another update

Sep 29, 2005 06:47

I've posted the next chapter of AGL. I actually drafted most of it at the same time as the last chapter (and one small section was written weeks ago), but only now have I had the chance to polish it and get it up ( Read more... )

posting, agl, writing

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Comments 5

I kunstarniki September 29 2005, 14:20:06 UTC
I have just R&R. You have answered some nagging questions here and I am so grateful. The story is flowing so well. Congratulations!


Re: I owlmoose September 29 2005, 15:13:07 UTC
Thanks! I thought you might catch the bit about the spectacles. It had never occured to me before reading your work that he would be irritated about having to depend on them, but of course he would be.

"his"/"my" -- I think you're right that it would flow better that way. The perils of writing without an editor!


Re: I kunstarniki September 29 2005, 23:11:35 UTC
The chapter is wonderful :) It occurred to me after I reviewed that there's a bit of A Squall/Rinoa thing going on- Sam and Liss are getting the chance that the people before them didn't have (with Paine and Nooj representing Laguna and Julia. Baralai even kind of fills the role of General Caraway). I realize the theory doesn't quite fit, but still, it's cute.


Re: I yuna_flowering September 29 2005, 23:11:51 UTC
The chapter is wonderful :) It occured to me after I reviewed that there's a bit of A Squall/Rinoa thing going on- Sam and Liss are getting the chance that the people before them didn't have (with Paine and Nooj representing Laguna and Julia. Baralai even kind of fills the role of General Caraway). I realise the theory doesn't quite fit, but still, it's cute.


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