternating days to help Toby care for his one-month-old son who had been born premature. Genevieve still wanted nothing to do with their baby or with him, so he had been very grateful for their help the last two days. However, at Toby’s insistence, they were gone now. He reluctantly agreed to let his other children spend a few days with their grandmothers, therefore, Toby was on his own with his newest little boy.

Well, not really at the moment. His best friend, Elliot Stabler, was with him at Toby’s apartment, stopping by to see Harry and bringing food as well as baby gifts from the precinct. In his quiet and unobtrusive way, Elliot had kept Toby company without interfering or making his friend feel like he couldn’t look after his own baby boy.

Harry had begun fretting and Toby discovered that he needed changing; so, he had left Elliot watching TV while he (Toby) went into the nursery to change Harry. Completely absorbed with the tiny bundle, Toby didn’t see Elliot as he stood smiling at them. Elliot had been worried for Toby, knowing exactly how nervous he was about taking care of a premature infant, although Toby tried his best to hide it from everyone. So, Elliot decided to take a quick peek into the nursery just in case Toby could use Elliot’s assistance.

“There you are, my sweet boy--All clean,” Toby said quietly as he kissed Harry’s little forehead. Then, Toby began singing a lullaby as he cradled the baby in his arms.

Elliot’s smile grew broader as he continued watching Toby and Harry, listening to Toby sing lovingly to him. Then, after another moment, Elliot left them to finish his TV program, assured his friend would be just fine.



Rating: G
Fandom: Oz/SVU
Pairing/Characters: Tobias Beecher, Elliot Stabler, Harry Beecher, Holly and Gary Beecher.
Word-count: 500
Warning: AU, Warm & Fuzzy, Unbetaed.
Disclaimers: Toby, Elliot, Harry and other Oz characters belong to their creators and no money is being made.
A/N: This was written for the Oz Kiss-A-Thon! & is a sequel to ‘5 lbs, 1 oz’ and ‘Bonding.’ Posted to oz_wishing_well , my journals & elsewhere.

Toby closed the door to Holly’s room after kissing her goodnight and tucking her in for the night. He’d already done the same for Gary, nevertheless, he couldn’t help taking one final look into his eldest’s bedroom.

Assured all was well upstairs, he returned to the family room where he’d left Elliot and Harry. Toby knew that he should tell his friend that he didn’t need to spend most of his off duty time with them, however, he liked having Elliot’s help and support these past two months since Harry was born. Of course, Elliot would never admit that he came over for anything more than Toby’s huge TV or the attorney’s endless supply of snacks.

Elliot Stabler was Toby’s best friend. He was Toby’s only true friend and Toby felt blest to have Elliot in his life and the lives of his children, too.

“They’re all snug and cozy in their beds, El,” Toby announced as he walked through the door only to stop short at what he found.

Elliot was fast asleep in a recliner with baby Harry slumbering on his shoulder, Elliot’s protective hands keeping him safe. Such a feeling of warmth and affection filled Toby that he couldn’t stop himself from moving closer to them, gently running his fingers over Harry’s downy soft hair. Then, Toby kissed the crown of the baby’s head.

Before Toby could move away, Elliot turned his face towards Harry’s, his forehead brushing Toby’s cheek. Toby couldn’t explain why he did it, but he kissed Elliot’s forehead so close to where he was kissing his son.

Then blue eyes met bluer ones and a dimpled smile brought a happy grin to Toby’s handsome face.

“Did I fall asleep? Some babysitter, huh?” Elliot asked quietly.

“Harry couldn’t be in safer hands than yours.”

“Of course, ’cause I’m Super Cop,” he chuckled lightly.

“You are. You’re also kinda warm, El. You okay?” Toby asked, a hand touching Elliot’s cheek.

“Just tired, I guess.”

This time, Toby kissed Elliot’s forehead with purpose. His mother taught him the perfect way to check for fever without a thermometer. “You’re burning up, Elliot.”

“Then, take Little Harry away and I’ll get outta here.” Elliot told Toby, his face and neck flushed.

“I’ll put him to bed, but you stay here.” When Elliot attempted to stand up from the recliner, Toby said, “I said, stay put, Detective Stabler.”

“Yes, Sir,” Elliot mumbled, not really annoyed.

Elliot must have dozed off again, because suddenly Toby was back, helping him to stand up. “Toby, I don’t know what I have, but I don’t want you or the kids to catch it.”

“We won’t.” He was leading Elliot into the guest room where he’d slept a time or two. Elliot found himself being tucked into bed like he’d seen Toby do with his older children.

“How can you know that?” Elliot asked, yawning.

“Because, I’m Super Dad,” Toby teased him.

Elliot smiled, saying, “And, I couldn’t be in safer hands than yours.”

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