I'm an evil mastermind!

Jan 18, 2009 18:31

You Are 58% Evil

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quiz, mood post, test, me

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Comments 4

babydracky January 18 2009, 18:14:57 UTC
Oui je sais je devrais arrêter des fois avec ces tests à la con... Mais je peux pas! :p


oximore January 18 2009, 18:17:04 UTC
Hahaha et moi comme une idiote quand j'en croise un il faut que je tente (quel mouton je suis des fois XD).


aislinn_tredor January 20 2009, 05:08:12 UTC
*twirls mustache*




oximore January 22 2009, 18:26:30 UTC
XD Yeah, mustache seems like the thing to do now (in order to master the "dark side"! XD)

*stare at your icons*



Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! XD

(Sam should get is own show where he rules the world like a good little antechrist, coz we clearly don't see him enough on Supernatural those days!)


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