Porn Battle VII (The Seven Deadly Sins) - Prompts

Jan 21, 2009 13:11

The Porn Battle VII - stage one begins!

How to leave prompts
1. Prompts are simple: fandom, character/pairing/threesome/moresome, and a single (optional) prompt word - NOT a phrase or quotation.

2. Any fandom (TV, book, movie, comic, anthropomorfic, whatever), including real person fiction, het, slash, solo sex, orgies or aliens are welcome! However, no underage (under 16) characters or persons will be allowed.

3. If you've left some prompts and want to add more (up until 6pm Saturday 24th UK time), that's fine, but please leave them all in a new comment to the post, not a reply to your original comment, and not by editing the original comment.

4. Important, please leave prompts in the exact format below.
Use commas to separate, not colons or hyphens.
Use full names for fandoms, e.g. Battlestar Galactica not BSG.
Crossovers in alphabetical order, e.g. Crossover, Alias/Bones, not Crossover, Bones/Alias.
Multiple prompts for the same pairing in one line, e.g. Gossip Girl, Chuck/Nate, girls, substitute, crime
Like this:
Fandom, pairing, prompt word(s) (if any)
Crossover, fandom A/fandom B, pairing, prompt word(s) (if any)

For example:

Chuck, Chuck/Sarah, jealous
Crossover, Doctor Who/Harry Potter, Ten/Remus, magic, box, fur, jaded, brilliant
Bandom, Fall Out Boy/My Chemical Romance, Patrick Stump/Gerard Way, music, watch
RPF, George Clooney/Brad Pitt, smoke

If you're still not sure how to do it, scroll down to the first comment.
5. Absolutely no pairings that are spoilery for unaired episodes of shows.

6. Please don't leave anything other than prompts on this post - there are links below for questions/volunteering etc.

7. PLEASE READ THE PROMPT INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Incorrectly formatted prompts cause extra work so will be deleted at my discretion.

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challenge: porn battle, challenge

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