Porn Battle (The Best of Three)

Jan 08, 2007 14:01

THE PORN BATTLE (BEST OF THREE) IS A GOTo join the battle, all you need to do is pick a prompt from below (any prompt, even if it's your own) and write the porniest bit of fiction you can, or make the hottest manip or painting or vid or song. That's all folks - just one bit of steamy, panty-wetting porn. Make it as kinky or as subtle as you like ( Read more... )

challenge: porn battle, challenge

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All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension catwalksalone January 8 2007, 17:54:01 UTC
Casey's always known where he's going. To the top. Right? And if that means bringing his best friend along for the ride because they are good together, then that's fine too, right? Because Dan is a superb writer and a real people person and having him around does Casey's career no harm at all. In fact, for all his bragging, Casey's damn sure he wouldn't have got this far without Dan ( ... )


Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension ozsaur January 8 2007, 18:28:43 UTC
Scorching hot! Wow!


Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension catwalksalone January 8 2007, 21:20:55 UTC
Thank you! *blushes*


Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension sidlj January 8 2007, 22:30:12 UTC
Oh, Casey. It's time to re-examine your goals and motivations, hon. Time's a'wasting!


Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension catwalksalone January 8 2007, 23:08:47 UTC
Boy can be both clueless and a jackass. What're you gonna do, eh?


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Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension catwalksalone January 8 2007, 23:10:37 UTC
Yay! Thank you.

Yes, first there was cheering with Casey, then there was cat-sitting and kissing!boys and now dating Dan. You're a Sports Night h0r!


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Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension catwalksalone January 8 2007, 23:22:02 UTC
Awww. You wear it well. Slightly kinky. As it should be.


Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension phoebesmum January 9 2007, 00:32:42 UTC
Yay for hotness and, actually, hee! to Casey being Unrequited, serves him right. Boo that I do not get to date Dan. I think I shall start writing Hilary-Sues in my own defence.

But how do I add this to my 2007/365 memories?!


Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension catwalksalone January 9 2007, 18:22:59 UTC
I reckon I've written Unrequited Casey a few times now. If you had a less British name you could have dated Dan. Had you, say, been an Alex. But no, you have to go and be a Hilary.

Um. Interesting question about the adding. Maybe I'll repost in my lj or put it in snarchive? I don't know.


Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension oxoniensis January 9 2007, 02:37:45 UTC
Great use of the prompt word, because the tension in this is palpable! And Casey's systematic justification is so very him!


Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension catwalksalone January 9 2007, 18:25:42 UTC
the tension in this is palpable!


Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension scout_kent January 9 2007, 03:51:27 UTC
oh yes, dibs on this as my birthday fic.

mmmm, yes, to longing!Casey. who is dorkish Casey as well - I mean, really, dr. phil? perhaps dr. phil could inform you that it's not ALL you want.


Re: All The Way - Sports Night, Dan/Casey, tension catwalksalone January 9 2007, 18:27:55 UTC
I think he probably caught Dr. Phil on a sick day. Or overheard the women talking.

Glad you had porn on your birthday!


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