30 days of...

Oct 26, 2010 22:50

November is fast approaching, and you know what that means: NaBloWriMo. (Which I should probably start calling something else, since the "official" event seems to have moved to October. But I've always been a terrible creature of habit.) I've never done traditional NaNo, mostly because of the time commitment, and given that I'm still frantically wrapping up my first
megaflare_ff draft, I especially can't commit to it this year. But I do enjoy posting every day in November. Normally, I make vague plans to post about specific things and a ficbit or two, but this year, I'm going to try something different. I'll be doing a 30 Days Of meme, but with a twist stolen from blatantly copying ganked from
seventhe: instead of the questions coming from a predetermined list, you all are going to tell me what to write about. It's like a drabble meme, but for posting!

The Rules:

1. I have created a numbered list, 1-30, for each day in November.

2. You (and this offer is open to anyone) will comment with a question to answer or a topic to write about. Any subject is fair game: fandom, media, politics, my personal life, whatever. (I do reserve the right to obfuscate a bit if the topic is one I wouldn't normally post about unlocked. Very few things come under this heading, though. In general, I prefer to avoid revealing details about my family or my workplace. I'm good with most anything else.)

3. I will put your question/topic on the list, in the order it was received. Commenting is open on both LJ and DW; feel free to comment on either entry, with an account, or OpenID, or even anonymously. I'll create a single list, compiled from the comments on both entries.

4. Like Sev, I don't really expect 30 different people to leave a question! So feel free to ask for more than one topic, but try to spread them out over different comments so I don't end up with multiple requests by the same person in a row.

5. Starting on November 1st, I'll answer one question per day, in order, until I get to the end on November 30th.

6. ???

7. Profit!

Here's the list!
  1. Why I love the 2010 San Francisco Giants! self-selected/response
  2. Fandom participation: what I like/dislike about it, what I think of writing for exchanges/projects and how they challenge me as a writer. source / response
  3. My neighborhood and why it is an awesome places to live. Possibly with cat pictures. source / response
  4. The great things and the annoyances about being a librarian. source / response
  5. Top five mood music pieces for writing, and their corresponding moods. source / response
  6. The book series I want(ed) never to end; the book series I'd like to see end immediately. source / response
  7. Weather and my moods. source / response
  8. Favorite character relationships not from Final Fantasy. source / response
  9. My adventures and misadventures in the world of arts and crafts. source / response
  10. A source I have always wanted to write for but haven't, and why not. source / response
  11. A crazy, adrenaline-pumping activity I would love to try. source / response
  12. getyourwordsout. self-selected / response
  13. Favorite Internet memes, with illustrations. source / response
  14. Tabletop RPGs and me: past, present, and future. source / response
  15. California politics, or "KJ's rant on why she hates the ballot initiative system". source / response
  16. What I look for in a fanwork, illustrated by recs. source / response
  17. My "day in the life" soundtrack: music for every occasion. source / response
  18. Story cliches I love, hate, and enjoy seeing subverted. source / response
  19. The Final Fantasy characters and ships that I love, compared and contrasted with Final Fantasy characters and ships I do not love. source / response
  20. Favorite quotes from any or all of the following: politician, celebrity, author, book, piece of poetry, or [wild card]. source / response
  21. Cat pictures! source / response
  22. Top five characters of all time, with detailed reasoning. source / response
  23. Wikileaks and its creator/leader Julian Assange. source / response
  24. If you could choose one fictional setting in which to live, where would it be and why? What would you do once you got there? source

Have at it! :)

This entry is also posted at http://owlmoose.dreamwidth.org/497123.html. There are currently
comments on DW.

30 days of, writing projects, meme, meta

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