"Nous n'étions pas vivants. Nous n'étions pas morts.”

Sep 06, 2020 20:05

Prompt: "Nous n'étions pas vivants. Nous n'étions pas morts.”
Fandom: The Expanse
Tags: post canon (sorta)


"What does dead mean to a protomolecule, right?"

They were not what they used to be. Yet both Joe and Julie were still who they used to be. A strange improbability that seemed to be the foundation of what they were now, a part of something that could have consumed them, but somehow got contaminated with them as much as it had contaminated them. Joe was still Joe, just as he also was the Investigator, gone sometimes, away from Julie’s reach in a way that she never liked. He was hers yet he was gone and she loathed the feelings that came with his absence. Even knowing he would be back felt empty in the void left by his absence. Julie felt scattered, pieces of her spread through what they were now, almost too thin sometimes for her to even be without Joe to balance her. He wasn’t what he had been the first time she saw him either, in the doorway of her dingy room in the Blue Falcon, with her necklace and their bird fluttering in the space around him. But he was still hers just like she was his. The foundation of them, their souls if they felt so romantically inclined, was still here among the alien molecules that now made up what they were.

“What should we do now?” she asked, the brush of his mind against hers like warm embrace as he came back.

“Anything you want.” He told her, his awe always there when he came back, as if finding her was still a miracle each time they came back together, as if he came back to himself when he came back to her. “We can go anywhere you want.”

“Except for Earth” she retorted, a bit of tease in her tone, though she wasn’t sad about it anymore. Not really, not when she had him.

“Except for Earth.” He acquiesced softly, a smile on the edge of his lips, melting in her embrace as she chuckled, the echoes of it floating through the molecules around them as they moved again. It was a big universe, and they had all the time in the world now.


joe/julie, joe miller, the expanse, julie mao

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