Glued me back together

Apr 08, 2006 14:58

Word count: 0
Icon count: 15
Not the way it was supposed to be!

15 VM 'Plan B' icons )

icons, icons: veronica mars, fandom: veronica mars

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Comments 54

elli April 8 2006, 14:51:50 UTC
wooo!!! so happy about the LoVe. I'm stealing number 2. Cos is is all kinds of gorgeous.


oxoniensis April 8 2006, 16:26:16 UTC

(I had so much fun using your Carton resources on these! And they were definitely inspired by your icons.)


amerella April 8 2006, 15:14:27 UTC
God, these are AMAZING. I love them all. I'm snagging the black and white ones and will be sure to credit. Thanks.


oxoniensis April 8 2006, 16:27:20 UTC
*beams* thanks so much!


brasaremean April 8 2006, 15:16:35 UTC
9 cuz well... :D it's LOVE SO YEAH!!!!


oxoniensis April 8 2006, 16:28:31 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!


ice_crystal April 8 2006, 15:17:29 UTC
Snagging #2 and 13. WHEE!

These are all very gorgeous. Love the cropping.


oxoniensis April 8 2006, 16:30:10 UTC
Hee, this is what happens when I set out to make you an icon! You are bad for me. At least, I'm going to blame you, rather than a certain song being on repeat, and me being in a sappy mood. *g*

Also, check out my new icon from iconofilth!! Chief and Helo!!!!! Isn't it fantastic?


ice_crystal April 8 2006, 21:15:10 UTC
You are bad for me.

I will gladly accept any and all blame you wish to pin on me for this. Because these icons are gorgeous and really, I consider myself lucky I found LJ and the way people deal with fannish stuff creatively.
It's seriously awe-inspiring at times. And whoa! The icon you're using is another great example for this! YAY FANDOM!

Also? YAY JENSEN! Pretty, pretty man. :D


oxoniensis April 9 2006, 12:36:37 UTC
Your comment makes me remember the time when I was considering getting a live journal, but just couldn't imagine actually using it. I bought two months paid time as a trial...

And YAY PADDYWHACK!!! Because we have to have the Sam-love too!


americanmutt April 8 2006, 16:13:39 UTC
I think I am going to take all of them and try to figure out later which one to use. These are really something else. I think I might like 3,8,9 & 13 a little more than the others but I dunno. Sorry I just woke up :)


oxoniensis April 8 2006, 16:31:05 UTC
I love your River icon.

And yay for you liking them all! *is happy*


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