Title: Something New
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Pairing: Janto (Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones)
Length: 2,788 words
Status: Complete
Rating: 15 for mildish violence and cursing.
Warning: Spoilers for 03x13 of Doctor Who, 02x01 of Torchwood.
[The year that happened and the year that did but Jack sometimes wished it hadn't] )
Comments 5
“Yes, sir,” he said and obediently sat in the chair directly beside Jack, looking at him expectantly.
That line hit me really hard, for some reason. I can totally imagine that as Ianto's reaction to the demise of their relationship, cold obedience without the desire. It's a bit terrifying.
Marvelous work, as always, dear.
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