Porn Battle XI (Eleven Days of Porn) - Entries

Jan 23, 2011 18:42

Porn Battle XI (Eleven Days of Porn) IS ON

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challenge: porn battle, challenge

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Fo Yo Sorrows, Crossover, Gossip Girl/Misfits (2009), Chuck/Alisha, touch, alcohol, pub merryghoul January 29 2011, 18:58:45 UTC
"So last night I went out to a pub.  I see this guy moping at the bar all by himself.  He has this little glass of scotch with the ice in it and he's completely hammered.  His head's in his hands and he's crying.  I go over to the guy and sit beside him.  I ask him what his name is and he says, all melodramatic-like, 'I'm...Chuck Bass.'  Like he's some type of American soap opera character.  He's crying because he saw his ex-girlfriend Blair in Paris and he claims he can't please her anymore.  And for some reason he can't find his current girlfriend, some French girl named Eva, because she's out shopping on Piccadilly with--get this--his money.  On top of that, she doesn't believe in cell phones.  Crazy, right?

"So Chuck grabs my arm, yeah, and he doesn't know I have my power.  He looks at me like he wants to rape me and says 'Mommy, I want you to spank me until I get hard.'  That's, like, the strangest request I've ever gotten from a random guy that touches me.  I mean, other than that one time I touched Simon and he wanted to fuck my ( ... )


Re: Fo Yo Sorrows, Crossover, Gossip Girl/Misfits (2009), Chuck/Alisha, touch, alcohol, pub summerofsoaps January 30 2011, 05:40:14 UTC
Oh, this made me laugh! So wrong and so in character for both of them.


Re: Fo Yo Sorrows, Crossover, Gossip Girl/Misfits (2009), Chuck/Alisha, touch, alcohol, pub merryghoul January 30 2011, 06:08:07 UTC
Thank you!


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