this hasn't happened for awhile...

Nov 25, 2005 08:19

Two chapters in one week! AGL 40 is posted. And 41 is almost done -- just one scene to write, then an overall polish. I'm really hoping to get it finished and posted before I leave for the East Coast next week. Maybe I'll have time to do that this weekend.

We're getting close to the end, I think. Whoa.

posting, agl

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Comments 4

I kunstarniki November 25 2005, 16:55:06 UTC
Read and reviewed.


Re: I owlmoose November 25 2005, 17:43:41 UTC
Thank you. :) The spiral of death line is straight from the game, though. I love it, but I can't take credit.


angeltaisha November 25 2005, 18:32:25 UTC
Ah, the days of speedy updating *sigh* I remember those well! That's so great though! Congratulations; it is no small feat.


owlmoose November 25 2005, 19:15:14 UTC
Thank you! I basically wrote two chapters at the same time; that's why this one got posted so quickly after the other. But also I've just been inspired to sit down and do it lately. Maybe because I'm getting so close to the end of the story, which is both exciting and sad... It's going to be really weird to finish it.


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