Wish #9 for shabby86

Jan 06, 2018 21:14

by drsquidlove

Wish 9
Request 1:
Pairing: Toby/Keller or (crossover) Toby/Stabler
Keyword/prompt phrase: "I hear you've been a naughty boy this year."
Canon/AU/either: either
Special requests: smut- the kinkier, the better.
Story/art/either: story please!

Hello, wisher. I did better on the special request part of this than the prompt phrase. And maybe the opening lines might sound like something you've read before but [JediMindTrick] DON'T NOTICE THAT.

Oz might be the only fandom there is where 'extremely dubious consent issues' is not a required warning.

He don't love me like I love him. Nobody could.
I've got it bad, and that ain't good.
I've got it bad, and that ain't good.

Toby wandered off the stage. He could still hear his own voice echoing in his head, drowning out the cheers of the animals. He reached for the bag tucked in his fishnets, was fumbling for a snort when a huge hand wrapped around his wrist. Vern's new buddy, Chris Keller. This guy didn't run with the Aryans full time, but when Vern threw an arm around Keller's shoulders and introduced Toby as the prettiest prag in Oz, the big toothy smile he'd turned on had sent a chill down Toby's spine.

The way he was smiling now. All teeth, no eyes. His cold eyes ran down the length of Toby's ridiculous outfit, from the red fabric wrapped around Toby's neck to the clunky silver shoes. "You were fucking hot out there, Tobe."

Humiliation slammed into Toby's cheeks and he jerked his arm away, spilling his precious heroin.

For a fleeting moment, he could only think of dropping to his knees to snort it off the floor.

"Watching you sing gave me a hard-on."

Toby's tights were cutting in, the vest was too small, he felt naked. The entire prison just saw him paraded out as a bitch, and now he was going to have to contend with this from all of them: jeers in the showers, in the dining hall, walking through a room. Constant threat. Toby hated realising his best defence. "You'll have to ask Vern if you want a ride."

He turned away and shook the last half a hit out onto the back of his hand, dragged it deep up his nose before he could lose any more. A hot shot of not giving a fuck, straight to his brain, but the hard bulk of Keller pressed up behind him and whispered, "I'll kill Vern for you if you blow me right."

Kill Vern.

It was as tempting as snorting that heroin off the floor: overwhelming for seconds, and then disappointing. Keller was huge, and his swagger promised fists. Better the rapist you know.

"You think I should trade one abuser for another? That's how I got this fucking brand in the first place." Toby dragged up his impromptu skirt to give Keller a good look at his ass.

Keller groaned. "Yeah..." His fingers dragged up Toby's cheek.

Toby jerked his skirt down again. What the fuck was he thinking? Why was he thinking? He needed more tits. He had to find O'Reily.

Keller came after him. "I ain't looking for that, Toby. Did Vern threaten your family? I'll bet he did. I don't care about mind games. I just want you to suck my cock."

"I'm nobody's bitch."

Keller leaned close, lips brushing his ear. "I got news for you Toby. You're already a bitch. But right now you got a chance to choose how you live in here. You wanna keep being Vern's whipping boy? Or do you want me at your back?"

"Go to hell."

Magically, Keller dropped away, hands high in surrender. "I ain't gonna beg. Vern's gonna kill you in the end. He's a cat with a mouse. He's gonna play with you until suddenly he just stops caring. And then you're dead."

Toby wasn't high enough, if that could put a shudder through him.

"Short-term offer, Toby."

* * *

All these Nazi fucks roared with laughter as Robson pretended to hump Toby's ass, jarring him rhythmically against the table, throwing in a few sharp spanks for good measure. Toby gripped the edge of the table to at least keep himself upright.

"Yeah, spank him!" cheered Mack.

All of Em City was enjoying the show. Hatred burned in Toby, actual heat that lit his spine and flamed in his cheeks.

"I hear you've been a naughty boy this year," leered Robson. "Maybe someone ought to turn you over their knee."

"Robson!" Wittlesey glared down from the guards' station. "You feel like spending some time in the Hole?"

Robson threw her a salute - the army kind, not the Nazi kind. "No ma'am!"

"Then I suggest you find some other kind of entertainment."

The Nazis laughed some more, but Wittlesey had already turned her attention elsewhere.

Vern smiled from his chair. "I think Robson's right, Bitcher. You've been getting mouthy. Maybe you do need a spanking."

More laughs, as Toby's eyes found Keller sitting up on the balcony, legs dangling over, watching.

"Or maybe it's just time to throw you to the coloreds. Find myself something fresher."

Toby held Keller's gaze, and nodded once. Watched the smile spread across his face with dread.

* * *

Toby stood by the door, uncertain. He didn't know what he was supposed to do.

Keller was sprawled in his bed in a blue wifebeater and white briefs, reading. Ignoring him. Vern would have been taunting him about lights out, asking for a goodnight kiss. Suddenly, inexplicably, he missed Vern. He didn't know the rules here, and that was a fresh new fear.

Vern was dead. That fucker. And this was the man who did it. For now, Toby was too terrified to be grateful.

Keller looked up. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know."

"Stop with the crazy staring shit."

Toby climbed up on his bunk. Keller killed Vern. Ding, dong, the witch is dead. Toby had always thought of himself as Dorothy, but apparently he was just a fucking munchkin, because Keller was the one who landed a house on Vern.

Not a house, obviously. Just a neat, clean, snap of his neck. Crack, no more Vern. So simple, it seemed like Toby could have done it himself. Toby peered over the edge of his bed. He wanted to ask how it felt.

Vern wasn't ever going to rape Toby again. He wasn't going to threaten Genevieve, or the kids. Poof, gone.

Toby had made a deal.

Toby reached for his toilet kit. A couple of Vern's gifts were still in there. He waited until it was almost time, and then he tapped out a little hit and snorted it. He rubbed on some eyeshadow. He couldn't see the mirror from here, but it would have to do. Some blush. He was getting good at applying lipstick. He clipped on the earrings. He didn't have to get up in front of all of Oz. Just one man. Toby was no naive victim, this time. He'd sold himself for Vern's corpse. Was this really such a high price?

Toby felt his heart beat while he waited, just a little fast as the happy charged through his system, bringing his skin alive, filling his dick. He could do this. He'd sucked off Vern every night, and asked him for the privilege. He doubted it could be worse to keep Keller happy.

Lights off.

Toby's heart bounced. He didn't know if he could do it.

But if he didn't? What would Keller do then?

Toby slithered off his bunk, dropped to his feet in front of Keller. No dress, no glittering shoes, but Keller purred. "Ain't you pretty? You do that for me, baby?" It sounded different when Keller said it. Vern used to say shit like that just to humiliate him, but Keller seemed pleased.

"Yeah. You like it?" And a genuine question: "Is this what you want?"

Keller just kept looking. "What do you want, Toby?"

He wanted to get the fuck out of Oz, home to his kids, to a world where he never had to do this again. He sank to his knees beside the bed, put a hand on Keller's knee. "I want to make you happy."

Keller pushed his briefs off and twisted to sit up, one knee either side of Toby, cock already bobbing. Thicker than Vern. It was going to hurt when this fucked him up the ass. Luckily Toby knew how to avoid that: make him come in your mouth.

Toby leaned forward and Keller stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "I don't give a shit about Vern's head games. I just want somewhere warm to put my cock. You keep me happy and I'll have your back."

Toby wanted to snort. What was that, an Oz declaration of love? He pushed forward and took the head of Keller's cock in his mouth, listening as Keller's breathing got slow and careful. A little tongue in his piss slit, a little tongue under the head. Let the warm arms of heroin carry it all away. Fingers slid through Toby's hair, got a grip but didn't press yet. Keller seemed happy to see what Toby could do, so Toby slid into the high and showed him just what Vern had taught him.

Keller groaned and sighed, told Toby when he liked what he was doing. He liked Toby's hands on his thighs. He liked it when Toby played with his slit. He liked it when Toby slid all the way down and held him in his throat. And when he said, "Take it," and "Swallow it all," it sounded like begging, not a demand. Toby didn't care. Swallowing wasn't a problem.

Toby sat back on his heels and wiped his mouth as Keller caught his breath. That wasn't nearly so bad as sucking off Vern. No pain, no taunts, no threats. He wanted to pat himself on the back for taking Keller's offer.

He used to wonder if he could survive Vern's abuse for four years, ride it through until the parole board saw he didn't belong in here. He wasn't sure he would have: maybe Vern would have killed him; maybe Toby just would have done it himself. But this... Keller was sprawled back on his elbows, eyes closed, breathing hard. Toby could do this.

"You like that..?" Keller? Mr Keller? Toby knew what Vern liked. "...sir?"

A laugh snorted out of Keller. "I told you, I'm no Nazi with delusions of power."

"What do you want me to call you?"

He ran a hand over Toby's hair. "You keep blowing me that good, you can call me Chris."

* * *

An hour to lights up, but Toby couldn't sleep.

Vern was dead. Dead, dead, dead. The thought of it warmed Toby through, like a summer day. He was never going to threaten Toby's family again. He was never going to make Toby lick his boots. He was dead.

Toby didn't know what was going to happen with Keller. Keller could be worse. But Toby's first thought on waking this morning was that Vern was dead, and he was just going to enjoy the moment.

Ten minutes later his bladder ruined the moment. He dropped quietly over the side of the bed and went to piss. As he shook off, a voice came from the dark. "You always an early riser?"

"Not in here." He had been in the outside world, when he wasn't hungover. There'd been fewer of those days, the last couple of years. Toby turned, and there was Keller lying naked with his legs spread wide, one hand lightly stroking his morning wood.

Fuck. At least Vern hadn't been a morning person. "Do you want that taken care of?"

"What use is a prag if it isn't?"

It had the ring of logic.

"How fast can you make me come, Beecher?"

Toby relished a challenge. He went to his knees and gave his best, a hand to steady and his mouth on that fleshy head, keeping his lips tight as he bobbed, using his tongue beneath, and in no time at all he had Keller grunting. This morning Keller wasn't holding back. He put his hand on Toby's head: not jamming Toby down like Vern used to, just a little extra pressure until Toby took him all the way to the back of his throat, an extra half-second before he let Toby pull off. "Yeah." So Toby gave him more of that, showing off, pressing his lips all the way to the root of him and holding longer, poking his tongue out that extra half-inch to tickle his balls. "Fuck." Keller's hand tightened in his hair.

He could still feel Keller resisting so he swallowed around him, got a needy groan and did it again.

"Shit, Toby, you've got a mouth on you," Keller gasped. Yeah, that's who Toby was these days: the little cocksucker that could. Toby looked up just like Vern always used to want, played the submissive as he slowly drew back. Keller was staring down, entranced, watching his wet cock slide over Toby's lips until Toby just had the very tip of him. Toby reached around to dig his fingers into Keller's ass for leverage.

"Do it," whispered Keller. Toby gave him a quick smile, and then rounded his lips and slammed down and he heard Keller choke. Pushed all the way back and again, once more and Keller's huge hand on his head locked him down as his cock pulsed and throbbed in Toby's mouth; Toby couldn't pull back to swallow as his throat filled and his eyes watered, couldn't breathe, felt the black mist of panic just as Keller finally let go and Toby fell back, coughing and gasping.

Keller laughed up at the ceiling. "Would've been worth killing Vern twice for your mouth."

Shame crawled through him, but different to Vern. This time Toby was ashamed that he'd felt a flash of pride at the compliment.

* * *

Keller was a cakewalk after Vern. Keller didn't care about humiliating Toby, didn't need to be kissed goodnight or for Toby to nod in approval at his bullshit race talk. Keller wanted the opposite: he told Toby to stop trailing him around, to go to the gym, to grow a spine. When the lights went off he didn't care if Toby was all prettied up, as long as he got his cock sucked. Sometimes he wanted it early in the morning, too, or when he found Toby in some quiet corner during the day: he was a hell of a lot hornier than Vern. But Toby could suck cock like he was doing Sister Pete's filing or sorting his laundry.

They'd even got to talking like normal human beings to pass the time from lockdown to lights out. Keller didn't care about proving Toby was his bitch. Toby had shown that pretty definitively to the whole block when he chose to move in with him. Toby couldn't say he looked forward to lights out, but he didn't dread it like he used to. He could survive this.

* * *

Toby knelt between Keller's knees on the thin mattress, weight on his hands on Keller's hard thighs as he sucked him. Mostly just playing with the thick end tonight, working it between his lips. Keller was lying back with this hands folded behind his head, purring his satisfaction. "Yeah, Toby. So good. Look good with your ass up in the air like that."

Toby felt self-conscious, naked with his ass up in the air like this, but this was the position they'd ended up in, and it was definitely easier on his knees than the concrete floor.

Keller wriggled up to prop himself up on an elbow, giving Toby's neck a squeeze and then rubbing his back. "This is a better show than the other way. You've got a great ass." He reached over to Toby's ass and gave one cheek a squeeze. "I wanna fuck you, Toby. Can I fuck you?"

And there it was. What Toby had been putting off for weeks, until he almost thought he might never have to do it again. "Can I say no?"

Instant cold. "Sure you can."

Toby froze. Really? He could? It felt like a trap. He waited, and Keller didn't move, but there was a new, dangerous look in his eyes.

Toby dipped his head but a hand blocked him before his lips could reach Keller's cock. "Get the fuck out of my bed."


"I'm not making you do anything, Toby. Get out of my bed."

It was exactly what Toby wanted, but this didn't feel like a win. He slid back, carefully, waiting to be grabbed. Stood. Climbed up to his own mattress. As simple as that.

Keller's voice, sharp in the dark. "Better hope you don't need me tomorrow."

* * *

Toby felt like he'd been marked. Keller didn't seem to do anything different but all the biggest scumbags in Oz could sense a wandering prag. Toby felt their eyes all day. Robson and Ross stood too close behind him on the lunch line, flicking out their tongues any time he looked back. Groves just stared across the dining hall, like maybe Toby was on the menu. McManus asked if he was okay three times. Toby went to the gym to burn off his nervous energy, but barely five minutes in Adebisi sat on his bench with a smile and said, "You smeel like a ripe, juicy peach." Toby got the hell out of there.

He knew what he had to do.

Toby stopped by the Italians, but the guards had caught the last shipment and there were no tits to be had. He was going to be doing this sober.

Toby waited quietly beside Keller for count, and then followed him into the pod. As the locks swooshed, Keller dropped on his back on the bed.

Toby stood awkwardly in the middle of the cell, breathing carefully to calm his churning gut so he could say the words. "I'm sorry. Of course you can fuck me."

Keller rolled on his side, digging around beneath the mattress, and pulled out a magazine.

Somehow, Toby had known that wouldn't be enough. Prison was no place for dignity. Gary and Holly and Harry needed him to come home, and they didn't ever need to know how he did it. Only survival mattered.

He wished he had some tits.

Toby sank to his knees on the floor beside the bed, chewing his lip as he tried to pick his words. "Please, Mr Keller, sir. I would humbly ask you to fuck my-"

"Don't treat me like I'm fucking Schillinger."

The venom in his voice had Toby back on his feet, back against the wall, though Keller hadn't done more than snatch the magazine away and turn his head.

Okay. Okay. Apologies climbed up Toby's throat but something in those eyes told him they'd be a mistake, so he just scrambled up on his bed, away from view.

He knew how to fix things with Vern. He knew how to crawl back, all the kinds of humiliations to make Vern feel like a bigger man. He missed understanding his role, having Vern just fucking tell him what he wanted. Toby curled on his side, hating Keller, hating this place, hating being weak, hating the endless hours inside his own brain, hating the promise of a future with his kids dangled in the distance when there was no way in hell he was going to make it to parole.

Hours passed, numbness set in. Em CIty grew quieter as lights out approached, and an idea formed.

He hated the idea, but he hated everything about this place.

Wittlesey called lights out, and with successive clangs the lights dimmed into the worst part of the day.

Toby sat up and worked off the cap of the bed post, wiggled his pinky finger in. This was the last 'gift' Vern had given him. Vern had never had the chance to enjoy it, because Keller killed him. Keller saved Toby. Toby had to remember that Keller saved him from Vern, or everything he'd done to survive so far was for nothing.

Toby stripped naked, cheeks burning but he pulled the underwear on, took a deep breath and swung straight down onto Keller's bunk, straddling him, and Keller was sitting up with his hands locked around Toby's throat before Toby knew he'd moved. Not squeezing, but there was danger and flat out crazy in his eyes. Scary as fuck.

"Fuck me." Toby slid a hand down his stomach, trying to be seductive, but just feeling ridiculous and terrified. "I put on something special for you."

Keller's wild eyes slid slowly down Toby's body, down to the white-laced blue panties barely holding his privates.

"Fuck, Toby." He traced a finger along the edge, over the curve of Toby's belly, dragged a thumb up Toby's soft cock. Toby hated himself for it. "You wearin' those for me?"

"I don't see anyone else in here."

"So fucking sexy." He licked his lips. "Come here."

Toby didn't get what he meant but Keller's hands closed around his hips and guided him forward, shuffling him up the bed until his knees were under Keller's arms, and then Keller propped himself up on an elbow and opened his mouth wide, pressed it over the swell of Toby's cock. Toby gasped, even before the hot damp breath stirred his balls. What the fuck? A long lick over the fabric and then another mouthful, gently dragging teeth. "You smell like sex. One whiff of this and I could almost come in my pants. Wanna taste you Toby. Wanna taste your come."

Toby didn't understand. Was this a trap? Keller's lips were hot and soft, mouthing over Toby's cock and down to his balls, making the blue fabric wet. Toby's cock didn't care if it was a trap; it hadn't been on the other side of this in so long, and it wanted. It yearned. Toby reached down and took it out, stunned by his own audacity. He bunched the panties under his balls, tangled his other hand in the wire that held his own mattress above him. And Chris Keller's pink mouth wrapped around him, tight just behind the head, and then pressed, slowly, all the way down to Toby's fingers, like he knew exactly what the fuck he was doing. Toby moaned. Keller's fingers clutched the underwear right in front of Toby's hip, tangled in it, pulling until they cut across Toby's ass. Toby pressed forward and Keller took him, let him, looked up and held Toby's gaze as he drew a line down Toby's cock with his tongue like he was loving every inch. That hand wandered back, squeezed Toby's ass cheek, and then started playing with his panties, working the trimmed edge up slowly, half-inch by half-inch, working it all into Toby's crack like an impromptu g-string, never breaking the rhythm of all that suction.

Toby felt sexy. He felt like a stallion, shoving his cock in that willing mouth. He was a prag but here was the swaggering Chris Keller eagerly blowing him, so maybe he wasn't at the bottom rung. The power was tightening his balls, filling his cock.

He said, "That's it," and pushed in an extra inch, and Keller let him. So he said, "Suck my cock," and took over rocking, and Keller took it like a prag. This felt nothing like a blow job from Gen. This was heady, powerful. Toby was watching his own cock slide between Keller's lips and draw out wet. It was sweet and soft inside Keller's mouth, nothing like his outside.

Was this how Toby's blow jobs felt to Keller?

And then Keller's finger traced down the fabric crammed in his ass and back up again, and it made Toby's cock swell impossibly harder. He nudged Toby's hips forward and ran his fingers under the edge of the underwear so they sat across Toby's cock, not able to contain more than the first third of his hard-on, and then Keller dipped to take Toby's panty-clad balls in his mouth, gently sucking and tonguing until the fabric was sodden and Toby couldn't stand it anymore. "Suck me, please, my cock, suck me."

With a smile and warm eyes Keller came back to his cock, gobbling it down like the pleasure was all his and then backing up to work the top with his tongue like a man who actually wanted to suck a dick, who wasn't the least bit ashamed to groan as his mouth was filled with Toby's dick and he wanted for more. It was the greed that pushed Toby to the edge and over, that talented mouth and the first taste of being desired in more years than he could count.

Toby was sagging, panting, held from tumbling over Keller's face by his fingers being caught in the bed above him. He hadn't come like that since he came through those gates. He hadn't jerked off except a few times when Vern forced him, wanted Toby to pretend he was enjoying it.

Keller spat Toby's wad into his fingers and reached around, used his other hand to pull the panties out of Toby's crack and rubbed Toby's come in there. No. No, Toby had just been in Keller's mouth; he couldn't fall this far, this fast.

"Relax, Toby. Just relax."

No. Relax? Thirty seconds ago he was fucking Keller's mouth, and now he was the prag again. All that pride and power was blown away like cobwebs.

But two sticky fingers were rubbing his ass. Toby forced himself to relax. He knew how to take it.

"Wish I could take you out, Toby. Let you dress right up and take you out for a night in Vegas." A thick finger pushed up inside him, determined but careful, wiggled its way up until it found Toby's button, made him grunt. "You ever been to Vegas? I'm picturing something long and slinky, maybe a glittering blue dress, just this colour. We could get high, eat somewhere fancy, play some craps, and nobody would know that under my beautiful date's pretty dress there's such a sexy cock."

It sounded like hell. This humiliation escaping into the world, the last shreds of Toby's masculinity thrown away in a Vegas gutter.

"Do you know how hot you are, Toby?"

Toby grimaced.

"You got no idea. You wear these pretty panties because you think it's what you gotta do." Keller tugged at the panties in question. "I told you, you don't gotta do anything but suck my cock. The rest of it's just gravy." The fingers pulled out, and Toby knew to breathe out as three stretched him wide. It had been weeks since Vern, and his body was out of practise. "And when there's gravy for me, I wanna make sure I save some for you."

Toby huffed.

"Is this good for you?"

"It's great." Toby didn't bother to hide his sarcasm.

Keller's fingers slowed, and withdrew. "Don't lie to me." His eyes turned cold.

"I'm sorry."

Keller held his gaze, a killer with Toby on his knees.

Toby had let himself believe he had a choice here. He licked his lip, picked his words carefully. "Please, Chris. Show me it can be good."

There was a shift in Keller's eyes, but it wasn't happiness. More like determination. Keller pressed Toby to shuffle back until he was over Keller's hips, and then he wet his fingers in his mouth and returned them to Toby's ass and worked him, not trying to go deep, just stretching him out. Toby relaxed his ass like a good little prag, knew how to ease the pain.

"Vern always made it hurt, didn't he? Just drove on in, had to make sure the pleasure was all his. Vern's all about the mind games."

Toby blinked, tipped his head. Was Keller saying...

"It doesn't have to be like that, Toby. Doesn't have to hurt if you don't want it to."

Sure enough, Keller's fingers were gentle, three of them stretching Toby wider than Vern ever had but without the usual pain. That didn't mean Toby was eager when he slid them out.

Keller straightened up the front of Toby's panties, tugging them so Toby's cock was tucked back inside, just the head poking out the top. He rubbed his thumb over under the head and played with the lace a little and then he curled his fingers under the crotch and pulled the fabric aside so Toby's balls hung free and his asshole was exposed.

Keller spat on his other hand and slicked himself, and held his cock steady, and Toby fought not to clench up again. "Sit on me, baby. Take all the time you need."

He was going to make Toby do it. Keller's mind games were worse than Vern's.

Survival. That was the choice here. Toby shifted until he seemed in the right place, and slowly lowered himself until he felt the bulging head of Keller's cock at his ass. Looked up and around, couldn't see in the dark but he was sure everyone in Em City was watching Toby fuck himself.

A hand turned his chin. "Just watch me, Tobe. Just you and me." Keller's voice was strained.

"Were you Vern's prag?"

"Sure. He had my ass. Fucked me into the man I am today."

Toby couldn't believe it.

"Difference with me was I already knew what sex was about." He pushed two fingers over Toby's lips and inside. "This talented mouth'll get you anything you want if you know how to use it."

Toby pushed, and Keller popped inside. No pain at all.

"Just let it feel good, Toby. You just gotta make the choice, and it's a whole different world." He closed his eyes, overwhelmed as Toby let gravity slowly take him. "You choose it and you own it. You'll bring men and women to their knees." Until he was sitting in Keller's lap, Keller's cock jammed all the way inside him, and it felt... fine. The difference between filled and ripped open. Keller's hand curled behind his neck and pulled him down, until their noses were inches apart. "You don't even know what you've got. You're a fucking god, Toby. You're the harem slave that brings down the empire."

Toby felt it. The power. The thrall he held over Keller. Could he do this to other men? He lifted up and shoved down, and Keller growled. Keller's cock felt good inside him. Toby lifted and dropped, shifting his hips each time until he put Keller's cock just where he wanted it, and then he took what he wanted, digging his fingers like claws into that thick, muscled chest. He couldn't take his eyes from that savage, needy face, the bared teeth, the beading sweat as Keller thrust up every time Toby dropped, and with every thrust Keller gave Toby a little more of his power.

Keller gripped Toby's chin. "Can I fuck you now?"

Toby wanted to jerk away but shamefully he liked those hard fingers. He wanted more of that. Maybe they didn't mean that Keller was in control - maybe they meant Toby was. He nodded.

Keller kept his grip on Toby's jaw and tugged it open as he suddenly kissed him. Hardly a kiss - Keller's mouth closed over Toby's as his tongue pushed in and dragged over the roof of Toby's mouth, and teeth chewed Toby's lip. Keller dragged a thumb over Toby's mouth and tugged him back and forth to position him however he wanted because he was hungry for Toby.

Keller pushed him up and off, and they wriggled around in the narrow cot until Keller had Toby on his back. Toby hadn't done it like this with Vern. Keller pushed Toby's knees to his chest and stroked his thickened cock through the blue fabric, dragging the lace back and forth over the sensitive shaft. He was staring and licking his lips as his finger traced down, between Toby's balls and up his crack, pushing the fabric in as he went.

"Here's what the family fortune and that Harvard degree got you, Toby. It made you the most coveted ass in Oz."

Toby bit back the 'fuck you' on his tongue, but Keller read his face just fine, and he smiled.

"You still haven't figured out the one thing every scumbag in here has in common. The Homeboys, the Aryans, the Gays, even the Muslims. We all just wanna shove our dicks up some silver spoon asshole. That's how it is in here. You can cry about it or you can use it." He traced his finger back and forth on the lace. "I want in here, baby."

Make the choice. Toby wrapped his hands around his knees to pull them high, spreading himself open as far as the panties allowed. Better a whore than a prag. "Show me how to like it."

Keller laughed aloud as he dragged the panties up over Toby's ass until they were stretched across his thighs, and put the tip of his cock to Toby's asshole.

"I'm gonna slam it in, but this time isn't gonna hurt, baby. This time you're gonna love it." And he punched it all the way in. The moan drove up Toby's spine. It took a few breaths to realise, but it hadn't hurt at all. It hadn't been pleasure. It was something else altogether.

Keller set to fucking him in the basest sense of the word, driving the breath out of him with every stroke and Toby let it happen, lay back and he watched the hunger on Keller's face, watched how his fingers twisted up in the tangled lace around Toby's thigh. His breaths turned to growls as he pounded, pounding a fresh revelation into Toby's brain. Keller was a whole different animal to Vern.

Vern had wanted Toby to hate him. What he'd done to Toby had been nothing but a show of power, to Toby and everyone else in Em City. Licking his boots or bending over or carrying that fucking brand: it was all the same to Vern. Power in Toby's misery.

Keller wanted Toby to want him. To trust him. To desire him.

Keller was driving him up the mattress with every thrust, so Toby let go of one leg and braced against the bedpost, let the leg curl over Keller's hip. "Feels good Chris. You were right."

Easy words and Keller lapped them up, grinning as the sweat made his face shine in the gloom, pausing to shift his knees to brace himself at a fresh angle and rubbing one hand over Toby's chest, enjoying the shape of it like a lover and then focusing in on Toby's right nipple, giving it a tweak and a tug that... that actually did tingle.

"You're filling me up, Chris. Give it to me."

Keller gave it harder, filling Toby with his need, thrust after thrust that really did feel good, good enough that when Keller slid his hand up Toby's cock and squeezed, Toby was surprised he was going to come, and it only took a few strokes, a few thrusts, and Toby's balls pulled high and he was shooting over his stomach. Keller grinned like it was a victory, gave a pause and a grunt as he bottomed out in Toby's ass, planted himself deep and moaned, shuddering and shaking through wave after wave, the expression on his face like he'd been transported right out of Oz. It was a sight to see.

He'd never come like this in Toby's mouth.

* * *

Toby pushed his way through the Em City security gate, eyes already on Keller slouched at a table with a hand full of cards. Looking really fucking concerned about Toby's situation. For two weeks since Keller fucked him everything had been fine: a couple of blow jobs a day, a solid body at his back. And then this. Toby stalked all the way up to him. "What the fuck, Keller?"

O'Reily and Rebadow stared at him over their poker hands, and then at Keller, but Keller never moved.

Toby pointed at his forehead. "Eight stitches! I know you were there! You just fucking watched!"

"Walk away, Beecher," Keller said quietly to his cards.

Toby put his hands on the table and leaned in. "I suck your cock, and you make sure I don't get beaten down by Nazis! Isn't that the deal?"

Keller lifted his eyes, and Toby stepped back at the ice in them, ice to match his tone. "I said walk away, Beecher."

Fear slipped through the wall of rage, pushing deep enough to remind Toby that he was talking to a man who'd snapped Vern's neck just because he wanted his dick sucked. Toby lasted three more seconds before he turned, anger and this splitting headache keeping him brave enough to make a flounce of it.

Toby was still pacing the pod twenty minutes later when he turned to find Keller leaning casually in the doorway. "You're supposed to protect me!"

Keller watched him. "You seem to have forgotten your place."

Toby stuttered to a stop.

His tone was light. "You don't tell me what to do. You're the bitch here, Toby." He glanced casually back over Em City, and then slipped in to lean back against the door jamb, unfastening his pants. "Get down and suck me."

Toby looked through the glass. It was the middle of the afternoon. He couldn't see any guards facing their way, but he could see eyes watching. Hoyt. Adebisi. Groves. He pulled back to the semi-privacy in the back of the pod, but Keller pointed to the floor in front of him as he widened his stance. "Uh-uh, baby. You tried to put on a show for them today, play the big man, make me look the bitch. Now you're going to show them you know your place. Or we're done."

Nausea burned in the back of Toby's throat. They faced off, but there was never any doubt who was going to win this battle. Toby hadn't endured months under Vern's boot and all the debasement of Oswald to throw it all away now. There was no doubt who was the bitch here.

His feet carried him forward. Most sickening of all, most repugnantly and humiliatingly, Keller was right. Without the power of subjugating Toby, Keller couldn't protect him.

Keller left it to Toby to tug down the front of his sweats, to take his cock out of his briefs. Soft for once, some kind of miracle. Or not so much a miracle as a reminder that this time wasn't about Keller wanting Toby. Toby peeked around Keller's hip, saw Pancamo and Zanghi were watching from their poker game, Said disapproving through the glass of his pod, Tony Masters staring like it was pay-per-view. A hand in his hair pulled him back.

Keller's cock was unpleasantly squishy and barely filled his mouth, nothing like the usual battering ram. It repulsed him, like the audience, like the return to getting on his knees just to give a man jizz in the eyes of the rest of them.

"You know what to do, Tobe."

Toby knew exactly what to do. He was relieved as Keller thickened and firmed in his mouth, as he hummed in pleasure. "Yeah, that's it. They can all see you're mine. Vern didn't ever see your worth, but I do."

Light fingers drifting over Toby's swollen brow were enough to sting and he jerked away. Keller's hand covered the back of his head and pushed him forward onto his cock, indifferent to Toby's resistance. "You did a good job standing up to Mark Mack." Holding Toby in place as he rocked his cock all the way into Toby's throat and out again, never long enough to gag or swallow. "Have you seen him? He's limping pretty bad, and I'm gonna laugh my ass off if those scratches on his face leave scars. Suck me, Toby. Make it good."

Toby's glare was lost on Keller, so he just got on with the job.

"I was getting hard watching you whale on him." Keller let out a groan. "You were so fucking sexy."

Toby looked up in surprise, and this time Keller was paying attention. He stroked Toby's hair affectionately as he fucked his mouth. "You don't need me to fight every battle. You're no Aryan bitch now, baby. You're mine."

* * *


Toby looked up, blinking.

"You planning to sit there 'til next week's visit? Get a move on."

Wittlesey was staring at him with her eyebrows raised, and it was only when she heaved a sigh that he realised he was supposed to react. He was supposed to leave. The visit was over.

She tipped her head in sympathy. "Your wife give you some bad news?"

Toby was still staring at her. He pressed himself to his feet, surprised by the effort it took. His knees were weak.

"Go get yourself some library time, some kind of distraction. Things will look better in the morning."

Toby snorted as he pushed his way past. She was the kindest and most completely fucking clueless screw on the block. Nothing ever looked better in the morning.

* * *

It had taken some lies to Angus, money to O'Reily, a favour to Fiona, and days of being scared shitless of a shakedown, but Toby had pulled together a treat for Keller. It wasn't what he'd envisioned, but it would probably pass the Oz test.

They whiled away the hours of lockdown. Toby shaved his face, and he felt Keller's eyes on him, knew Keller was casually playing with his cock. Keller was horny, but when wasn't he? Toby climbed up to his bed, turned his back on the rest of the unit and pretended to read as he slipped Fiona's cosmetics out of the rip in the mattress. She'd told him not to overdo it, gave him pink for his lips, grey for his eyelids, black eyeliner. She'd slipped him a pair of clip-on earrings and blown him a kiss as he left. He put on the eyeshadow with his finger, hoped he didn't mess up the eyeliner too badly, doing it without a mirror. Fiona had promised him that smudging would hide most mistakes.

He checked the time. Lights out was soon. He should have been dreading it, but he just wanted to get on with this.

He'd weirded out Angus asking for a dress, but he'd spun a story about a favour he owed to one of the gays, and Angus had come through with a simple dress in a deep pink. Toby drew it out of the mattress hidey hole and laid it on his pillow. Not the red he'd wanted, but this could work. Sleeveless and simple and straight, long enough that he thought it would cover his ass, but not much more. The easy access was going to drive Keller wild.

Toby pulled his fingers back from the fabric, hating how his cock was stirring. Toby hadn't been this nervous about anything in a long time. At first he'd worried Keller would laugh, but he knew better than that. Toby was afraid he'd like this himself.

The biggest ask had been of O'Reily, who'd complained about how grossed out he was but he'd found what Toby wanted anyway.

Toby jumped at the clang as the lights went down. Showtime. Almost.

Last prize out of the mattress. He'd asked for stockings, but O'Reily had come back with pantyhose with an ugly white gusset and told him to shut up and take them. Good enough for Oz. He stripped off his shorts.

Toby remembered how Genevieve used to put them on: gather down to the toe, then she'd put her foot in and slide it up past her knee, repeat on the other side. Not so fucking easy in practise. Not so easy curled up on the top bunk in the dark.

"What are you doing up there?"

Toby froze, second foot in to the ankle. "What do you mean?"

"The way the bed's creaking, I'm worried you've started without me."

"No, I'm just... give me a minute."

He'd pulled them up but the right leg came further than the left and the crotch was twisted at mid-thigh. He reached down to his ankles and pinched the fabric and tugged it up, working from one leg to the other until his half-hard cock - more than half - was caught under the sheer tan pantyhose, balls bulging against the gusset. Toby stared down at his stockinged legs. They didn't look like Gen's, with all the dark curly hairs pressed flat to his shins, but they didn't look like his legs, either.

"You waiting for sunrise, Toby? Get yourself down here."

Toby took a breath, looked around to make sure no one nearby was watching too closely, quickly slipped the dress over his head and dropped to the floor before he could end up paralysed in his bed. There was enough light to watch Keller's eyes go wide as they swept from Toby's silken toes up his legs to the hem of the pink dress, barely covering his balls. If the pantyhose weren't pressing his cock to his belly, it would have been propping out the dress.

Keller was staring, mouth open, speechless.

Toby didn't know what to say to fill the silence.

"Look at you, you sexy fuck." Keller swung his legs over the side to sit up. "You did this for me?"


Keller's eyes glowed and he reached around, light fingers tracing up the sheer material from Toby's ankle, up his calf, the back of his knee - Toby shuddered - his thigh. And then he leaned in, and pressed his face to the bulge just inches above the hem of the dress. He rubbed his face all over it, like a cat marking its owner.

Toby had to be the bitch out there, but in here, he knew he had the power. Or at least a piece of it, when he wanted it. "You want my cock, Chris?"

"Fuck, yeah."

Toby reached down and lifted the front of the dress, and Keller's eyes followed it up, growling as Toby's cock was revealed. He wasn't disappointed at all by the white fabric crotch. He dragged his tongue from Toby's balls up the curve of his cock to the tip, the touch muffled and sharpened by the gusset and then the nylon between them. He slid forward, off the edge of the bunk onto his knees, kneeling before Toby to lick his cock all over, hands in constant motion over his thighs, down his calves, turning to run the backs of his fingers up Toby's shins.

Keller rubbed his cheek against the hose over Toby's cock, so sheer it didn't block the feel of his stubble, and Toby shuddered.

"Goddamn, Toby. Have you seen yourself?"

No, thank god.

Keller stood, pulling him by the hand to stand before the mirror, gripping his jaw when Toby turned away.

And Toby saw. "Oh."

The image in the mirror was a stranger. Smoky eyes and glossed lips, just-fucked hair. The cut of the sleeves gave those muscles definition, and the pink felt bold. It didn't look like a woman, but it didn't look like a man, either. It was something in between, something confident and... Toby glanced at Keller behind him, flushed and dark-eyed.


Keller's hand slid up the back of Toby's thigh, under the dress to his ass.

His hands slid forward, lifted up the front hem to show what it hid. "Look at that, Toby. Still all fucking man."

Yeah, he was. And he had all the power. He was the harem slave who could bring down an empire. Toby snuggled back into Keller's chest and turned his head to whisper in his ear. "Do you wanna fuck me, baby?" He wriggled his ass against Keller's cock.

"You know I do."

"Will you take care of me? Be gentle with me?"

Keller groaned. "I'll make it so good for you, Tobe." He pulled Toby around and backed him to the bunk, guiding him down onto his back. He tugged the dress down to its full length and traced a finger over Toby's thighs where it ended, just a couple of inches past his crotch, and then his fingers crept under, to tickle Toby's balls, and Toby's legs parted all on their own.

Keller's hands slid down Toby's legs to his ankles and lifted, tipping his feet all the way over his head and he crawled into the space he'd made on the mattress. He slid his hands up again, to Toby's crotch and tangled his fingers in the pantyhose somehow, and his muscles bunched as he tore them right down the seam of the gusset, and Toby couldn't stop the moan that rolled out of him, or the gasp as cool air rushed over his ass and balls.

Keller stared, mouth open in a little 'o'.

Toby's fingers found their own way down to play with the split seam, to where it ended at the base of his cock. He was scandalised by his own performance, but the shameless hunger of his audience was irresistible.

Keller leaned over him and lowered his hips until they could rub against each other, sharing a groan at the contact and the delicate barrier. Keller reached down to tuck his cock through the hole to lie against Toby's under the nylon. "Don't our cocks look pretty together?" He covered them with his hand and rubbed, gentle circles that took Toby's breath.

Minutes of floating in pleasure before Keller pulled away. "I got a little surprise for you, too." He reached past Toby's head, and when his fingers came back to Toby's crack they were slick with oil.


"A little theft from the kitchen."

Toby pushed out and two fingers slipped inside him easily, and Keller smiled, pleased. "You're so turned on, you're gonna take me easy tonight."

Toby wanted to argue but his bursting cock would have made him a liar, and the way his hips were twisting for more of those stroking fingers, Keller knew he had him. He played inside Toby's ass, smooth and easy with the luxury of oil, until Toby was on the edge of coming, and then he pulled away, shushing Toby's keen of protest. "It's okay, baby, you're going to get my cock. You're going to get every inch of it."

He wanted it. Every inch.

Toby thought it would be like last time but Keller guided him to roll over, onto his hands and knees. Dark memory slithered through Toby's gut and he pushed it away but it loomed, as Keller pulled down his dress to mostly cover his ass, told him he was pretty and sweet.

Keller's cock played a moment between Toby's cheeks and then it slipped right in, as slick and easy as Toby had ever filled Genevieve, like the space inside Toby was waiting for it.

Keller let out a growl of total satisfaction. "That's it, Toby. You're learning." He held still inside Toby as he rubbed his ass with both hands, over the dress and and then under it, sometimes reaching up as far as the waistline of the pantyhose, dancing his fingers along the edge and smoothing back down to massage Toby's ass around his cock.

It was Toby who finally arched his back to ask for more, tired of the stillness, wanting to feel Keller carve inside him. Keller knew just what he wanted: long and slow and deep, those hands never resting. Keller leaned over him to push the pillow under Toby's hips and with his weight he pressed him flat to the bed. It wasn't as deep from this angle but it was deep enough to push where Toby wanted it, and now Keller was fucking him with his whole body, from the solid chest pressed to Toby's back to their linked ankles, and now Toby's constrained cock rubbed the pillow.

It felt fucking good.

He didn't know if his was the most coveted ass in Oz but he knew Keller craved it, knew that Keller felt just as fucking good as he did right now,. That rash, terrified decision to trade himself over was the first good choice Toby had made since he got locked up. Probably in longer than that.

Toby arched his back to meet Keller's thrusts, gave it back as much as Keller was giving it to him, and he let it feel good. He forgot the hows and whys that put him here, the shame and everything else outside this pod and he just savoured Keller at his back and this really great fuck.

The sliding, the sweat, the fullness, the mindless needy sounds. The soul-restoring sense of being wanted. The humanising satisfaction of sharing touch and hunger with another person. The pure, cleansing joy of sharing a climax.

Keller had slid to the side, but the best he could manage in the narrow bunk still left his sweaty hip over Toby's, one solid leg anchored between Toby's legs. The heaving of their chests made the space seem smaller. Toby was sprawled in his own wet spot, but as long as Keller wasn't moving, neither was he.

If he stayed very, very still, maybe reality wouldn't return.

Reality crept in.

Toby took a breath, and prayed this wouldn't ruin the moment. "Chris?"

He felt Keller's huff of amusement before the mild reply. "You gonna tell me what's got you dressing up all pretty for me?"

Of course he'd seen through this from the start. Toby twisted out from under him, tugged the jizz-sodden pillow out and threw it on the floor, so they could lie facing each other.

"You have friends on the outside, right? Friends like you?"

"There's no one like me, baby."

Toby snorted. Smug jokes were better than anger at Toby for wanting quid pro quo.

"You mean big, scary, criminal friends?"


"I got a few. You want someone beat down?"

"No! No, definitely, no, nothing like that." God help him if he fell that far. "No, I was just hoping, maybe someone could just, look intimidating. Just look that way. Not do anything."

"Tell me what you want, Toby."

He'd practised ways to say this without sounding like an asshole. He wasn't sure he'd found one. "My wife. Genevieve. She came to visit last week. She told me she's taking my kids to San Diego. The other side of the fucking country."

Keller waited patiently.

"I just thought, maybe, you knew someone who could visit her. And suggest... politely suggest... that she should stay here."

Keller looked surprised for maybe the first time that Toby had seen. "You want someone to threaten your wife."

"No! Not threaten! Not threaten or touch, or-"

"You want someone who looks threatening. To visit your wife. And suggest."

Toby's skin felt too tight. "Yes."

Keller caressed Toby's thigh, up and down the smooth pantyhose. "I can take care of that for you, Toby." He leaned in and kissed Toby, right on the lips, and he whispered, "You're learning." And then he pulled Toby's leg up to hook over his waist, and went back to enjoying Toby's pantyhose.

This entry was originally posted at https://oz-magi.dreamwidth.org/241890.html.

by drsquidlove, m:fiction, y:magi 2017

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