I think Sanzo was largely in shock about Goku's sudden and apparent death--and the person who did it. I think it's a really good window into exactly just how much Sanzo actually cares about Goku--which is important, considering how much he likes to pretend that he doesn't
( ... )
I'm still trying to come to terms with Sanzo in that bit. I think I really experienced a loss of faith in his character when I first read/saw what happened. And I just feel like he's sort of regressing, you know? Like, in his Burial chapter, he broke my heart when he raised his head to look at the Sansbutshin...his eyes were just so dead and blank and I wanted to give him a hug or something. I mean, I sort of understand his reaction, his brain shutting off, as you say, and that sort of breaks my heart too, but gah. He's always been so strong, and now....
*sigh* Little baby. Seriously. He needs a hug machine or something.
Well, I wouldn't say I was disappointed in him, per se. I just feel like...I didn't know his character as well as I thought I did. Granted, I never really imagined the scenario of Goku being, uh, keeled, but still. I think I definitely didn't expect him to run away. Maybe sitting there in a stupor until Gojyo smacked him or something, but never running away.
The one thing I keep thinking is, "How can he come back?" I mean, Gojyo obviously sees it as Sanzo being an unforgivable bastard. I'm not sure about Hakkai, but he has a tendency to accept Sanzo's antics more than Gojyo, so maybe he thinks Sanzo's a forgivable bastard. And Goku....I don't know. It was just such a betrayal to the ikkou.
On a slightly unrelated note, this was the first raw I saw of the Even a Worm arc. Traumatized me beyond belief. I think it might have made me cry. XD
I hope you don't mind me commenting out of the blue...It's a bit like going to talk to someone you've never met before, right? (whoo...scary, wouldn't personally dare to do that). I tend to lurk around, nice to meet you. Anyway, just wanted to say that I'm also a fan of Saiyuki. Sadly I don't really have anyone to talk about it with, thought I'm working on that, which is I'm pestering you now. I've always thought that my reactions while reading it are quite silly (such as, jumping up and down because I'm so excited after having read one chapter...cough). After reading the beginning of this (then I decided not to spoil myself, since I only just bought volume 5 of reload)...well, I'm glad to see I'm not alone. :)
Not at all! It's always fun to find new Saiyuki fans!
I haven't gotten many new chapters lately, so I'm short on the squee, but I'm sure it will start up again once more Reload is released in the States and Gaiden gets translated!
I'm still trying to figure out this whole LJ thing so please bear with me. It's been what, 10 months since anyone's posted on this and I'm not even sure if someone will with this one.
Goku's always been the one person/thing that Sanzo could count on not having to look after (from Requiem) I suppose Goku pretty much dead was all it took to put Sanzo over the top.
Also, instead of reviving two apparently dead topics ^-^, International Saiyuki Week is in March? Is that an official holiday for us fans or a brilliantly made-up idea?
^-^ I'd also like to ask you if anyone's heard news of Minekura and her medical issue? I haven't been able to find anything.
Hi! I get comments via email, so I'll see them no matter how old an entry is.
I cannot wait until v. 8 comes out in English! I have the Japanese ed. on my shelf but I haven't read it yet because Saiyuki-level Japanese takes quite a bit of my concentration.
Intl. Saiyuki Week was sort of random -- I think several people on coffeeandink's flist had posted on Saiyuki in a week, and she mentioned it. Then rachelmanija jokingly posted that it was Intl. Saiyuki Week and people should chnage their icons and post on Saiyuki, and people actually did!
^-^ well it's just that no one's been on that particular topic in awhile.
v.v June's apparently the release date on amazon.com so we've got awhile yet. You're lucky you understand as much as you do already. I can't read a word.. or a character of it. Where does Vol 8 end in the anime? Just with Sanzo taking off with the fairy or is it after that?
Should I spread it around or is it kind of an inside joke? I wonder what the party hats should look like.
Comments 13
I'm still trying to come to terms with Sanzo in that bit. I think I really experienced a loss of faith in his character when I first read/saw what happened. And I just feel like he's sort of regressing, you know? Like, in his Burial chapter, he broke my heart when he raised his head to look at the Sansbutshin...his eyes were just so dead and blank and I wanted to give him a hug or something. I mean, I sort of understand his reaction, his brain shutting off, as you say, and that sort of breaks my heart too, but gah. He's always been so strong, and now....
*sigh* Little baby. Seriously. He needs a hug machine or something.
The one thing I keep thinking is, "How can he come back?" I mean, Gojyo obviously sees it as Sanzo being an unforgivable bastard. I'm not sure about Hakkai, but he has a tendency to accept Sanzo's antics more than Gojyo, so maybe he thinks Sanzo's a forgivable bastard. And Goku....I don't know. It was just such a betrayal to the ikkou.
On a slightly unrelated note, this was the first raw I saw of the Even a Worm arc. Traumatized me beyond belief. I think it might have made me cry. XD
I haven't gotten many new chapters lately, so I'm short on the squee, but I'm sure it will start up again once more Reload is released in the States and Gaiden gets translated!
Goku's always been the one person/thing that Sanzo could count on not having to look after (from Requiem) I suppose Goku pretty much dead was all it took to put Sanzo over the top.
Also, instead of reviving two apparently dead topics ^-^, International Saiyuki Week is in March? Is that an official holiday for us fans or a brilliantly made-up idea?
^-^ I'd also like to ask you if anyone's heard news of Minekura and her medical issue? I haven't been able to find anything.
I cannot wait until v. 8 comes out in English! I have the Japanese ed. on my shelf but I haven't read it yet because Saiyuki-level Japanese takes quite a bit of my concentration.
Intl. Saiyuki Week was sort of random -- I think several people on coffeeandink's flist had posted on Saiyuki in a week, and she mentioned it. Then rachelmanija jokingly posted that it was Intl. Saiyuki Week and people should chnage their icons and post on Saiyuki, and people actually did!
v.v June's apparently the release date on amazon.com so we've got awhile yet.
You're lucky you understand as much as you do already. I can't read a word.. or a character of it. Where does Vol 8 end in the anime? Just with Sanzo taking off with the fairy or is it after that?
Should I spread it around or is it kind of an inside joke? I wonder what the party hats should look like.
I don't think anyone would mind if you spread it around!
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