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Comments 15

ionaonie November 13 2012, 00:32:47 UTC
YES! Amazing and awesome. And I love it.

This makes me so happy. The boys together and happy.

Although, I think my favourite moment was Shay and Kelly talking and Kelly kissing her on the cheek. I'm kind of loving their relationship on the show. I think it might be my favourite.


oxoniensis November 13 2012, 00:41:27 UTC
Thank you! It's stupidly schmoopy but that's what I was craving!

Shay and Severide are great on the show. I love this sibling vibe they have. I'm hoping there'll be a lot more fics with the two of them.


ionaonie November 15 2012, 01:01:37 UTC
Stupidly schmoopy is my favourite thing. Totally my kryptonite.

I hope there is more of everything with these two because their vibe is a wonderful thing and just too cute.

And don't think I didn't squee when I saw your icon *g*


oxoniensis November 15 2012, 19:18:18 UTC
What I really, really crave for this pairing is long, plotty, oodles of misunderstandings and UST and snark and bitterness, and eventual schmoop!

Your icon is the cutest thing! As for that one with Severide and Shay, you're very welcome to use it if you like.


x_tremelylost November 13 2012, 02:55:05 UTC
You are so good! I see the show, and I can´t feel the slash vibe between them, then I read your fic, and I can´t but just see them together always!
I love the pace of your fic, it is kind of soothing, I like that!


oxoniensis November 13 2012, 13:05:02 UTC
The slash vibe hasn't really been there since the pilot - basically because they've had hardly any interaction since then, sadly! I'm hoping we'll get more between them soon. But I can certainly see Severide being hung up on Casey - that fits so much of the way he acts.

I'm so glad you liked the pacing - it's sort of half character study/vignettes, half first-time story, and I wasn't sure if it worked at all!


(The comment has been removed)

oxoniensis November 13 2012, 13:39:01 UTC
That's guys for you! *g*

I'd love to see them working together on the show more - I love the dynamic they had at the very start of the pilot, before Darden died.


snoozin81 November 13 2012, 17:37:28 UTC
I'm so glad you're writing Chicago Fire fic because there's not nearly enough of it. You've nailed the awkward chemistry between Casey and Kelley. I don't even know if the writers of the show realize what they have there or not but it's definitely palpable. Both this and the previous fic you wrote are spot on and so enjoyable to read that I do hope you continue to write this pairing.


oxoniensis November 13 2012, 20:39:14 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm loving writing these two - right now, it's all I want to read or write - so I'm really glad this worked for you!

I hope the producers of the show do have some idea of the potential chemistry between the two of them, even if they just play with it a little.


pallada8888 November 23 2012, 20:56:07 UTC
This is an awesome, awesome story! And so well-written that even if I didn't notice the slash vibe between them in the Pilot (and I did...esp. coming from Kelly), I would have definitely done so after reading your fic.
Pretty please, write more and soon for this pairing! Though, there's not much interaction between the two Lieutenants on the show right now, but I guess ep.06 may give you enough inspiration for another story? I mean, I've noticed Kelly's longing glances again, and he was concerned about not being able to keep an eye on Casey 24/7. And the whole rescue operation was too close a call! I am sure Severide was scared as hell that he might have lost Casey if his shoulder decided to give up at the wrong moment...Sorry, I'm rambling :)) Thank you again!


oxoniensis November 25 2012, 11:48:28 UTC
Wow, what a wonderful comment - thank you!

I definitely want to keep on writing this pairing - I've loved them since the pilot! And yes, the rescue in ep 106 was inspiring - I've got all sorts of vague ideas running around in my head - I just need to find the time to write them!

I am sure Severide was scared as hell that he might have lost Casey if his shoulder decided to give up at the wrong moment.

I was hoping that would work as a wake up call for him, make him see he just has to do something about his injury. But he's still in denial!

Sorry, I'm rambling

I love chatting about this show!


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