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Comments 22

sying November 15 2012, 21:41:33 UTC
It made me happy too! After so little Casey & Severide scenes in the last few episodes, I was delighted with the ones we got this week. And lord, the scene with Shay being his wingman was awesome - funny, awkward and kind of sweet all at once.

Severide recognising Casey's mood from his walk!
Not only that, but he looked so pleased as well! I loved his concern as well; the offer of the boxing place and then when Casey didn't come back with the rest of the men and he went to talk to Boden. I was like this: ♥____♥

Oh and bonus love for Otis. For being Otis.


oxoniensis November 15 2012, 22:20:14 UTC
Damn, LJ is withholding my email comments! Just when I need some serious squeeing!

I was so relieved to get some Casey and Severide time - it's been so sparse after the glories of the pilot.

then when Casey didn't come back with the rest of the men and he went to talk to Boden. I was like this: ♥____♥

I'd forgotten that! How could I forget that!! Clearly I need a rewatch!!

I love that the other guys are all fully rounded out characters. Cruz and Peter Mills wanting to go and take the fight to Voight was great - terribly misguided, and I'm glad the other guys were more sensible, but I love the feel of them all being family.

The graffiti thing was hilarious too.

I want to try to write a little Severide and Shay and Casey piece, just some gen banter or something, maybe with Elise and Peter too. Gah, I want to write all the fic, but there's just not enough time!! And my Severide protecting Casey fic has been jossed - I could just write it as an AU, I suppose, but I can't quite work where out it's going.


sying November 15 2012, 23:27:33 UTC
I'd forgotten that!
He wanted to keep an eye on him and not have him be out there on his own without his head on straight! Bless.

I love that the other guys are all fully rounded out characters. Cruz and Peter Mills wanting to go and take the fight to Voight was great - terribly misguided, and I'm glad the other guys were more sensible, but I love the feel of them all being family.
Yes, this. I love the characters and the group dynamic is what really works for me. It's one of the many things I love so much about GK and CF has that sort of feel as well.

"Why aren't you asking me?"
"Because we're not talking about toilet-papering Voight's house, O!"
Still laughing about it.

The short time in between is really annoying re: fic! I'd love that fic, gen or otherwise, I already know.

And my Severide protecting Casey fic has been jossed - I could just write it as an AU, I suppose, but I can't quite work where out it's going.
Argh, bummer! :(


oxoniensis November 15 2012, 23:33:16 UTC
I just did a partial rewatch (I know, I can't help it!), and it was even more obvious this time, Severide waiting for Casey's truck to come back in after the shooting call out, worried the second he couldn't see Casey.

I love a good group dynamic, and yes, GK has it in spades, and Chicago Fire are going for that too, and succeeding. I just hope they've had enough time to really think about the second half of the season - it must be hard getting a late call for more episodes!

I hope your jobs are coming along fast and you can get some writing time in!


fabrisse November 15 2012, 22:07:25 UTC
Thania St. John! She used to write for VR.5 which is one of my favorite series of all time. It's wonderful to know she's still working.


oxoniensis November 15 2012, 22:21:11 UTC
I looked her up, and she wrote on Buffy and Eureka too, so she's got quite a pedigree.


cjmarlowe November 15 2012, 23:49:23 UTC
I KNOW, RIGHT? I just want all the Severide/Casey. ALL OF IT.

And I was totally waiting for them to follow through with the kid on the bike. They must be setting something up.


oxoniensis November 15 2012, 23:58:04 UTC
I am craving Severide/Casey SO badly! I need everyone to be writing it for me! And yet I'd love to see Severide/Elise on the show, because she seems nice, and there's definitely chemistry there. Though I'd laugh if she came onto Shay, thinking Shay was interested in her!

The kid on the bike has to be a set up for something else. Perhaps he started it, though a kid that young doing something like that is pretty horrific.


cjmarlowe November 16 2012, 00:01:36 UTC
Canon-wise I would be totally into Severide/Elise too, man. Though actually, I would LOVE, I MEAN LOVE it if they went for Shay/Elise. Seriously.


oxoniensis November 16 2012, 00:35:16 UTC
I was sorry Elise wasn't in this episode. I'd like to see more of her.

If Leslie and Elise did hook up, Leslie would have some major making-up to do with Kelly! ;-) But yes, once he'd got over his hurt feelings, that would be awesome. Basically, I'm happy either way!


x_tremelylost November 16 2012, 15:52:11 UTC
I was waiting for you to watch the episode and comment!!!! I feel lonely in all my happiness for the show, and I take back the no slash vibe!!!!
I love the episode and Severide kind of watching out for Casey!.
Well I loved a lot of things. It is so great to read your reactions!


oxoniensis November 16 2012, 18:50:30 UTC
I think people are gradually cottoning onto the show - hopefully the fandom will start to take off soon! I've got a couple of people watching it already, so maybe if I keep going on about it, I'll drag a few more in! *g*

I take back the no slash vibe!!!!

This last episode was a good one for those of us who like the idea of Casey and Severide!


duckondebut November 19 2012, 14:04:47 UTC
It was awesome seeing Severide look out for Casey even when Casey was all wrapped up in himself, his issues, his anger. It makes me wonder about the kind of relationship they might've had before Darden's death. I mean, the guy can read Casey's body language from over ten metres away. ♥

Another favourite moment was the rear-view mirror shot of Casey trying to pull himself together after confronting Voight. It's such a nice touch.

So, the kid on the bicycle - a red herring? Something that will crop up later?

It's probably a sign that I've been watching Supernatural for too long, but my first thought was that the Chief was hallucinating the kid. It doesn't make any sense and CF doesn't seem like the kind of show that'd go that route, but there you go ( ... )


oxoniensis November 19 2012, 22:40:17 UTC
We caught such a tiny glimpse of Severide and Casey's prior friendship in the pilot, but that teaser was enough to know I'd love to seem them return to that level of easy affection and respect.

Another favourite moment was the rear-view mirror shot of Casey trying to pull himself together after confronting Voight. It's such a nice touch.

I had to take another look (such a hardship! *g*) to remember that. Yes, nice moment.

The kid on the bicycle was just weird - I suppose it's possible that he had a larger part originally, and it got cut, but then I would have thought they'd cut the entire part, not just some of it. I can only assume that he'll appear again.

Otis is priceless. And I'm getting fonder and fonder of Mouch too.

I'm very glad there are more people finding the show - it's always a bit sad feeling in a vacuum when you're really enjoying something!


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