Graffixation Stories and Artwork #2

Apr 02, 2011 19:55

Apologies for editing the entry on the fly. It won't let me preview for some reason.

Artist: colleendetroit

From the Files of P. Taylor

“Pierce, are you coming to bed?” Desiree called.

“In a minute.” I wanted to review the file one more time. How could I have misjudged Tobias Beecher? I saw the lawyer, the man who approach a situation reasonably, could see the advantages in playing the game a certain way. I appealed to the father who didn’t want to pile any more hurt onto his children’s lives. In a last-ditch effort, I reached out to the prisoner who had been deprived a shot at freedom.

Now I see it was all part of a larger plan - one that had been underway since Keller went to Cedar Junction. Beecher was always the key to Keller’s freedom.

Title: On The Lam
Author: numenora
Characters/Pairing: Beecher/Keller
Rating: R
Warnings: Rough language, Unbetaed
Disclaimer: Oz Characters are not mine; they belong to Tom Fontana, etc.
Word-Count: 1675
Summary: Toby learns that Chris Keller’s false confession to killing Hank Schillinger is about to be uncovered. Fearing for Keller’s life if he returns to Oz, Toby hatches a plan to break him out of prison.

Toby paced. The tiny room was drab and unappealing. Well, Cedar Junction was an old prison; and, even if it wasn’t, he knew this space would never be cheery (or could be) for one moment. Gray concrete walls, scuffed floors no amount of buffing would make pretty, a lone wooden table and two chairs were all place the held.

Back and forwards, back and forwards Tobias Beecher continued to pace like a caged animal. Damn it, Toby, will you calm the fuck down! Chris Keller’s voice yelled in his head. This made him smile and calm somewhat.

It amazed Toby how Chris’ voice managed to replace his own as his subconscious and inner voices since Toby was paroled four months ago. A shrink would probably tell him that this was his way of keeping Keller close to him--a way of keeping himself from feeling so much guilt at benefiting from Chris’ sacrifice.

“Shrink, my ass,” he swore under his breath. Sister Pete would say this to him if he had told her about this phenomenon on one of his occasional visits to Oz. “Well, I won’t have to worry about that after today. This plan will work.” It has to!

Beecher stopped his pacing and soul-searching as the door to the interview room door opened. A huge C. O. came in followed closely by another slighter one (still large as men went) with a chained and shackled Chris Keller walking in between.

Toby’s heart stopped briefly as he laid eyes on the man he loved--the man he was about to give up everything for. A humongous grin wanted to break free, but, he schooled his features, donning the detached look of a lawyer about to meet his client.

“Sit yer sorry ass in this chair, Keller,” the first C. O. ordered.

“Suck my dick, Marsden,” Chris shot back as he sat down in the chair indicated. He’d spoken the words to the uniformed officer, but, his eyes were trained on Toby the whole time. Chris was thrilled inside, but, he was also upset and curious, too. He’d told Beecher to stay away, but, here he was. He looked damn good to Chris.

Neither of them spoke a word to the other as the guards worked swiftly to attach Chris Keller’s restraints to rings bolted to the table and floor. Then the C. O. Chris called Marsden stood with his arms folded near the door as the other one left.

“Excuse me--Marsden, is it? I will need to speak with my client alone. I want the blinds closed and any monitoring devices shut off. My conversations with Mr. Keller are privileged.” Toby stood behind the chair across from Chris.

“You’ll have your privacy for the most part, Mr. Beecher. No video or audio, but, I’m sorry--the blinds stay open,” the C. O. stated firmly before leaving.

Beecher tried to ignore the two men standing in the hall beyond the room’s only window. The hard-faced corrections officers stood watch as he sat down at the table, briefcase placed between Chris and himself.

“Beecher, what the hell are you doing here?” Chris asked hardly. “I told you not to come here. I don’t want you here, damn it.”

“Look, Chris, I don’t have time to argue with you. But, for the record, I never said I’d agree to that. I stayed away for four months, so get over it,” Toby all but hissed.

Chris smirked. He’d missed Toby the spitfire. So many cons in Oz had underestimated the man. “Why are you here in this hellhole, Tobe? And why the lawyer act?”

“I had to come and what I have to tell you is important. It’s for your ears only and I don’t want to be overheard.”

“So, tell me.”

“The police found Hank Schillinger’s body. O’Reily told me that Agent Taylor questioned Pancamo and Vern. It’s only a matter of time before they figure out you didn’t kill Hank and I’m guessing you’ll eventually be heading back to Oz.”

“What about you, Toby? You need to worry about yourself. Vern will probably turn his sights back on you.” Chris was really worried now.

“I’m not worried about me. I can’t let you go back there; you confessed and Schillinger will use this opportunity to kill you for what I had done to his son.” Toby leaned closer to Keller. “I can’t let that happen. I’m going back to Oz to talk with O’Reily and I’m going to see Sister Pete, too.”

“Not a good idea, Beecher. You need to stay far away from that place. Vern has to know Pancamo had no reason to whack Vern’s little whelp unless someone paid him to do it. And that someone was you.”

“I’ll be careful. I’ll get the full story and be back here soon.”

“Why, Tobe? You should be getting yourself and your kids safely away from Oz and Vern’s influence. Go someplace he can’t reach you.”

“I’m not leaving you to face him alone. I’m not leaving you, period. As soon as I get it worked out, I’m breaking you out of here.” Beecher said, his blue eyes intense and determined.

Chris leaned forward, “You’re crazy.”

“I’ve heard that before. You just be ready.” With that, Tobias Beecher stood up, closing his briefcase as he made to leave.

“Wait, Tobe…” Chris wanted to grab his arm, but, he was chained up nice and tight. “Are you sure you want to go down this path? What you’re planning’ is dangerous.”

“I know and I’m very sure.” Toby stood at the door, his face unobservable by the C. O.’s. “I love you.” Then he was gone.

“Time to go back to yer cage, Keller.” The slighter of the two C. O.’s unhooked Chris’ feet and hands from the floor and table while Marsden stood guard over the inmate, smirking. “You’ll be rotting right here, so tell that fancy lawyer of yours to save his breath.”

Chris had been prepared to do just that before Beecher’s visit. But, now he wasn’t so sure. Toby was going to bust him outta this place. He and Toby may die trying, but, what the hell. This may actually work. And, even if it didn’t, Chris was game.

FBI Headquarters, Upstate, New York

“As soon as Chris Keller is processed back into Oz, I want to question him. That killer to going to death row this time.” Special Agent Pierce Taylor said to one of his junior colleagues.

“But, he didn’t kill that Schillinger kid.” Special Agent Trent Bayless pointed out.

“I’m still not convinced of that. I’ll interrogate him about it; nevertheless, he is guilty of killing three other young men. And I mean to make him pay for them, starting with Bryce Tibbetts. After I talk to Keller, I want to interview that witness Jerry Heekin
once more.” Taylor was busy writing the whole time he spoke, his eyes going over Chris Keller’s FBI file.

“Look, Agent--I’m not so sure about this witness. He’s a three-time loser and there are major wholes in his account of what he saw,” the young man stated tentatively. He know how touchy the older agent was about this case. Many of their colleagues considered Taylor obsessed.

“No testimony is perfect. The guy saw Keller kill that young man. It’s been a while, but, I’ll get him there. Keller is going fry--mark my words.”

Bayless was about to comment again when Taylor’s phone began ringing. “Special Agent Taylor. What? When? Damn it! I’m on my way.”

“What’s wrong?” Agent Bayless nearly fell backwards as the other agent jumped up from his chair, startling the younger man.

“That was Warden Glynn.” Taylor’s face was livid.

“From Oz?”

“How many other Wardens named Glynn do you know? Yes, from Oz,” Taylor nearly yelled in exasperation. “The prisoner transport
sent to escort Keller back to Oswald arrived at Cedar Junction only to find he’d already left in another one. It and Keller have disappeared.”

“I’ll get a car and meet you outside.” Trent Bayless hurried out of the office.

“Beecher did this. Damn you, Keller. Damn you both to Hell!”

A Seedy Bar, Parts Unknown…

“Here’s your club soda, doll,” the bleach blonde waitress said to Toby (now known as Eddie Drake). “And a long, tall one for you, sugar.” She winked at Chris and left.

Chris smiled at the woman as she left, his eyes lingering on her backside. “Hey, Dennis--eyes over here,” ‘Eddie’ said to him, shaking his head.

“If you’re taking that tone, you can call me Mr. Knoll,” Chris shot back jokingly. Turning serious, he asked, “So, how long do we hang out here? I know you gotta be missing your kids.”

“I do miss them. It’s only been three months, but, it feels like forever. Kids change so quickly and I‘ve missed so much already before I left Oz.”

“You’ll see them soon,” Chris tried sounding convincing, but, he was far from it himself. Toby had given up so much for him.

“I don’t dare send for them for at least a year. My mother and father won’t like it much. The deal to buy that secluded estate on Grand Cayman is all but a done deal.”

“And Angus is cool with this?”

“My brother loves me. He wasn’t thrilled at first--hell, he’s not thrilled now. But, he doesn’t want anything to happen to me. He’ll contact me when everything is ready. Don’t worry.”

“I do worry, Eddie. I know everyone thinks we’re dead, but, that prick Taylor kept sniffing around your folks for months until your parents filed harassment charges against him. Guys like him never give up.”

“Maybe, but, there’s no extradition treaty between the US and the Cayman Islands. We’ll be safe there from Taylor and Vern.”

“Okay, baby. I’m with you a hundred percent.” Chris reached beneath the table and clasped Toby’s knee, his hand rubbing familiarly. “We’ve gone this far, Toby… we can’t stop now.”

The end? Fuck that!

graffixation_2011, artist: colleendetroit, media: manip

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