
Apr 09, 2009 13:13

I'm incredibly excited to see so many Dreamwidth mentions on my flist. I've never had any desire to migrate from livejournal before, but, well, now I've found somewhere I'd love to make my main base (though I have a permanent account here and can't see myself ever leaving completely). I'll be getting an account soon (though I'm not even vaguely ( Read more... )


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Comments 106

moonilicious April 9 2009, 12:34:32 UTC
Over at Dreamwidth I'm moonie. I briefly touched on the a/s issue in this dw-only entry.

You could always create a reading filter for access only people. However, since DW is still in beta, but mostly importantly is always willing to listen, it might be worth suggesting they add a "Show access list only" option to the drop-down menu of the (new and improved) navbar.

Whaa, broken html tag! Fixed now, sorry!


oxoniensis April 9 2009, 12:40:04 UTC
Ooh, thanks for the link! I'll read later (am on lunchbreak, then only 7 more hours of work left for the day...)

And thanks for the suggestion regarding suggesting! One of the things that I like so much about DW is its willingness to listen to suggestions, but I don't want to go rushing in suggesting things that are already available or planned.


zvi_likes_tv April 9 2009, 20:41:53 UTC
I'm not one of the developers, but I have big doubts about a "let me read my access list" button being developed. I mean, it might happen, but the subscription list and the access list are two different things in the code, in a way the friendslist was always one thing.

On the other hand, paid users will be able to pull up a reading page of the journals subscribed to by the journals they subscribe to (much like friendsfriends.) When that's up and running, it will be called your network page, and it will give you a broader range of journals to read, on those occasions when you want to spread your wings a little.


zvi_likes_tv April 9 2009, 20:42:48 UTC
And I meant to say that I'm zvi over there.


sorchasilver April 9 2009, 12:39:14 UTC
I'm going to get a paid account for a month (I hate the idea of invite codes, so it's the only way for me just now), just so I have the username there if I need it, and then I'll let it lapse to a basic account. After that, I have no idea. I'm not planning to post over there, or to move over there at all unless there is a major migration of my flist. I'll probably use it to read those people who do move, I guess.

As for the trust/subscribe thing, I have no idea. I don't have a problem with the way it works on LJ, it's never been an issue for me, so I guess probably I'll just treat it the same and ignore the splitting of the feature altogether.


oxoniensis April 9 2009, 12:42:09 UTC
I guess I'm just desperately hoping that there will be an en masse migration - I'd love to see fandom set up a new community over there. But it will be very much a case of waiting and seeing. Though I'm trying to impatiently jump the gun a bit with my poll! *g*


sorchasilver April 9 2009, 12:43:55 UTC
Well, personally I really, really hope it doesn't happen (I just got a permanent account here and I'm perfectly happy on LJ), but I'm resigned to the possibility and planning for it just in case.


oxoniensis April 9 2009, 12:48:12 UTC
I have a permanent account here too, and I'm reasonably happy here. I just have this 'I'll be even happier there' feeling.

But I sympathise with you and all those who don't want to move and hope it doesn't happen. On the plus side, though, one of the things about it is ease of integration, so even if some move and others don't, it should be fairly easy to keep in touch and comment and so on. Hopefully!


itsaslashything April 9 2009, 12:56:42 UTC
I thought we couldn't buy accounts until the 30th. Are they open for new paid accounts now?


sorchasilver April 9 2009, 13:21:51 UTC
No, paid accounts won't go on sale until open beta at the end of the month. Existing users (closed beta testers) are being given some invite codes to distribute currently, and as oxoniensis says, you can create an OpenID account there to read and comment at present (later, they plan to enable you to "claim" that OpenID account with your full DW account, if you get one, I believe).


oxoniensis April 10 2009, 08:45:52 UTC
sorchasilver's answered, so I won't repeat what she said. I'm just getting impatient for the 30th! *g*


1miracle April 9 2009, 13:15:34 UTC
I'm che over at DW. :)

ETA: If I get some invite codes before open beta starts, I'll be sure to give you one (that is if you still need it by then).


oxoniensis April 9 2009, 22:22:26 UTC
That's so kind of you! Thank you for the offer! I'll definitely be buying an account on the 30th, but I'd love to play around with an actual account before then if I can, so if you get a spare invite code, that'd be wonderful.


yavannauk April 9 2009, 13:30:57 UTC
I'll probably get an account over there just to have my own name in the event my f-list and fandoms decamp en masse. I hope it doesn't happen though as I don't want to waste the permanent account I have here or have to figure out what to do about the additional community accounts I use. I also find the whole subscription/granting access thing needlessly complicated, but then I read everyone who I have friended on LJ; I've never used reading filters and only rarely use posting filters. I guess I'm just too old to want to go through tracking people down again on yet another new service so maybe it's time to hang up my journal.


oxoniensis April 10 2009, 08:50:15 UTC
I also find the whole subscription/granting access thing needlessly complicated, but then I read everyone who I have friended on LJ; I've never used reading filters and only rarely use posting filters.

I guess that's one of those things that opinion will vary on depending how you use livejournal. For the way I use it, it's a wonderful option - I feel bad at the moment that, due to needing to keep a small flist for lack of reading time (I don't like filters, though I've had to succumb to using them) I'm also limiting my locked posts to just a few people. So this will be good for me.

As for what happens with fandom, I guess it'll be a case of waiting to see. Even though I have a permanent account here, I can't help but hope (selfishly, maybe) that fandom will move. If it doesn't, I may end up crossposting, or using the journals for slightly different things, or... something else I can't think of right now!


yavannauk April 10 2009, 11:59:27 UTC
I think I've hit the point of New Journal Service Fatigue. After GJ, JF, VOX and IJ, all of which I have and never look at or cross post to, I just want to say enough already! *shrugs* I also tend to feel much the same as jamesinboots below, but that's just me.


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