Oz Graffixation 2012

Feb 01, 2012 18:59

Yes, Oz Graffixation is here again! We were a roaring success last year, and we'll be bigger and better than ever this year. We're also giving writers and artists the opportunity to sign up at either oz_graffiti
or at Dreamwidth's Oz Graffiti.

How It Works

Basically, artists and writers sign up. Artists create a piece of artwork of any type. Sketches, manips, watercolors, whatever the artists wants. The only hard rule is, it has to be related to Oz.

The Rules:

1. Sign ups start February 1. Ends February 7th.
2. Artwork must be turned in by February 27th.
3. Artists will have three weeks to create a piece of artwork. It can be anything as long as we can host it where everyone can see it. Icons will not be allowed, they're really too small for this type of challenge.
4. Writers will be given a link to the artwork; they will then choose which three pieces of artwork they want to write a story for. Writers will only get one assignment, but this will make it easier for us to match artwork and writers.
5. Writers will write a story based on their assignment. Minimum word count: 1,000. Maximum: Anything as long as it is complete by the deadline.
6. Writers deadline March 29th
7. The first three pieces of artwork and their stories will be posted at both oz_graffiti and Dreamwidth's Oz Graffiti on April 2nd.

We must have a completed story by the deadline. No WIPs or first chapters, please.
Yes, you can sign up to be both an artist and a writer. You will not be allowed to write for your own artwork.

How To Sign UP!

Comment in THIS entry or at Dreamwidth with this information:

Artist, Writer or Both?
Type of artwork:

Dates to Know:

February 1-7 -- Sign ups for artists and writers

February 27th Artwork turned in to ozsaur

February 28th Writers will choose three pieces of arwork

March 2nd -- Writers get one piece of artwork to write for

March 29th -- Complete stories due!

April 2nd -- The first three pieces of artwork and their stories will be posted

April 3rd through 6th -- stories and artwork will be posted in twos or threes until done! Unless there are posting issues like last year's DNS attacks.

All types of artwork and stories are welcome as long as they are focused on OZ. Any character(s), rating, slash, het, gen, canon or AU. All media welcome, as long as I can find a way to host it.

Remember, you can sign up on both Livejournal or Dreamwidth. Everything will be posted to both communities.

I'm really looking forward to this year's Graffixation!


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