stuff from a morning

Oct 12, 2005 11:14

Boy, you people really don't like Civil War memorials, do youOne of the more amusing things about working here is that, for one of their classes, medical assisting students need to practice taking vital signs. So they wander the building, looking for guniea pigs. I've had my temperature, pulse, and blood pressure taken half a dozen times in the ( Read more... )

work update, random, agl, writing

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Comments 9

I kunstarniki October 12 2005, 18:46:35 UTC
it's very frustrating that I can't make the corrections as they come to me.

Believe me, I do understand. That is why I carry a notepad everywhere I go. Then it is quick and easy to update the work when one is at the keyboard. Another thing that is maddening is to have the persistent feeling that one more run through will yield perfection. LOL


Re: I owlmoose October 12 2005, 19:09:38 UTC
That's a good thought, but it doesn't work well with edits. I'd have to carry a print out around for this one. Really the problem is that the chapter is too long to be one and too short to break into two and I want to make a clean break at the end of it. Argh!


I kunstarniki October 12 2005, 19:11:30 UTC
As the Victorians well knew, padding is the answer to almost every question.


Re: I owlmoose October 12 2005, 19:22:56 UTC
Let me get this straight. You are telling me to make it *longer*? :) And here I was expecting all kinds of advice on merciless pruning...


disliking civil war parks plantgirl October 12 2005, 18:54:54 UTC
but we do like Charlie!


Re: disliking civil war parks owlmoose October 12 2005, 18:56:35 UTC
It's true. I wonder who he is?


I kunstarniki October 12 2005, 19:07:10 UTC

I wonder who he is
Charles Edward Stuart, who else?


Re: I owlmoose October 12 2005, 19:11:48 UTC
Well, no need to explore our feelings for the Bonnie Prince -- we already know those fall somewhere into the category of rage. ;)

The skeleton makes an interesting userpic!


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