November is fast approaching, and you know what that means: NaBloWriMo. (Which I should probably start calling something else, since the "official" event seems to have moved to October. But I've always been a terrible creature of habit.) I've never done traditional NaNo, mostly because of the time commitment, and given that I'm still frantically wrapping up my first
megaflare_ff draft, I especially can't commit to it this year. But I do enjoy posting every day in November. Normally, I make vague plans to post about specific things and a ficbit or two, but this year, I'm going to try something different. I'll be doing a 30 Days Of meme, but
with a twist stolen from blatantly copying ganked from
seventhe: instead of the questions coming from a predetermined list, you all are going to tell me what to write about. It's like a drabble meme, but for posting!
The Rules:
1. I have created a numbered list, 1-30, for each day in November.
2. You (and this offer is open to anyone) will comment with a question to answer or a topic to write about. Any subject is fair game: fandom, media, politics, my personal life, whatever. (I do reserve the right to obfuscate a bit if the topic is one I wouldn't normally post about unlocked. Very few things come under this heading, though. In general, I prefer to avoid revealing details about my family or my workplace. I'm good with most anything else.)
3. I will put your question/topic on the list, in the order it was received. Commenting is open on both LJ and DW; feel free to comment on either entry, with an account, or OpenID, or even anonymously. I'll create a single list, compiled from the comments on both entries.
4. Like Sev, I don't really expect 30 different people to leave a question! So feel free to ask for more than one topic, but try to spread them out over different comments so I don't end up with multiple requests by the same person in a row.
5. Starting on November 1st, I'll answer one question per day, in order, until I get to the end on November 30th.
6. ???
7. Profit!
Here's the list!
- Why I love the 2010 San Francisco Giants! self-selected/response
- Fandom participation: what I like/dislike about it, what I think of writing for exchanges/projects and how they challenge me as a writer. source / response
- My neighborhood and why it is an awesome places to live. Possibly with cat pictures. source / response
- The great things and the annoyances about being a librarian. source / response
- Top five mood music pieces for writing, and their corresponding moods. source / response
- The book series I want(ed) never to end; the book series I'd like to see end immediately. source / response
- Weather and my moods. source / response
- Favorite character relationships not from Final Fantasy. source / response
- My adventures and misadventures in the world of arts and crafts. source / response
- A source I have always wanted to write for but haven't, and why not. source / response
- A crazy, adrenaline-pumping activity I would love to try. source / response
- getyourwordsout. self-selected / response
- Favorite Internet memes, with illustrations. source / response
- Tabletop RPGs and me: past, present, and future. source / response
- California politics, or "KJ's rant on why she hates the ballot initiative system". source / response
- What I look for in a fanwork, illustrated by recs. source / response
- My "day in the life" soundtrack: music for every occasion. source / response
- Story cliches I love, hate, and enjoy seeing subverted. source / response
- The Final Fantasy characters and ships that I love, compared and contrasted with Final Fantasy characters and ships I do not love. source / response
- Favorite quotes from any or all of the following: politician, celebrity, author, book, piece of poetry, or [wild card]. source / response
- Cat pictures! source / response
- Top five characters of all time, with detailed reasoning. source / response
- Wikileaks and its creator/leader Julian Assange. source / response
- If you could choose one fictional setting in which to live, where would it be and why? What would you do once you got there? source
Have at it! :)
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