Supernatural fic: I'm a non-believer, but I'll pray to you every day

May 20, 2010 13:34

A season one story! I hope it's not been jossed by anything this year (I have major catching up to do.)

I'm a non-believer, but I'll pray to you every day [Supernatural, Sarah Blake, brief Sam/Sarah, PG, 1,312 words. Beta thanks to girlmostlikely. Title from Basia Bulat's Secret.]

You have to believe a lie that big. )

fiction: supernatural, fiction, fandom: supernatural

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Comments 47

sothcweden May 20 2010, 14:45:19 UTC
God, I love Sarah Blake. She's the kind of female character I miss having on the show.

This was great, but I really hope she doesn't catch up with Sam, since that would put the meet up somewhere around Mystery Spot, and Sam and sanity aren't exactly close friends at that point.


oxoniensis May 20 2010, 20:45:55 UTC
I adored her - I still harbour a quiet hope that she'll return to the series.

I really hope she doesn't catch up with Sam, since that would put the meet up somewhere around Mystery Spot, and Sam and sanity aren't exactly close friends at that point.

I guess if we're going with canon, she's still not met up with Sam. But picked up enough on the road to be able to keep up with how he's doing, so maybe, some day...


girlguidejones May 22 2010, 04:15:51 UTC
I really, REALLY want to see Sam and Sarah together in the end. (With Dean snarky in the vicinity, of course.)

If only!

(I loved this!)


oxoniensis May 24 2010, 07:09:44 UTC
Thank you!

And yeah, me too. They were just so good together.


musesfool May 20 2010, 15:12:13 UTC
This is lovely.


oxoniensis May 20 2010, 20:50:43 UTC
Thank you!


innie_darling May 20 2010, 15:34:42 UTC
Oh, Sarah on the road! Awesome!


oxoniensis May 20 2010, 20:52:00 UTC
I actually started writing a mystery/case file with Sarah at the centre (working on the case, of course) a couple of years ago, but I never managed to work the glitches out it, sadly. I just adore Sarah, so I'm glad you liked this!


(The comment has been removed)

oxoniensis May 20 2010, 20:52:54 UTC
Thank you! :-)


locknkey May 20 2010, 16:56:47 UTC
I always liked Sarah and I was watching the TNT re-runs and thinking how many people's lives were utterly changed BY Sam and Dean, how many girls were never going to be the same after one of them went through her life. This is a perfect example of that.


oxoniensis May 20 2010, 21:00:55 UTC
Aww, thank you. And yes, no matter how hard they tried not to impact on people's lives, they basically left chaos behind them sometimes. And a lot of people who now knew a whole lot more than they wanted to!


nghthwk8 June 3 2010, 00:51:38 UTC
I always loved Sarah and this is a nice addendum to her story.

With regards to the comment above, people's lives were impacted by the violence that drew the Winchesters in the first place whether or not they learn the truth about the supernatural. I wish in at least in one episode the PTBs showed the boys talking to the survivors who learned the truth that they shouldn't worry all the time about supernatural critters other than basic security measures because human and natural dangers are far more common. If the supernatural was that common, all the ghosthunter shows--if you believe their reality is the same to ours--would have a little bit more proof about the supernatural. In that vein, the show should have several references to failed hunts because of coincidences, people exaggerating, etc.


oxoniensis June 9 2010, 20:33:54 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

I wish in at least in one episode the PTBs showed the boys talking to the survivors who learned the truth that they shouldn't worry all the time about supernatural critters other than basic security measures because human and natural dangers are far more common.

A good point. I guess the reason it isn't show is logistical more than anything else. An episode covers a hunt, and needs to lead to a climax, and the aftermath would probably be considered boring in comparison and disrupt the pacing of an episode. We probably just have to take it as one of those things that happen off screen.


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