Icon border brushes

Jan 03, 2004 20:59

I know I'm supposed to be writing my Blow it With Feeling story right now, but I've actually made good progress on it, despite a day full of interruptions. So I've let myself play for a few minutes, trying out some new tricks. lil_lj has got me making brushes for Photoshop, thanks to her tutorials on SVart, and I love dtissagirl's icon sized brushes so much I thought I'd make some myself. So that's one new trick. The other is zipping a file and uploading it - never done that before. I'm feeling so proud of my accomplishments, tiny though they are.

Anyway, the brushes are here - 9 icon borders for Photoshop 7. Just right click and save target as. I'd really appreciate any comments or suggestions from anyone who tries them, as to which work well, which don't, if they're useful at all or not.

In other exciting news (well, it is to me) apparently my broadband modem will be arriving before Monday. Huh?! I don't think Parcelforce deliver on a Sunday! But Monday's good. And then I can give AOL a two-fingered goodbye salute!

Plus I can finally screencap DVD's! Though the first batch I made, from X-Men 2, which I was going to zip and share if anyone wanted them, are 1.65MB each! Oops, need to make them a bit smaller....

ETA: More brushes here and here.
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