There's no such thing as too many fandoms

Aug 22, 2005 15:27

Clearly I don't have the discipline to write just one sentence of a story! As they're mostly drabbles or more, I've collected them all together.

Firefly - Jayne, Jayne/Simon )

fiction: my so-called life, fiction: stargate atlantis, fic_on_demand, fiction: firefly, fiction: good omens, fiction: smallville

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Comments 17

yavannauk August 22 2005, 16:15:31 UTC
*giggles madly* Poor traumatised John! I love mine. I also have to say that the Rodney and Ronon one cracked me up totally.

And then you go and write ilexa's ficlet and dammit you made me all teary. *sniff*


oxoniensis August 22 2005, 17:49:50 UTC
Hee, I don't know quite how John crept into your 'sentence', but I suddenly remembered the look on his face when Rodney kissed Carson, and I couldn't resist traumatising him a bit more!

And I'm so pleased you liked the other snippets - it was really fun attempting these little bits in a new fandom.


fox1013 August 22 2005, 16:31:50 UTC
Eeeeee. All of these are SO GREAT. I love the VMars ones, but I think the Angela and Brian was the one that hit the hardest for me. Every word in that one packed a punch.


oxoniensis August 22 2005, 17:53:01 UTC
*hugs you*

Thank you so much!

It's been a long time since I watched MSCL, apart from a quick look at the pilot a month or so ago, so I'm thrilled that the little Angela and Brian snippet worked so well.


svmadelyn August 22 2005, 17:26:05 UTC
I'm in this strange "Reading SGA only!" mood lately, so those were all I read here. Loooved them. Giggled at the Ronan one, but the one for Ilexa--*heart flutters*.


oxoniensis August 22 2005, 17:56:49 UTC
I hesitate to admit it, but I'm in an SGA reading mood too - I'm devouring your SGA recs each night! (Gah, must go back and give some feedback too). So much for this being a non-fannish show for me!

I'm so pleased you enjoyed the snippets!

the one for Ilexa--*heart flutters*.

I rewatched that scene as I was writing it, and the look on Rodney's face! *sniff*


crumblingwalls August 22 2005, 18:36:07 UTC
Hello, you WIN AT FANDOM. Seriously. That was just -- like -- words! All those words! (Oh, god, I've been on my own 24 hours and any ability to articulate that I'd had previously is GONE GONE GONE.)

For reals, that's fucking fantastic and you just win. Much squishing and loving.


oxoniensis August 23 2005, 12:30:09 UTC
Oh, you darling, you've said just what I needed to hear!



treetracer August 22 2005, 19:30:27 UTC
The SV one is very good; it puts you right there in the moment and seems timeless. (if that makes any sense)


oxoniensis August 23 2005, 12:30:44 UTC
Thanks! And yes, it does make perfect sense, and was what I was aiming for!


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