words, cats, meetings

Nov 17, 2005 07:18

Lexi can be such the love-monster. He lets me know he wants affection by leaning against my legs and purring. It's completely adorable, but it's also problematic when I want to do something like walk. I almost tripped over him half a dozen times last night, and again this morning. I hope he learns the secret of the lap soon ( Read more... )

cats, work annoyances, agl, writing

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Comments 8

m kunstarniki November 17 2005, 15:33:28 UTC
Between cats and insistent bits of prose, one scarely has time for the ordinary business of living. How is boredom ever possible? :)


Re: m owlmoose November 17 2005, 16:03:37 UTC
See above comments re. meetings. ;)


Re: m luvmoose November 17 2005, 16:28:34 UTC
Life would be much better if I could bring kittens to meetings.


Re: m owlmoose November 17 2005, 18:28:17 UTC
This is true. Very, very true. I think we should institute it as company policy. The Stockton campus, where I was on Tuesday, has a vet tech program. So they have a resident cat, and bunnies, and hamsters and two chincillas. Now that's the place to have meetings.


luvmoose November 17 2005, 16:29:32 UTC
You'll have to lap-train the boy. When he asks for affection, scoop him up, sit down, and do some forced lap petting. It may be short-lived in the beginning, but he'll figure it out. I'll work on him this weekend. :)


angeltaisha November 17 2005, 16:37:57 UTC
Casey is three years old and he STILL gets under my feet. Some male cats are just plain needy- mine even tries to sit on my lap when I'm on the toilet, lol. I don't even notice half the times that he follows me in the bathroom. I don't see him til I close the door.

I hope he grows out of that soon for you, but mine never did so be aware. Then again, my Milo is just fine; he doesn't hover at all. He comes for love mostly when I'm on the comp. It all depends I guess.


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