« Il y a des rêves qui ne meurent pas » [The Expanse - Joe/Julie]

Sep 06, 2020 17:55

Prompt: « Il y a des rêves qui ne meurent pas »
Fandom: The Expanse
Ship: Joe/Julie



He dreamt about her still. The cadence of her voice was familiar now in a way it shouldn’t be, comforting, almost intimate, as crazy as it sounded. All he ever heard of her was recordings, but the voice in his dreams sound real, as if it was more than a patchwork of recoded sounds in his brain metamorphosing into a fantasy. He didn’t know her, he hadn’t even met her (not in a way that mattered, not the way he wanted) and yet here he was, half in love and likely half insane, dreaming of Julie. “You’re here.” She says, the lit of her sweet voice more aware somehow that it often is. She is looking at him. She is looking at him as if she was seeing him. “You’re here.”

“I’m here.” He croaked, even though he wasn’t sure he was. His voice sounded strange to his own hear, but Julie eyes were still on him, dark, beautiful, with an eerie blue glow that sent a unpleasant shiver down his spine.

She is dead.

He knew he was dreaming. Even if he felt like he was dreaming when he was awake sometimes Joe could still tell the difference.

“I thought I dreamt you up.” Julie said softly, looking at him like she was seeing him and Joe could have drowned into her, would have without hesitation if he could. (“Half in love my ass” a voice that sounded like Semi pipped in. “You’re all the way gone beratna.”)

“I dream about you all the time.” He said before he could stop himself.

She reached out, Joe meeting her halfway, her hand feeling both cold and burning hot on his skin on his face, inhuman, otherworldly. He should have been scared but he wasn’t. Fear had felt him with Julie broken body, twisted by crystal and glowing “I saw you. You and the bird.” She whispered. “You were looking for me.”

“I am looking for you.” He told her, because he still was, even now. Because he always would be.

She smiled, her eyes locked with his, a second of bliss before her eyes glazed over again, blue, blue, blue everywhere, beautiful and alien all at once. Going, going, gone.

“Can’t take the razorback…” she hummed, distant, out of reach again, eyes unseeing. She couldn’t see him anymore; their moment was gone. “Catch me if you can…”

Joe woke up. Above him, Julie’s face was frozen on the flimsy photograph, elusive, out of reach, and the sleek, pristine lines of the Rocinante cabin he was blinding in it unfamiliarity.

For a second, Joe though he could see the fluttering wings in the corner of his eyes, but if was gone in a blink.


joe/julie, joe miller, the expanse, julie mao

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