5sentence_fics Table One, Set One [Kingdom Hearts, Seifer+Roxas]

Sep 03, 2006 19:31

[Fandom] Kingdom Hearts
[Pairing] Seifer+Roxas
[Theme] 5sentence_fics Table One, Set One Master List
[Genre] General~ Smut and a tiiinyyy bit of angst.
[Ratings] G - NC-17
[Spoilers] None. :)
[Author] Fic Journal → owninglamersteagueful ← Personal Journal.
[Beta] jorgan
[A/N] Oh my gosh. I swear, Twilight Town pairings have TAKEN OVER ME! :O I ♥ them so much. lol. Uh, I'm experiencing a sort of writer's block and I'm not doing so well health-wise so my writings are going to be coming very slowly I think. ♥S AND COOKIES IF YOU COMMENT :D

#01 ☆ Melts in the Mouth

Fingers worked holes in the flannel sheets as Roxas arched into the warm, wet cavern of Seifer’s mouth. Large hands pushed his hips back into the bed as Seifer pressed him to the roof of his mouth and took a long, hard suck.

Roxas’ brain shut down as his breathing became more erratic and he whimpered loudly when teeth gently grazed against him. His head tilted back and he stared, eyes hazy with lust, into the moonlight shining in through the window. He cried out loudly as he came, melting into Seifer’s mouth and spilling his seed down the other’s throat.

#02 ☆ Breakfast

Seifer smiled over his cereal bowl as Roxas emerged from the bedroom, wearing his pajamas. The boy yawned, scratching at the back of his head as he made his way, tripping over the long legs of Seifer’s oversized pants, and sat next to the older boy.

“Hungry?” Seifer asked and pushed a bowl and a box of cereal towards Roxas. He shook his head and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

“I don’t eat breakfast.”

#03 ☆ Pin Drop

“You should come over to our side,” Seifer said using a serious tone. It pissed Roxas off that he was being expected to choose between a lover and a friend.

He turned away from Seifer and a long, tense moment of silence passed between them. If he really wanted him to decide, that was fine. Roxas could just get up and leave, if that’s what the other wanted.

#04 ☆ Measure of a Man

Everything Seifer did was about reputation - it was obvious in everything he did. Every move he’d make would be made with this bold air to it. He’d walk around town with his head held high and his chest pumped out as if he were the king of the world and anybody he passed was only a peasant unworthy of his attentions.

So it came as no surprise to Roxas when Seifer would hide the fact that the two of them were in any way ‘involved’ - romantically, sexually, or otherwise. He was only something that would put a damper on Seifer’s pride - and behind the walls which masked what would be considered unacceptable to society, he was treated as such.

#05 ☆ Death and Taxes

The tension between the two groups seemed even stronger to Roxas now. He felt Seifer’s eyes on him as he took a step to the side, watching the two groups stare each other down, yelling threats back and forth.

Roxas would give up anything, he thought, to have this tension relieved. It was tiring - the two most important people to him were enemies. Seifer knew how much Roxas liked Hayner, but Hayner would never understand even if he tried to explain.


seifer/roxas, 5 sentence fics, kingdom hearts

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