Thesis, again

Apr 17, 2003 17:21

Well, the intro has now been edited. I should write the conclusion today, as well as extensively edit chapter one. And think of a title. I'm so bad at thinking of titles... for me, a passable title would be: Chapter One - Scholarship on Shojo Manga ( Read more... )

thesis hell

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Comments 10

hecatehatesthat April 17 2003, 15:51:15 UTC
Back in my growling at NJ mode because the weather just changed from an extremely sunny 78 degrees to a very cold and windy 40 some (Er, hecatehatesthat, meant the upper east coast?

It's today from Maryland northwards along the coast, I hear. Definitely chilly here, though I'm surprisingly not freezing after getting used to the heat the past couple days. Ah, the roller coaster of spring on the east coast.

And thanks for the icon, btw, it's purdy. Just like NJ. ;)

rereading His Dark Materials. I'm so mad; just remembered I gave mine to my sister so I could buy a new set. Except I haven't bought it yet! I'm so stupid.Buy the british editions! Buy the british editions! They were recently released in the US by Trade Paperback, I believe, and they have extra goodies at the beginnings of the chapters, illustrations by Pilip Pullman and more quotes he selected from poems and stuff. I already have the whole trilogy in hardcover and paperback, but I'm dying to get my hands on the british editions too. The have pretty constellation- ( ... )


oyceter April 17 2003, 16:55:27 UTC

Are they the really pretty ones in white? I've got that on my wishlist on Amazon... oooo spending money. Doh. Really must cash my paychecks soon.

And gotcha on east coast stuff. I have a really fuzzy map of the entire US in my head... I was surprised to find that Bostom and RI were to the north of Jersey when I first moved here -_-;;.

Glad you like the icon!


hecatehatesthat April 17 2003, 17:24:49 UTC
Are they the really pretty ones in white?

Uh, the look like this, not sure whether they're what you're talking about, but I don't think I've seen any in white, so maybe that's the binding and back cover? ::shrug::

I have a really fuzzy map of the entire US in my head... I was surprised to find that Bostom and RI were to the north of Jersey when I first moved here

!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I mean, okay, nobody really knows where RI is, even I had only a vague idea until I actually moved here, and discovered that it takes as longer to get here than to the schools of my friends is upstate NY... but BOSTON?! (and shut up, I realize RI is right next to Boston, you didn't know either.) Where did you think it was? Between Philly and DC? Boston is the city of New England. You think they had the Boston Tea Party in a nice warm area? Where do you think the Puritan found all those sticks to shove up their asses?

I mock you, man, I mock you with my NJ monkey pants!

Of course, since I still can't tell the difference between New Hampshire and ( ... )


oyceter April 17 2003, 19:29:17 UTC
About HDM: Yup! I guess they must have white spines or something... They're quite purty.

You think they had the Boston Tea Party in a nice warm area? Where do you think the Puritan found all those sticks to shove up their asses?

I mock you, man, I mock you with my NJ monkey pants!

ROFLMAO! Seriously! You had me going on with giggles for about a good half hour or so!

I have no idea what I was thinking ^_^. I kind of know the general shape of Masachussetts and that it's up there with all the other states like New York, but then, I thought New York was waaaay up north. And hey, grew up in Taiwan, the lovely subtropical island (which, for some reason, the US post office thinks is in Thailand)... NJ was about as cold as I could imagine it, believe it or not!

*giggles some more*

*stops typing because giggling too hard*

NJ monkey pants! BWAH!!


scrollgirl April 17 2003, 20:35:39 UTC
Ooh, I like your fun-stuff-to-do list. I haven't thought further than sleep=nice. Agree about the weather being nuts, it's downright schizophrenic.

And hey! Apparently I've got the British editions of "His Dark Materials"! Who knew? I haven't even cracked the spine yet (figuratively, not literally) but will do so once I finish school. Looking forward to it, hearing rave reviews everywhere :)


oyceter April 17 2003, 22:27:58 UTC
The weather is extremely mood swingy, it seems. BTW, loved just seeing temperature in Celsius in your post. I still can't manage to think in Farenheit, although I can do feet/inches. It's strange.

Wow you haven't read them yet? No time, I guess. But they're excellent reads, most definitely! (adding to the rave reviews here)


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