Very random life update

Mar 24, 2013 22:42

I keep promising to update my journal more often and then not doing it. Well, no time like the present. Five things make a post ( Read more... )

travel, music, cats, ffex, fandom, random, celebrations

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owlmoose March 26 2013, 16:38:46 UTC
We did try Pill Pockets -- the emergency vet recommended them. It worked the first time, but every time we tried after that, she would chew up the pocket around the pill but not eat the pill itself. So we gave up on them fairly quickly, although now that's she's on only a half-pill dose (her bloodwork came back Monday, and the drug levels were too high) it might be worth trying again.

I bet they would work on our other cat -- he's much more food motivated. Tori likes food and treats, but she's not nearly as obsessed by them as Lexi.

Thanks for the recommendation, though! :) (And sorry, I meant to reply when you mentioned them earlier on FB, but it got by me.)


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