Books for Taiwan!

Feb 05, 2007 03:13

I am now starting to panic somewhat, as I have a midterm next week and will be leaving for Taiwan and have not thought about what to pack or anything, woe. Thank goodness I had the presence of mind to call the rat-sitter weeks ahead, so at least that bit is taken care of.

Anyway, forget the stress! Fun stuff! What books should I bring to Taiwan? Since rachelmanija is coming and will be reading some of these, her vote will be weighted.

Usually while travelling, I look for something that's brainless enough for me to read on the plane (past attempts to read all of Genji on the plane were successful but not so fun), but still interesting enough that I don't get bored midway. And since I probably shouldn't chuck books across an airplane, non-sporky would be good as well. But it should also be something I wouldn't regret leaving behind in Taiwan if need be.

Also, please warn me if something is too depressing! Last vacation, I brought Slammerkin to read and suffered nightmares as it is possibly the most depressing book I have ever read.

Oh! And please make comments on your choices! I don't know much on any of the choices below. (rachelmanija, have you already decided what you're bringing?)

Poll Books for Taiwan!

Huh. Apparently my brain thinks pop science is the book equivalent of popcorn.


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