Another Round, Everyone!

Oct 09, 2017 15:52

SURPRISE, it is that time already again! Please comment to this post if you are interested in participating in Oz Magi this year. Of course, you are not committing to anything by expressing interest.

This is NOT the sign-up post.

Things to keep in mind: if you make a request, you must also fulfill a request. As always, you may choose to fulfill a request without making one.

Additionally, if you dropped out of Magi without completing your assignment, or you neglected to acknowledge your gift, you are ineligible to make a Wish this year -- however, you are more than welcome to create and fill someone else's Wish. (& in doing so, regain eligibility to make a Wish during Magi '18.)

Fill requirements: minimums are kept deliberately low in order to encourage participation. There are no maximums: seriously, go crazy!Beecher.

Fiction: 500 words
Art: 3 icons or 1 larger graphic (wallpaper, banner, illustration).
Fanvids (1 minute+) and fanmixes (8 songs, cover art) are also welcome.
-- I'm completely open to allowing podfic, jlmk if & when you'd like the category added.

We will have another party in the dress factory, as well!

A preliminary schedule would look something like this:

Oct 16 - Oct 25 period to sign up and make Wishes
Oct 26 - Nov 01 period to submit Wish claims
Nov 04 - Dec 21 Wish creation period
Dec 22 - Dec 30 pinch hitting period
Jan 01 - Jan 07+ posting period
Jan 15-ish Wish creator reveals

Feel free to ask questions here; all comments will be screened for privacy & only you and I will be able to see your comment.

Also feel free to pimp this holiday exchange! <3

This entry was originally posted at Please comment wherever you wish!

a:admin, y:magi 2017

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