When companies do awesome things

Mar 26, 2011 16:37

Straight guy complains about gay romance in Dragon Age 2 (including a blanket dismissal of women gamers, as a bonus); BioWare employee tells him to "get over it".

The BioWare response makes me so happy. It is just about perfect. He even cites male privilege. I thought about saying more, but the blog entry linked above pulls the right quotes and ( Read more... )

videogames, dragon age, the media, omg yay, civil rights

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Comments 9

ovo_lexa March 26 2011, 23:51:52 UTC
Yeah - he was also defending the inclusion of the female main character (and female main characters in general, if I remember right) a while back too, before DA2 got released. He seems like a pretty awesome guy.


owlmoose March 27 2011, 04:52:41 UTC
He does. And, so far with Origins anyway, he writes pretty awesome games. I'll have to see what else he's worked on.


rabbitprint March 27 2011, 02:40:06 UTC
..... WOW.

I picked up Dragon Age 2 a little while ago after hearing that they allowed for equal romances, and have been really gratified by how open-minded they are for playthroughs. Reading this article just makes me that much more glad I am that I spent my money the way I did.

Thank you for sharing that! I'm definitely spreading the link.


owlmoose March 27 2011, 04:54:37 UTC
Please do! It's a link that deserves to be out in the world.

I'm playing Dragon Age Origins right now, and although not all of the characters are flexible in who they will romance (the main male non-player character, for example, seems to be straight as an arrow), some of them are, and the player character so far appears to be one of them. I gather this is a BioWare trademark, and I must say I couldn't approve more.


auronlu March 30 2011, 02:52:54 UTC
Wait, you mean... I could actually have an f/f without having to intuit a ship between some obscure secondary NPCS (although I still need to play FFIII, where I'm assuming Fang is going to make me a happy camper.)

It's pathetic that I think of this as some hidden easter egg.


3_2_1 March 27 2011, 14:52:53 UTC
How cool of them.


penrynsdreams March 28 2011, 01:19:40 UTC
That fills me with so much damned joy. I'll definitely make the next game I buy be from Bioware.


auronlu March 30 2011, 02:49:59 UTC
Made of awesome.

Now checking out Dragon Age and considering buying it. :)


owlmoose March 30 2011, 03:41:04 UTC
You have emerged!

I like Dragon Age a lot so far, although I confess I am so charmed by the het romance that I haven't played with the possibilities. But it makes me really happy to know that I could.


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