Porn Battle XV (The Ides of Porn) - Entries

Feb 02, 2014 15:05

Porn Battle XV (The Ides of Porn) IS ON

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Comfort - Common Law, Travis Marks/Wes Mitchell, awakening, escalation, shower nevcolleil February 15 2014, 17:59:56 UTC
After things have gone bad, Wes won't want to admit it, but there's really one thing that got him through the aftermath of his divorce with Alex.

Wes wouldn't turn to drink to solve his problems - that could have impacted his performance on duty, and Wes's too professional for that.

He's also way too OCD for one-night stands, so - in Travis's mind - that left only one recourse.

Travis even went out of his way to make it happen. Waking up extra early to barge into Wes's place before Wes was sure to be out of bed; turning down hot dates to drop in on Wes when Wes was sure to be in the middle of a shower. (Dude's day, outside the precinct, runs like clockwork.)

That was before Alex took the house, so Travis could pick Wes's lock and help himself. Throw back Wes's covers and wake Wes up with Travis's mouth wrapped around his partner's morning wood. Strip down and step into the shower while Wes's eyes were squinched shut and his head was covered in shampoo foam.

"Wha- Travis! What did I tell you after the lamp incident!" Wes might ( ... )


Re: Comfort - Common Law, Travis Marks/Wes Mitchell, awakening, escalation, shower daria234 February 15 2014, 19:09:14 UTC
I love this!! It's so hot, and I love that Wes later does the same for Travis when he needs it. And lolol about the lamp incident - of course Travis doesn't worry about a little thing like almost getting shot.

LOVE these lines too:
It wasn't about romance. No way did Travis hate himself enough to go and fall for Wes while Wes was still in love with his ex-wife.

It was about comfort. It was about being a good friend; a partner - in every sense of the word.

Okay, and it was about the incredible orgasms. Travis will never say this, but there's something to be said for sex with someone with the obsessive compulsion to be perfect and thorough.


Re: Comfort - Common Law, Travis Marks/Wes Mitchell, awakening, escalation, shower nevcolleil February 15 2014, 22:09:09 UTC
Thank you for the nice feedback! :) I'm so glad this works for you. It was fun to write.


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