Porn Battle XI (Eleven Days of Porn) - Entries

Jan 23, 2011 18:42

Porn Battle XI (Eleven Days of Porn) IS ON

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Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay kindness_says January 30 2011, 19:01:50 UTC
"So. You have kind of a thing for leather, don't you?" she observes, after they have sex that night. They're lying in her bed facing one another, and she's propped up on one arm watching him. And sliding a foot up his calf, though you wouldn't know it from her expression. She's quite the multitasking little minx.

She's also still wearing the jacket - open - and nothing else. Shawn closes his eyes for a minute and thinks, Jesus, if he ever gets sick of this psychic detective racket, the next step will be directing porn. No - adult cinema. High-quality adult cinema. An epic series. Where all the girls are blonde and badass and they wear nothing but Top Gun jackets ( ... )


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay shimmeryshine January 30 2011, 19:15:34 UTC
Oh my god this is perfect, I love it.


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay kindness_says January 30 2011, 20:10:47 UTC
Eeeee, thanks!! I normally wuss out of, anything (especially TV-fic), so it was very gratifying to get this speedy happy comment. XD

Also, I feel sort of bad, because I feel like whoever submitted the prompt was probably hoping for something pornier and/or more Top-Gun-ful.


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay miasedai March 17 2011, 15:42:28 UTC
HI! I'm totally late to the party (I was bored and decided to look for porn. As I do) but this! Gosh, THIS! *dies* I think I love you.

ETA: I probably should've made this its own comment and not hi-jacked someone else's thread, but sometimes my brain breaks. What can you do?


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay kindness_says March 17 2011, 20:17:34 UTC
Hahahaha. Hi there, dear. Thanks!! <3

I've written one other thing of them, that you maybe saw pop up on a couple weeks ago, but it's not porny. It's on my masterlist, though, if you want to read more Shawn/Jules. =) Also, more prompts are always in demand! I think I'd write Shawn and Jules ALL THE TIME if I had ideas. XD


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay rise_your_dead February 1 2011, 00:43:13 UTC
*DIES* they are SO ADORABLE in this! I love your Shawn voice!


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay kindness_says February 1 2011, 01:11:24 UTC
Heeeee, thank you!! <3

P.S. I got totally distracted by receiving this comment, because I clicked on your journal to see if you had written Psych fic and got sidetracked to comment_fic. x_x;

Also, you like the canon Little Women pairings!!!!!! <3


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay rise_your_dead February 1 2011, 01:55:36 UTC
Welcome!! <3

Yay! I'm always happy leading people over to comment_fic. I've written some Shawn/Gus, some Jules/Shawn, some Lassie/Jules and one Lassie/Jules/Shawn piece, and they're up on the Psych section of my AO3 account :).

OMG SOMEONE ELSE WHO DOES TOO! I'm writing Jo/Friedrich piece for later in the battle!


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay kindness_says February 1 2011, 02:00:25 UTC


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay rise_your_dead February 1 2011, 02:54:36 UTC
With any luck, I should be posting it on Wednesday! <3 Thank you!!!


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay lettersandsodas February 1 2011, 17:06:21 UTC
You are my favorite! I am the original prompter, so I can assure you that I totally was not hoping for something pornier or more Top-Gunny. In fact, I posted the prompt fully expecting to have to fill this incredibly odd fic craving of mine myself (I even started writing something, which I have not done in ages) because I thought there was no way anyone else was as tempted as I to write something like this. But you did! And it was amazing! Your Shawn is so funny and so very, very in character. And they're sweet together. And this is exactly as porny as it should be for a goofy fandom like Psych. Thank you so much!


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay kindness_says February 1 2011, 18:09:27 UTC
Hahaha, you're welcome! And HOORAY! I was like, "I-I...really should watch Top Gun, shouldn't I?" but I didn't have time, and I didn't really want to, and, anyway, when I tried to imagine them + this particular brand of bedroom roleplay, I kept picturing Juliet cracking up and Shawn being like, "... =|" and - well, I won't go on, because that's a whole 'nother scene that's in my head and maybe will get written one day!! <3 But, yeah. Additionally - I was at the tail end of a slow Psych rewatch (that ended today, in fact), and Porn Battle/this prompt came at almost the exact right time for me to rewatch Academy! Which, of course, is whence this comes, and Shawn does that thing where he inhales the jacket, and Jules is like, "..." and here we are today ( ... )


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay lettersandsodas February 1 2011, 20:22:38 UTC
Hah. I'm glad you're pleased. I just watched Academy as well, hence the prompt. You should definitely write more Psych fic, fears about getting something you love wrong aside. Your character voices are very good.

It's an odd fic craving for me for several reasons:
1) I am actually not a Shules shipper, though I do enjoy them together.
2) Psych is always kind of weird for porn, right? I mean, it's hard to write serious porn about this show (hence my assertion that you struck a very nice balance).
3. I'm primarily a femslasher.

As for Top Gun, I refused to watch the whole thing again (haven't seen it for years), but I may have rewatched a few scenes for the sake of accurate roleplay :)


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay kindness_says February 1 2011, 20:37:43 UTC
1) Oh, I thought that might be what you meant. I thought I'd throw that out there anyway, though, before you gave me too much credit. =) Do you ship something else in Psych? Or is it just not a very shippy show for you, since it's kind of...locked and loaded ( ... )


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay lettersandsodas February 1 2011, 22:31:33 UTC
1) Hmm. I love the Shawn/Gus friendship, but I don't see it as sexual. I liked Shabigail and like Shules because I think they've both been done well, but I'm not really committed to them. My dream ship, of course, is Vick/O'Hara, but I will admit to there being no textual basis whatsoever for that. I just think Vick is super hot. And don't even get me started on Polar!Vick. :)

2. I want Shawn and Gus to be together forever, but I don't really see them having TEH SEX under normal circumstances. They're just so silly, you know? That said, I like them more than Shassie. Carlton and Shawn have got the whole tension thing going on, so I enjoy stories with a lot of banter between them, but then... well, I also have to admit to finding Lassie the opposite of sexy, so maybe it's just me. There is a surprising amount of kink in that pairing, though.

3. Yep. The porn battle expands my boundaries a couple of times a year :)

I never liked the movie. I thought Maverick was an a-hole.


Re: Creative Impulses, Psych, Juliet/Shawn, Top Gun roleplay kindness_says February 1 2011, 23:47:45 UTC
1) Oh, I totally adore Shawn and Gus. I'm just not great at shipping them? Idk, I go back and forth. I think sometimes with childhood friends especially, I'm like, "Euuurgh," because I've had the same best friend since I was seven, and the idea of us hooking up is like AUUUUGH MY EYES, MY EYES. Then again, sometimes we like to write best friends getting together, so maybe that's a lie; it just depends, I guess. OH PSYCH. My favorite thing about Psych is how much I love everybody. Abigail! I was very fond of her. I'm very superficial, so I'm like PRETTY (oh, and I wanted that blue bra, that one time), and she was cute and she worked with Shawn and I bought their chemistry. I wasn't like particularly upset the way other people were because, whatever, that's the way it goes. (To be fair, though; I didn't meet her until I knew she got written off later. Watching in real-time I might have flailed more at the triangling ( ... )


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