Porn Battle XIII (Lucky Thirteen) - Entries

Feb 05, 2012 16:30

Porn Battle XIII (Lucky Thirteen) IS ON

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Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass lyssie February 12 2012, 23:28:17 UTC
She shouldn't be here. Joss Carter has her eyes open wide (closing them would be pointless), and her hands pressed flat against the wall behind her. The man on his knees before her is as good with his mouth as he is with his hands, and a part of her hates him (and herself) for how easy it is. That sharp, sweet slide from (I'm a good cop) to biting her lip in an effort to stay quiet.

"Detective Carter," he'd said.

"I don't owe you a thing." She'd flashed the words back at him, as though he'd asked for something. Even though it niggled at her, a little. She did owe him--a life for a life.

"There's no ledger here--" he'd said dryly. and that muscle in his cheek had twitched. As though there had been ledgers before. One more piece slotted into the puzzle, and Joss Carter knew she was getting closer to the truths surrounding this man.

She'd betrayed him, but she'd been following her own code. He seemed to get that, even before this moment. They had different moral compasses, and hers meant that bad men were put away, no matter what. ( ... )


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass ariadnes_string February 13 2012, 04:23:52 UTC
so much love for this!


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass lyssie February 16 2012, 04:22:21 UTC
Thank you! (I find the thought of them really hot, and couldn't resist trying to write them) =D


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass divinejoker February 14 2012, 07:47:26 UTC
*bites lips together in glee* I don't think you could quite understand the joy in my soul when I saw that YOU had written this!



Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass lyssie February 16 2012, 04:23:25 UTC

That is a wonderful compliment. Thank you! =D


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass triciabyrne1978 February 15 2012, 01:30:38 UTC
I don't think I've told you lately how much I absolutely LOVE you!


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass lyssie February 16 2012, 04:22:55 UTC

Thank you, and backatcha! =D


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass lizardbeth_j February 16 2012, 06:56:07 UTC
ah, glad you linked to this since I haven't gotten around to the indexes yet.

HOT! unf.

(and also hee, I love how fandom has decided that not only MUST Reese be cuffed for sex but he's also Houdini and will get out of them anyway. lol)


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass lyssie February 17 2012, 03:21:56 UTC
I feel certain that he's done so in canon, at least once. But perhaps not (it seems like a skill he ought to have, being a master spy/assassin type).

Thank you!


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass rose_griffes February 16 2012, 22:52:41 UTC
How to get me to sort of ship Carter/Reese:
1. make it Carter's POV (and Carter in charge)
2. acknowledge that this is a BAD IDEA.

Also, guh.

you should link it to wegetcarter


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass lyssie February 17 2012, 03:24:14 UTC
1. I tried it the other way and found it didn't work. Besides, my goal is to write Carter fic (porny or otherwise).

2. That would be hard not to do. It is a VERY bad idea. All those things like law and order and rules, and she's sort of just forgetting them. For a little while.

(I should, eek)


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass blacktop50 February 22 2012, 17:06:26 UTC
Somehow, the way Reese uses her title -- twice -- is just so damn sexy here. The contrast between how Carter presents herself in public and who she is in this private moment amps up the erotic. Great work, great writing.

And yes, Reese did get out of handcuffs in that episode "The Fixer" with mystery woman Zoe Morgan.


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass lyssie February 24 2012, 00:10:02 UTC
Thank you! One of the things that's always stuck with me is her telling Fusco her first name is Detective, and I tend to think of it as who she is (on the job), and letting Reese use it sort of is a goad (on his part).

Which I'm not entirely sure makes sense, but. *shrug*

Thank you, again. =D


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass dizilla February 23 2012, 01:00:45 UTC
Mmm, love it! Love that she puts him on his knees, cause that's a damn hot image. Nicely done!


Re: Damned If She Do - Person of Interest, John Reese/Detective Joss Carter, moral compass lyssie February 24 2012, 00:11:12 UTC
Thank you! (I have such a thing for dudes on their knees--especially the morally complicated ones)


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