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such_heights September 14 2008, 10:02:37 UTC
01. Fic ; Torchwood ; temporarily genderswapped!Jack, who decides that's pretty awesome. girl!Jack/Ianto a definite bonus.

02. Fic ; Doctor Who/SGA ; Martha & Teyla, kicking ass and taking names. Gen or girlslash welcome.

03. Fic ; Doctor Who ; Jack/Doctor, futurefic, maybe some future regeneration? I'd love it if it was light on the angst.

04. Fic/vid/art/anything ; Torchwood ; Gwen! Being her awesome self! I'd love anything Gwen-centric, especially if it was light on the angst and light on the Jack/Gwen.

05. Graphics ; Doctor Who/Torchwood ; something for my profile, roughly 700x200, featuring the Doctor's companions, team Torchwood, or any combination of characters that strikes your mood.

06. Art ; Harry Potter ; art for any of my HP fics.

07. Icons ; Doctor Who ; Rose/Martha, with or without text.

08. Fic ; Torchwood ; Jack/Ianto of the bantery and affectionate variety.

09. Fic ; Torchwood ; Tosh-centric post-S2 fix-it, can go AU if you wish ( ... )


queen_peapod September 14 2008, 21:36:27 UTC
I'm pretty sure I can do something for number 1. and possibly for 8. as well! Though you might end up with one or the other, sorry, school is kicking my ass.


such_heights September 14 2008, 23:00:58 UTC
\o/! Thank you so much! And omg, your icon is the greatest thing in the world, hee hee hee.


queen_peapod September 30 2008, 21:14:53 UTC

Here's the post for number 1. 8 is still in the early stages. Hope you like it!


such_heights October 1 2008, 16:54:58 UTC
:D :D :D Eeee, that's so awesome, thank you so much! I love your set-up, love the fun tone of this, the whole thing is delightful.


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