The Porn Battle (Fourth Verse, Same as the First)

Jul 11, 2007 18:55

THE PORN BATTLE (FOURTH VERSE, SAME AS THE FIRST) IS A GOTo join the battle, all you need to do is pick a prompt from below (any prompt, even if it's your own) and write the porniest bit of fiction you can, or make the hottest manip or painting or vid or song. That's all folks - just one bit of steamy, panty-wetting porn. Make it as kinky or as ( Read more... )

challenge: porn battle, challenge

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Restless, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, insomnia inlovewithnight July 11 2007, 20:49:17 UTC
It's one of those nights when it's just too damn hot to sleep, when even the Santa Anas aren't bothering to breathe, the power gone from a rolling brownout that Kevin halfheartedly blames on a Republican administration. Jason rolls his eyes and points out that it's too hot to fight, too hot to do anything but sit around in their underwear and wait for the AC to come back.

Too hot to fight, to sleep, to think, too hot to be under the sheets, it should definitely be too hot to fuck. And when Jason reaches out to wipe sweat from Kevin's forehead, he does flinch away at first, muttering don't touch me, it's too hot. But Jason's fingertips linger, feather-light, tracing down along Kevin's hairline to his ear and then his throat, dragging a line through the sweat, and then he brings his fingers to his mouth and licks them, tastes it. Kevin groans because okay, now he has to redefine his terms, that's hot, and the sudden twist of tension low in his stomach is hot, and Jason's breath over that sweat-damp place on Kevin's neck is too hot ( ... )


Re: Restless, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, insomnia oxoniensis July 11 2007, 20:52:36 UTC
I don't know a thing about the fandom/characters, but I love how lazy-hot this feels. Slow and inevitable. Mmmmh!


Re: Restless, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, insomnia inlovewithnight July 11 2007, 21:02:06 UTC

(And apologies for the first posting with subject-line error. I read the rules, I swear, I apparently just lost track of the connection between the reading part of my brain and the typing part. ::headdesk::)


Re: Restless, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, insomnia oxoniensis July 11 2007, 21:05:25 UTC
Don't worry - yours wasn't the first I'd deleted! *g* I'm being tough, just to make things easier on compiling - I'm still cross-eyed from sorting the prompts! Besides, you might have seen the first version of the rules, in which I didn't specifically mention no inverted commas - I edited after I posted, just to spell things out. *is horribly pedantic*


(The comment has been removed)

Re: *squee* inlovewithnight July 11 2007, 23:32:45 UTC
Thanks! :)


Re: Restless, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, insomnia romanticalgirl July 12 2007, 02:14:13 UTC
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. This is so hot and slow and listless and languid and then it's a hot of a different kind, and I can just see them moving slowly like they're on the wrong speed, sweat trickling like it's stop motion.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Did I mention that?


Re: Restless, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, insomnia inlovewithnight July 12 2007, 02:29:56 UTC
They are awfully pretty. MmmmmmKevin in boxers.

Thank you! :)


Re: Restless, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, insomnia merle_p July 13 2007, 12:55:35 UTC
OMG, I loved this. So HOT (in every sense of the word)!

So happy I found this - I got into B&S just a short while ago, and the posting on bs_fic unfortunately seems to have stopped sometime in march ... too bad, I'd love to read more B&S fic, especially Kevin/Jason, and especially if it's as great as yours ...


Re: Restless, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, insomnia inlovewithnight July 13 2007, 15:29:48 UTC
Thanks! The show is great fun, isn't it? I'm impatient for it to come back, and for the DVDs.

A few fic links- romanticalgirl has written a bunch, her tag for it is here. The first few you'll find there feature an OMC that she and I made up ('s a long story) but as you go back through there's the canon-based fic.

fox1013 wrote a lovely Rebecca fic: Black and White and Sharp All Over.

And, in the interest of shameless self-promotion, my B&S stuff is on this page.


Re: Restless, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, insomnia merle_p July 15 2007, 11:35:13 UTC
Hey, thanks so much for the recs!

As for your fic, I already knew "Maps of Places That You've Never Been" (which I loved, BTW), since you'd posted it on bs_fic.

And I checked out all the others - they are really great, in a bittersweet, heartrending way.

I especially liked "Billable Hours", because I always wondered why we never saw some of the people Kevin works with in the show ... This is certainly something I could imagine happening in an episode - except that they probably wouldn't show us oral gay sex on TV ...


Re: Restless, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, insomnia usedtobe_maybe July 14 2007, 23:38:07 UTC
Guh! That's so awesome.


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