Cabin Pressure fic: Herm

Oct 18, 2010 13:40

It's innie_darling's birthday, and I really wanted to write her something, so, as one does, I decided over breakfast to listen to an episode of a radio play/comedy (staring Benedict Cumberbatch, so no hardship there), read the Wikipedia page and a couple of transcripts and then write something with that as my sole knowledge of the fandom. Unbetaed, so if ( Read more... )

fandom: cabin pressure, fiction: cabin pressure, fiction

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Comments 27

innie_darling October 18 2010, 12:51:05 UTC
OH MY GOD. Honey, what CAN'T you do?!?

This is just darling, and I started giggling when Martin said It's still very wet and deep, and not good for landing in. And then I kept on giggling through the mashed potatoes, the sarcasm, and the cannibal game. And you got Martin to sing again! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Thank you SO much for this! (And let me know if you'd like the rest of the eps - I could zip them up tonight.)

p.s. - Crosspost this gem!


oxoniensis October 18 2010, 17:57:49 UTC
Yay, I'm super-pleased I made you giggle. I had no idea what to write/make for you, but then I saw your post and decided I'd be crazy and attempt it! I just hope I didn't mangle the characters too badly, or poison Martin or Douglas with seafood!

I wouldn't mind listening to the rest of the episodes some time, but please, don't do it tonight - it's your birthday!!

Hah, I don't normally crosspost anything unbetaed, but if you think it's fit for the comm, then I may just do that.

ETA: I totally stole your formatting of the script/story - I reckoned you wouldn't mind seeing as it was for you! *g*


mariana_oconnor October 18 2010, 12:59:44 UTC
This is awesomeness.

I bow down to your ability.



oxoniensis October 18 2010, 17:58:28 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! I was so happy to get your comment, because I thought innie_darling would be the only person to read it!


emerald_embers October 18 2010, 13:09:46 UTC
XD XD XD oh my goodness, this is wonderful. The show is so fabulously silly and oh, Benedict's voice <3, and this was completely in keeping with that silly sense of humour (and wordplay! *_*). Thank you for this!


oxoniensis October 18 2010, 18:08:30 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm thrilled to bits that you enjoyed it, and especially that the silliness fits in with the series - now I'll have to listen to some more episodes!


persiflage_1 October 18 2010, 13:14:19 UTC
Followed you here from your comment in innie_darling's LJ...

And am gonig to go off to work with a big grin on my face from reading this and ID's fic! Much fun!

(PS It's Carolyn, though, not Caroline...)


oxoniensis October 18 2010, 18:10:02 UTC
That is why I should never post unbetaed (especially in a fandom I don't really know!) Thanks for spotting it!

I'm glad it made you grin - I had a blast writing it!


persiflage_1 October 18 2010, 18:13:43 UTC
You're welcome - if you ever write more, feel free to ask me to beta - I beta-read for a lot of fandoms, and I adore CP so I'd be happy to help...

I bet - it's a fun story!


oxoniensis October 18 2010, 18:20:40 UTC
Thank you - if I write more, I'll definitely ask! I might offer it for yuletide - it would easy enough to catch up, listening to episodes while I'm driving.


cherish4 October 18 2010, 19:15:16 UTC
Perfect! Loved it immensely!


oxoniensis October 18 2010, 19:56:11 UTC
Aww, thank you!


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