John Sheppard/Rodney McKay fics rec [PART II]

Aug 21, 2017 16:41

Continuation of the huge listing of my favorite mcshep fics I started in Part I ...




Sheppard's Law (34555 words) by Speranza
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Reality, Action/Adventure, Age Regression/De-Aging, First Time, Near Death Experience, Science Fiction
Summary: "Weird? You don't know what weird is. Weird is being in a-- with the-- and the crazy alien--" He stopped, incoherent, hands flailing. "And then your best friend is twelve, and you're his piano teacher. That--now, you're talking weird!"

Aegis (90760 words) by springwoof, Leah
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon, Superpowers, Series, Angst, Drama, Action/Adventure, Episode Related, First Time, Stargate Atlantis Big Bang Challenge, Season/Series 01
Series: Part 1 of Gifts
Summary: The Ancients' genes didn't just confer the power to activate their technology. For ten percent of Earth's population, like John Sheppard, the ATA gene also gave them Gifts: special abilities that made them admired, envied, and feared. Sheppard was a Charmer, one of the feared ones, whose particular Gift let him create faith whenever he needed to be trusted or believed. But Sheppard didn't trust himself not to destroy what he loved most. And somewhere along the line, amid the terror and chaos of the Expedition's first year in the Pegasus Galaxy, what Sheppard loved most had become Rodney McKay. McKay didn't trust anyone. As soon as you started trusting people, you started counting on them, depending on them, and that was when you became vulnerable. And vulnerable things didn't survive. So just when, exactly, had he started trusting Sheppard? And what was going to happen, now that he did?

The Labeling Approach (3443 words) by unadrift
Summary: When they reached the lab, they found a yellow post-it note stuck to the door. It read 'door' in capital letters, and Rodney knew his day had just gotten worse.

Three Times Rodney McKay had a Superpower; One Time He Was Just a Hero by smiley zonezine
Relationships: John/Rodney, some implied Ronon/Weir, Carson/Teyla
Summary: What it all adds up to is four times John thought he was going to lose Rodney.
[with pining!John, near miss & some of my all times fav ships & dynamics for the whole team]

Ascending Order (13294 words) by Argosy
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon, McShep Match Challenge 2007
Summary: "Why build something that, you know, kills you if you can't Ascend? Seems like a pretty big design flaw." AU from "Tao of Rodney."
[Ep: Tao of RodneyAU + also fit the near miss/breakdown trope]

No Good Deed (18209 words) by blackchaps
Summary: Rodney makes a plan and waiting is the hard part. Other than John.

The Scientific Method (6169 words) by cupidsbow
Additional Tags: cupidsbow, Action, Snark, god:box
Summary: Hey, did you remember John's got the Ancient gene?

Aspects of Divinity (the world is my oyster) (13246 words) by kariye
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The summer John is eighteen, he drives an ice cream truck. He hasn’t yet learned there are things he can’t do just because he wants to badly enough. Or, a fic about seeing the map of the world.
[Pre-show first meeting]

Touch and the Inner Hominid (9152 words) by RosiePaw
Summary: “I meant that you weren’t the one who’d taken the worst damage. Look, he just needs more time.”
“He’s had two weeks! He won’t talk to me, he won’t look at me, he stays as far away from me as possible if we absolutely have to be in the same room and then he leaves as soon as he can! How are we supposedly to function on the same team like this? There’s obviously something going on with Sheppard, maybe if you ran some more scans...”

Catalyst by lillyjk
Summary: Quinn was like a younger less jaded version of John, only with freckles and more defined biceps and John wanted nothing more than to beat him bloody -- Written for kinkathon challenge on lj, features Jealous!John
[JONAS QUINN IN ATLANTIS (aka everything I ever wanted) with past Jonas/Rodney & pining!John & thankfully no Jonas bashing]


You Might (14913 words) by unadrift
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Rodney pored over the files he'd printed out. With every page he turned, this trip felt less and less like a sensible idea. Rodney had no trouble imagining the response he would get when he walked up to Sheppard, a millionaire, and suggested, 'Hey, how about you drop everything, leave your business and your huge mansion, and come with us to another galaxy, where you're probably going to die within a month or two? Are you in?"

Postcard Series by kellifer_fic
In Passing
Summary: Rodney stared openly as John turned back in his direction, leaned out a long, tanned arm and snagged some of Rodney’s fries. He dropped them into his mouth when he leaned back, exposing a long line of throat that Rodney suddenly found very compelling. Rodney even forgot to protest about the theft of his food.

In Flux
Summary: John pushed forward gently and Rodney was pressed against his door. It was so reminiscent of the first time they had come together as more than friends that Rodney forgot why he was supposed to be mad.

At Rest
Summary: John was trailing fingers across Rodney’s bicep and down, gooseflesh chasing the path his fingers were taking. “Maybe I’ll ask you if you stay around long enough,” Rodney finally said, regretting the words almost immediately. John’s hand stilled and the temperature in the room seemed to drop. He knew John deserved that and possibly more, but he wished he could take it back all the same.
[Pre-show first meetings in three parts]

The Last Hail Mary You'll Ever Need (9335 words) by chase_acow
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Space Pirates
Summary: Shep, the intrepid captain of the Hail Mary, gets more surprise than he bargained for in his new passenger.

And Hope (29562 words) by Sihaya Black
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: McKay/Sheppard - Freeform, Alternate Universe, Romance
Summary: While on a mission, John Sheppard discovers a device, but he doesn't expect what's inside.

The Atlantis Project by seperis:
Arizona (12743 words) by seperis
Rating: Explicit
Series: Part 1 of The Atlantis Project
Summary: Maybe it's just the movies that have given him an unrealistic expectation of assassins, but unless this guy's the most incompetent assassin *ever*--and considering who Rodney McKay is, they wouldn't hire someone *dumb* would they?--really, Rodney should be dead.
[DARK & with character death but happy ending for this part]

Borderlands (1062 words) by seperis
Rating: Explicit
Series: Part 2 of The Atlantis Project
Summary: Interlude while on the run.
[still set in a darker universe but no death there on this one]

Puerto Vallarta (6456 words) by seperis
Rating: Explicit
Series: Part 3 of The Atlantis Project
Summary: Rodney wonders if he's going to come out of this with a strong inclination toward a life of crime, because John just makes this stuff looking *amazing*.
[still set in a darker universe but no death there on this one]

Mexico City (10294 words) by seperis
Rating: Explicit
Series: Part 4 of The Atlantis Project
Summary: This is why John should be supervised when playing with other former military boys. Next thing Rodney knows, he'll wake up and John will have bazookas and crates of grenades and God help them all, nuclear weaponry stacked around him, and then Rodney will have to exile him to the floor, which will suck for their sex life so much.
[VERY DARK & unhappy ending to the series with open ending implying death so stick with the first 3 only if you prefer an happy ending]

Small Primes and Square Roots (12533 words) by Liviapenn
Additional Tags: Kidfic, Podfic Available, Alternate Universe - Parents, Parent Rodney McKay, Community: harlequin_sga, Epistolary, Pining John Sheppard
Summary: "I hope you picked someone really intelligent, otherwise it seems like it would be kind of a waste. Of incubation time, if nothing else."

Class 6 (5940 words) by ladyflowdi
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, First Time, Developing Relationship, Pre-Series, One Night Stands, except not, Cause it's Lurve
Summary: A chance meeting before John and Rodney ever met in Rising.

Close Encounter (5753 words) by Brumeier
Additional Tags: First Meetings, First Kiss, Alien Abduction, amputee John, Alternate Universe - Canon, Dysfunctional Family, Community: romancingmcshep
Summary: John's friends can't stop talking about alien abductions, but he knows better: ain't no such thing. At least until he gets beamed aboard a space ship and offered the opportunity of a lifetime.

Hypnagogic by danceswithgary
Summary: They were just dreams until Rodney walked through the stargate to Atlantis.

The Sheppard Equation (22857 words) by jenny_wren
Summary: Rodney needs to solve the Sheppard Equation before his world falls apart

Beauty (3820 words) by leah k
Summary: Jeannie makes a little snuffling noise and Rodney looks up at his mother, at the sharps lines at the corners of her mouth, around the corners of her eyes. She cinches her robe tighter and tighter around her waist, tying and untying the terrycloth belt with bone-white knuckles, until she pulls in a breath and manages to say, "it's - it's an honor," before her voice breaks off. Rodney snorts and says, "yeah, it's great, that's why no one ever comes back!" and Jeanie flinches.

What It Gives (16787 words) by chellefic
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: First Time, Alternate Universe
Summary: About to ship out, John goes looking for sex. He finds Rodney. Alternative first meeting.

All The Way To The Bone (13456 words) by respoftw
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Tattoo Parlor, Tattoos, First Meetings, Getting Together, Tattoo Artist Rodney, Ex-Military John, Romance, Fluff, Light Angst
Summary: John is ready for a new beginning and he wants the tattoo to commemorate it. Too bad the address that Ronon sent him to looks more like an accountants office than a tattoo parlour.


Coping Mechanisms (23033 words) by amireal
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, First Time, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: "Just because the universe is headed towards entropy is no reason to think that it won't get better."

Clear Blue Skies (7152 words) by lamardeuse
Rating: Explicit
Summary: There might not be any marshmallows or drinks with umbrellas, but this was already turning out to be one of John's favorite vacations.

In This Era of Liberty (35517 words) by Chandri
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagen, Ronon Dex, Samantha Carter, Evan Lorne, Radek Zelenka, Original Characters
Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Humour, Alternate Canon, Romance
Summary: They lose the Daedelus at the beginning of the fifth year. That's the first night John crawls into bed with him.

Misinterpreting Data (6400 words) by Seaward
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Geeky, Math Kink, First Time
Summary: When John pulled back a few inches and lowered his hand, Rodney felt something very close to despair, and he had no idea how a few minutes of touch could do that to him. He wondered if John would want to do it again and what else Rodney might have been missing through flawed data collection.

Checklist (4542 words) by mercuriosity
Rating: Explicit
Summary: John never sees it coming.

Things To Be Said (1423 words) by Mira
Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill
Summary: "Thank you, Daniel," Woolsey said. "Sorry. Meetings don't usually take this long but the opportunity to spend time with the Trhaians doesn't come often. They are a private people. Fortunately, they took to Colonel Sheppard and his team during the initial visit."

The Golden Rule (3271 words) by respoftw
Additional Tags: Implied Relationships, Protective John, Kidnapping, Allergies, Sacrifice, POV Outsider, Spoilers for Episode: s04e09 Millers Crossing
Series: Part 1 of Tumblr Prompts - McShep edition
Summary: Atlantis has one golden rule: Do not, under any circumstances, let anything bad happen to McKay [UPDATED with second chapter 20th July 2016`]

Learn Something New (5022 words) by Speranza
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Vacation, Back to Earth, Surfing, First Time, Slash, Romance, Road Trips
Summary: "This isn't a vacation!" Rodney shouted. "This is about declassifying research that's going to change the course of physics!"

Heart of glass (19574 words) by torch
Rating: Explicit
Summary: John and Rodney get tangled up in an Ancient story.

However Improbable (6430 words) by Zoe Rayne
Summary: In which John is injured and Rodney lies for the greater good.

Little Thing (13209 words) by ladyflowdi
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Loss of Virginity, Virginity, Boys In Love, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobia, Homophobic Language
Summary: It wasn’t that John had a problem with his ass, per se.


Day Break (11728 words) by Giddygeek
Additional Tags: Groundhog Day, Imported
Summary: "Today is still yesterday," Sheppard said, and then he shook his head. "Or yesterday was today. I haven't decided which yet."

Perchance to Dream by Madison (18184 words) by sgamadison
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Canon Temporary Character Death
Summary: This could not possibly be happening. Not *again*.
[Groundhog Day]

I'm Taking This Loop Off (1579 words) by toomuchplor
Additional Tags: Humor, Farce, Time Loop
Series: Part 1 of Taking This Loop Off
Summary: "I’m almost positive that this crap never happened to General O’Neill.”

Tying the Gordian Knot (2032 words) by toomuchplor
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Time Loop, Porn, Humor
Series: Part 2 of Taking This Loop Off
Summary: John bends the space-time continuum in order to have an important talk with Rodney. Or at least, that's totally the plan.

Faster Than Light by kodiak_bear
Summary: “I really didn’t,” insisted John. “In case you didn’t notice, my attention span consists of objects that tend to move faster than the speed of light.” “I can move faster than the speed of light,” huffed McKay.
[Time Travel]

High-Water (1607 words) by lavvyan
Additional Tags: Fairy Tales
Summary: After weeks of trying to find the boy's parents (he told them that his mother was Ontario and his father Salmon River, but nobody believed him) or any other relatives, the authorities declared Meredith an orphan.

Infinite Probability (Has Beens, Would Bes and Never Weres) (5798 words) by torakowalski
Summary: So far, the only people who had disappeared were ones Rodney didn’t particularly care about and so he had put their absence down to their own incompetence. It wasn’t until Zelenka disappeared that he realised something more than stupidity was at work here. If he were someone other than himself, he might feel bad about his priorities.

We Are (1495 words) by nagi_schwarz
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Sentinels & Guides
Summary: Written for the comment_fic prompt: "Stargate Atlantis, John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, not all Sentinels are warriors and not all Guides are touchy-feely." Elizabeth Weir observes a Sentinel and a Guide on the first year of the Atlantis Expedition.

A Contemporary Re-Examination of Sentinels and Guides Pair Bonding in North America (3551 words) by Creed Cascade
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Sentinels and Guides Are Known, Sentinel/Guide Bonding, Sentinel Senses, Sentinel/Guide, Alternate Universe - Teenagers
Series: Part 1 of SGA Juvenile Pair Bond Verse
Summary: Sentinels and Guides form a juvenile pair bond in childhood in order for Sentinels to survive. Neither John or Rodney formed that bond until they were older, which shocked both their parents, the academic community, and their governments.

What We Are Now (2464 words) by esteefee
Additional Tags: Episode: s03e11 The Return Part 2, Alternate Universe - Sentinels & Guides
Summary: John and Rodney are a platonic pairing. They're fine that way. Look, they just recaptured the City of the Ancestors from the Replicators, so they must be doing something right.

Should've Been My Girlfriend (35711 words) by crysothemis
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Genderswitch, Jealousy, Obliviousness
Summary: Seriously, Rodney would make the perfect girlfriend
[Temporary genderswitch thx to ancient tech & a lot of pining]

Bloodlust (52154 words) by Chaps1870
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire
Summary: John and Rodney are stranded on a planet and John discovers Rodney isn't all he seems.

Soul-Name (3764 words) by ami_ven
Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir/Radek Zelenka, Carson Beckett/Laura Cadman, Jeannie Miller/Kaleb Miller
Series: Part 1 of Soul-Name
Summary: Every person is born with a name on their wrist, but that doesn’t guarantee they’ll ever find their soul-mate.

For the Good of All Mankind (5920 words) by apple_pi
Rating: Explicit
Summary: "My head hurts,” Rodney said loudly, opening his eyes. “And my thigh hurts. Christ, what did you people do to me?” He wrinkled his nose. “And everything stinks, too."

Opportunity by dk_valentine
Summary: Rodney's stuck in a time loop.

How To Jump (3212 words) by leah k
Summary: "I've suddenly got superpowers and all this guy's thinking about is his grandmother's china."

Stand on Guard by eternallycait
Summary: "Lorne is a gimp, and someone tried to kill Elizabeth and Canada is all behind it! This is the worst future I could possibly imagine.”
[Time Dilatation: Rodney is in the time dilatation a few hours, when he get out ten years have passed - bittersweet & distopia]

Catch Me a Catch (1201 words) by ami_ven
Additional Tags: Community: mcsheplets, Soul Bond
Summary: There’s no such thing as soul-mates… right?

Blue Eyes and a Smart Mouth (5618 words) by nagi_schwarz
Additional Tags: Mild sexytimes between John and Nancy, Character Death, Soulmate-Identifying Marks
Series: Part 1 of Marks
Summary: Not quite a soulmark AU. John Sheppard really was just like everyone else. Really. He totally had a Compatibility Mark. Sometimes. John Sheppard's compatibility Mark forms to match the Mark of whoever he's in love with (and fades if he falls out of love with them or they fall out of love with him). Everyone on the Atlantis Expedition has rare Mark Types. John, whose Mark faded after Nancy fell out of love with him, starts to develop a new Mark, and it belongs to a certain scientist with blue eyes and a smart mouth. Written for the Love Springs Forth challenge. Prompt here, basically the seeds of romance are planted.

The Weight of Your Words (2811 words) by Brumeier
Additional Tags: Prompt Fill, Synesthesia, Friends to Lovers, Rescue Missions, First Kiss
Summary: LJ Comment Fic for 5 Senses prompt: Any, any, synesthesia. In which an Ancient device gives words actual weight, and it's the only thing that can save John's life.

Standard Deviations (13063 words) by Rustler
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, AU Character Death, First Time
Summary: He's always John Sheppard. That's not the problem.


What You Trust (14430 words) by Tex
Rating: Explicit
Summary: He's never been good at asking for what he wants. Well, not politely. And especially not when it's something personal. "Come on, let's snuggle," or "I need a hug" are words that have never passed his lips.

We Cannot Live Within (9656 words) by laureltreedaphne
Rating: Explicit
Summary: John grinned. "So McKay's attractive to everyone?"

The Bracelet (9159 words) by neevebrody
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: First Time
Summary: "Rodney McKay wearing jewelry… now there's something you don't see every day."

Operation: All's Fair in Love & War (4700 words) by kho
Additional Tags: Jealousy, Oblivious
Summary: Rodney puts three small velvet black boxes in front of John and says, “I’m going to ask Jennifer to marry me, I need your help.”

The Principle Business of Life (6323 words) by Ladycat
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Illnesses, Fluff
Summary: Sheppard’s head tilted back thoughtfully. “So I see you two have bonded.”

Just Breathe (The Artifact of Vision Remix) (5120 words) by crysothemis
Summary: John's lips were icy against Rodney's, but at least he'd remembered to straighten John's head and pinch his nose shut.

Green Eyed Monster (12876 words) by jay_linden, ashinae
Rating: Explicit
Summary: John didn't like it. Not one bit. And nobody could make him.

Incredibly bad at this (but still making it work in just over six years) (1383 words) by velocitygrass
Summary: There has got to be a way to ask Rodney out on a date-without actually using that word.

Up to and Including the Blue Moon Ball (8076 words) by torakowalski
Additional Tags: First Time
Summary: "You are being ridiculous," Teyla said sternly. "The Blue Moon Ball is a wonderful opportunity to be reunited with old friends and to celebrate our continued survival against the Wraith."  "Yes," Rodney said under his breath. "Not being dead: an excellent reason to make ourselves wish we were."

Chaos Theory (34254 words) by sgamadison, the_cephalopod
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: First Time, Romance, Episode Related
Summary: Faint little alarm bells sounded in John's head. Rodney's speech had overtones of 'It's not you, it's me' to it and John had not yet steeled himself to say anything.

Call of the Wild (6276 words) by brinnanza
Additional Tags: Animal Transformation, First Kiss, Humor
Summary: Damn it, Sheppard’s tired of wanting. His best friend is a god damn wolf, and that’s not even the strangest thing that will happen this week. Their whole fucking lives are weird; is it really so strange that he should fall for McKay, that McKay might even feel the same way?

A Calculated Risk by Madison (9380 words) by sgamadison
Additional Tags: First Time, Drama, Action/Adventure
Summary: He was an idiot. Maybe the biggest idiot of them all. Spoilers through S5. Mention of Rodney/Katie and Rodney/Jennifer.

Sensitivity. And Stuff. (4620 words) by tropes
Summary: A love story. John sighed and turned to sit on the couch. "You ever hear me talk about women like that?" Rodney was quiet for a long moment. Then, "No. You never talk about them at all."

No Big Deal (1046 words) by ca_pierson
Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, Community: cliche_bingo, Fake Marriage
Summary: "Why don't the natives never think I'm married to Teyla? No, it's always you!"
[only with ao3 account]

Cases of Mistaken Identity by smiley zonezine
Summary: He'd really expected them to believe him when he explained that he wasn't Rodney McKay, and that in fact, being accused of being Rodney McKay was one of the most ridiculous things he'd ever heard. They hadn't. But he'd expected them to.

Unthought of, Unlooked for (7149 words) by RosiePaw
Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Rodney McKay/OMC (temp)
Summary: In which the Daedalus brings new personnel, John tries to do the right thing and all ends well.

Re:Re: by omg_wtf_yeah
Summary: Rodney and Jeannie try to iron out a misunderstanding via e-mail.
[epistolary story]


Midnight Shakes the Memory by foxxcub
Summary: Sheppard doesn't remember who he is, but he remembers Rodney.

It's a Small World After All (23930 words) by pir8fancier
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Jennifer Keller, Radek Zelenka
Summary: FUBAR happens on Atlantis, John disappears, two years later Rodney takes a vacation to Disneyland, and who do you think is working at Soaring Over California?

The Gamers of Ardann by scribblinlenore
Summary: He'd tried to feel the gratitude she obviously expected, and felt guilty when that failed. But the past was a dark moon of memory, as if he'd appeared out of thin air, and there was nothing to measure anything against.

Undoing (4711 words) by Resonant
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Romance, First Time, Amnesia, Pining
Summary: The risk, the lying, the inevitable discovery: he'd just been handed a chance to undo it all.


Motionless Wheel (12690 words) by Ladycat
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Serious Injuries, Injury Recovery, Communication Failure, Coma, Developing Relationship, Shaving
Summary: “What do you mean, he’s not here?” John stared at Woolsey like he’d suddenly broken out in Mandarin.

Don't Go Without Me (4641 words) by Brumeier
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, Implied/Referenced Torture, Rescue Missions, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers
Summary: When one of their own is taken Team Sheppard organizes a rescue...or will it become a mission of vengeance?

Missing in Action (1705 words) by ami_ven
Additional Tags: Community: mcsheplets, Established Relationship, Not Really Character Death
Summary: When Jeannie Miller opened her front door, it took her a moment to recognize the man on the other side.

Unanticipated Outcomes (15791 words) by thegrrrl2002
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: First Time, Romance
Summary: Rodney was exactly where he belonged. It was the last place he ever expected to find himself.

a long gold sliding into dawn (11763 words) by synecdochic
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Imported, Jossed
Summary: Rodney breathes out, rough and exasperated. John thinks he might be the only one in the universe who can hear the tenderness contained in Rodney's murmured "you are so fucked in the head". A series of ways in which two people learn how to trust what's not being said.


Out in the Open (21775 words) by Xparrot
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Team, Coming Out, Hurt/Comfort, Avalanches, Community: sga_santa, Post Season 5, Podfic Available
Summary: It's Situation Normal for the team when they're caught in an avalanche, but digging themselves out uncovers more than they counted on.


Bugboy (1002 words) by Tarlan
Additional Tags: Light Angst, Iratus-mutated Sheppard, Episode: s02e08 Conversion, Community: mcsheplets, Community: hc_bingo, Community: trope_bingo, Trope Bingo Round 5
Summary: Carson's retrovirus never returned him to fully human after the Iratus incident.
[Ep: Conversion]

Mend (4969 words) by Kass
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: First Time, Grace Under Pressure, Episode Related
Series: Part 38 of Stargate Atlantis fanworks
Summary: 'Better drugs,' Rodney said, 'there have got to be better drugs.'
[Ep: Grace Under Pressure]

Uncomfortable Territory (16843 words) by ras_elased
Relationships: McShep, McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Mitchell
Summary: "I keep one with me at all times. It's just a comfort to know it's there."
[Ep:The Pegasus Project - pining & jealousy]

"Are You There? It's Me. John." (1568 words) by Brumeier
Additional Tags: Prompt Fill, Ascension, Episode: s03e14 Tao of Rodney, Episode Related, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, First Kiss, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: LJ Comment Fic for “What If?” Scenarios prompt: Stargate Atlantis: John Sheppard + Rodney McKay. Rodney did Ascend during The Tao of Rodney. In which John has a hard time letting go, but then so does Rodney.

Five Ways Tao of Rodney Could Have Ended (2426 words) by ras_elased
Relationships: McShep, McKay/Sheppard
Author's notes: So I watched ToR (finally!) yesterday morning, and I had so many fic bunnies spring up that I couldn't possibly get them all done. This was an attempt to exorcise them so I could get some real work done. Unbeta'd, so please point out any mistakes in the comments and I'll fix them.
[Ep:Tao of Rodney]

The Other's Each (8378 words) by Ladycat
Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Episode: s04e09 Miller's Crossing, Episode: s04e15 Outcast, Family
Summary: John was aware that he stood awkwardly in the middle of someone else’s living room, cast in beleaguered grays, a remnant from another place and time. Madison was a sharp contrast, standing in the doorway leading towards the kitchen, thumb-prints smudged on clean white paint. She thrummed with life.
[Ep: Miller's Crossing & Outcast]

Forty-Two (5955 words) by cathalin
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: First Time
Summary: Maybe John has been paying more attention to Rodney than he's realized. Rodney does some thinking, and then tests a hypothesis.
[Ep: sorta coda Quarantine]

And this the life I gave for you (3615 words) by lunabee34
Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Jennifer Keller/Rodney McKay
Additional Tags: Episode: s04e20 The Last Man, Angst, Canon Compliant, Canonical Character Death
Summary: Pretty much the shippiest "their epic love lasts for 48000 years and defeats the space-time continuum" fic ever.
[Ep: The Last Man - AI]

Gravity (7000 words) by Rheanna
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Episode Related, Episode: s04e20 The Last Man, Wordcount: 5.000-10.000
Summary: Seventeen years, eight months and nine days after Sheppard closed himself into the stasis chamber, Rodney has an idea.
[Ep: The Last Man - AI]

That Comfort Thing (3150 words) by lavvyan
Additional Tags: Episode Related, Hurt/Comfort, Secret Santa
Summary: John wants something he doesn't think he can have.
[Ep: Search and Rescue]

At The End Of The Pier (2649 words) by Speranza
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Episode Tag, Episode: s05e06 The Shrine, First Time
Summary: "I mean, it was the pier, of course, and me nearly dying, and what's a little brain surgery among friends?"
[Ep: The Shrine]

Five Deleted Scenes from 'The Shrine' by silverraven
Summary: Rodney stares at the camera but doesn't really see it. He's not happy with Jennifer, with whoever's stupid idea this was, with the world. But mostly he's upset with himself; at his brain, which has never failed him before. This is stuff he should know. "I, uh. I..."
“That was good, Rodney,” Jennifer says encouragingly as she turns off the camera. Her tone is supposed to be soothing, Rodney knows that, but it only frustrates him more. “No, it’s not.” He can only recall pi to six decimals. He can barely remember his own name for god’s sake!
[Ep: The Shrine]


Harsh Continent by 30toseoul
Summary: The top secret base (or Tyler, as Sheppard starts calling it in his head) is a hundred and twenty-nine miles away, tucked into a valley in the Transantarctics, and it makes him blink the first time he sees it.
[pre-show & pre-slash focusing on John]

Five People Who Know (4060 words) by hestia_lacey
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Unrequited Love
Summary: Five people who know exactly how John Sheppard feels about Rodney McKay.

Interstitial (1247 words) by lunabee34
Additional Tags: Post-Canon
Summary: Rodney's always lived in the spaces between.

Loop the Loop (9492 words) by alsaurusrex
Additional Tags: McShep Match Challenge 2012, Fluff, Vacation, Pining, Earth, Post-Series, Slow Build, Schmoop, Past Relationship(s), Character Study, Romance, Introspection
Summary: "Rodney's broken heart brought out about a hundred different emotions in John, but the most powerful reaction seemed to be the need to feed his friend the most delicious, fattening, cholesterol nightmare of a cheeseburger that he had ever tasted." One man's quest to comfort a friend. And maybe himself, just a little. (AKA the one where John takes Rodney out on a million dates without realizing it.)

Running Tally (9321 words) by Chandri
Additional Tags: Community: mcshep_match, Team, Friendship, Earth
Summary: Atlantis is stuck on Earth, waiting for the IOA's decision. Rodney just broke up with his girlfriend. But John Sheppard is in a weirdly good mood, and Rodney wants to know why.

Gender Immaterial (1252 words) by Tarlan
Additional Tags: Community: mcsheplets, DADT Repeal, Romance
Summary: It takes seeing an openly gay marine on Atlantis for all the clues to slot into place for Rodney.

Nash Equilibria Are For Losers (1558 words) by Persiflager
Additional Tags: Gay Chicken, Post-Canon
Summary: This was Rodney’s life now - reduced to the cable repair guy, surrounded by people who unironically fist-bumped, and doomed to die alone and get eaten by cats.

The Known World (4464 words) by vanitashaze
Additional Tags: Closeted Character, DADT, Established Relationship, Mathematics, Science
Summary: There's a joke going around Atlantis.

Every Little Thing (3152 words) by Cesare
Additional Tags: Holidays, Christmas, New Years, Community: mcsmooch, Don't Ask Don't Tell, Past Relationship(s)
Summary: John anticipated a lot of possibilities for disaster when Rodney invited John to his sister's place for his first Christmas after the breakup with Jennifer. Getting drafted into playing a plastic guitar wasn't one of them.


Take My Love (8786 words) by ami_ven
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, No Sex, (sorry)
Summary: Rodney’s job is stressing him out, so he hires a Companion named John. It’s strictly a business arrangement…right up until it isn’t.

Mail Myself to You (4947 words) by sheafrotherdon, dogeared, aesc
Summary: Doctor Rodney McKay, Ph.D., Ph.D., compulsively orders books on astrophysics and the like just for the sheer pleasure of writing insulting comments in the margins.

Delivery Fee (4723 words) by popkin16
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Schmoop, Romance, Alternate Universe - College/University, First Time, Humor
Summary: Rodney's life is not a bad porno, but the ridiculously attractive pizza guy that knocks on his door one night kind of makes him wish it was.

Ring Out, Wild Bells (6404 words) by skoosiepants
Additional Tags: Atlernate Universe
Summary: "This is the part where you thank me, apologize for not giving me an equally fantastic gift, and then go away," Rodney prompted.

Fade to Black (25256 words) by whizzy
Warnings: Major Character Death
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Paranormal
Summary: There was an entire pantheon of things Rodney was willing to concede could exist, even though he'd never personally witnessed evidence thereof. Time travel, for starters. Space aliens. The perfect man. But he absolutely, positively could not accept that he'd been dreaming of a guy he'd never seen before in his life, who turned out to be real.
[Dark & twisted and excellent]

Fairy Tale Dynamics by icantfollow
Summary: He says his name is John and he's a prince. Rodney, born to anti-establishment parents and raised by a witch with plans for world domination, takes his word for it.

Not A Porn Star by melonbutterfly
Summary: In which John is an actor and Rodney is a scientist who doesn't get what the big deal is.

Something Borrowed (13334 words) by Brumeier
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Movie Fusion, First Meetings, Weddings, Dysfunctional Family, Family Drama, First Kiss, First Time, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Series: Part 5 of At The Movies
Summary: Movie Fusion: The Wedding Date. Rodney just wanted a date to his sister's wedding, so he wouldn't have to admit being a failure at relationships. But what he got was so much more.


Synchonicity (10196 words) by seperis, amireal
Rating: Explicit
Summary: "How long have we been walking?"

Superman Never Dealt With This Shit (7200 words) by amireal
Additional Tags: Imported, Superpowers, suprise!superpowers, Forced Orgasm, John Sheppard never gets the cool superpower, magical sex, magical orgasm, Sexual Humor, Humor, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: In which John Sheppard gains super powers and a very unique perspective into the caped crusader mindset. Also, this is Atlantis, so it's all kind of creepy. And embarrassing. And really not at all helpful.
OR: He'd possibly freaked out a little, okay maybe more than a little, because Rodney was the calm and cool voice offering reasonable statistics about radiation and there was something really fucked up about that.

Blush (2540 words) by Helenish
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: oh john sheppard
Summary: It's not a bug, it's a feature.

The Hold-Out (1307 words) by toomuchplor
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Porn
Summary: John had totally, totally, been holding out on Rodney.

Awkward (2417 words) by velocitygrass
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Gay Bar, First Time
Summary: Rodney's at a gay bar, looking for some rebound sex, when he runs into someone unexpected.

The One Where John is Naked (2716 words) by sheafrotherdon, Siria
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The title says it all.


Bad Hair Day by almostnever
Summary: Rodney never even noticed Sheppard's hair until it was already some kind of bizarre running joke on Atlantis. He certainly never thought he'd care if it changed.

Six Improbable Weddings (and one that was even more improbable) (4472 words) by mayachain
Additional Tags: Weddings, Established Relationship, Alien Culture, Fluff
Summary: Seven years into the expedition, John becomes mildly obsessed about weddings.

Rodney's Emo Cat (3707 words) by Argosy
Additional Tags: Pining, Humor, First Time
Summary: Pet ownership is a serious responsibility.

Magnetic Properties of Orange Fleece (1741 words) by popkin16
Additional Tags: First Time, orange fleece, Romance, Silly John Sheppard
Summary: Atlantis' return to the Pegasus Galaxy lands them on a cold planet. Rodney brings out the fleece. John is captivated.

All Places Are Alike To Me (2823 words) by 20thcenturyvole
Additional Tags: Crack, Animal Transformation
Summary: Ronon needs Rodney's help. Or, Sure, it was Sheppard, but he was all cute and fuzzy now.

Upgrades (3098 words) by reeby10
Additional Tags: Mistaken for Being in a Relationship, Getting Together, Post-Series, First Kiss
Summary: On Earth leave, people keep mistaking John and Rodney for a couple. John doesn't really mind, but it seems Rodney's not too happy about it.


Scars (1419 words) by Speranza
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: First Time, Future Fic, Angst, Domestic, Back to Earth, Retirement
Summary: Rodney opened the door and didn't ask any stupid questions.


All These Places We Have Met (9898 words) by Toft
Additional Tags: Alternate Reality, Angst
Summary: "You take me to the nicest places, McKay."

When Stars Fall (1351 words) by mickeym
Warnings: Major Character Death
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Future Fic, Post-Canon
Summary: John isn't insane. He just needs to say goodbye.




mcshep, fics rec, stargate atlantis, john sheppard/rodney mckay

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