Cake anyone?

Jun 25, 2010 22:46

We just finished Portal.

What an amazingly awesome game. The gameplay, the writing, the design, the ending (omg the ending): it was all excellent, but I think my very favorite part might be that the player character and the villain were both female, and not for any particular reason. Yay ( Read more... )

videogames, fangirling

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Comments 6

taricalmcacil June 26 2010, 16:25:07 UTC
I think Portal 2 is coming out really soon actually! I can't wait, since the first one was so awesome.


auronlu June 26 2010, 20:58:47 UTC

*makes mental note on the Games I Shouldn't Buy Until Dissertation is Over list*


penrynsdreams June 27 2010, 02:43:10 UTC
It only takes a couple/few hours, so it's actually a great game for limited distraction.

Is it canon that the PC is female? I'm on the last level, so I haven't beaten it yet, but I can't remember anything yet that says so.


owlmoose June 27 2010, 02:55:20 UTC
The player character is female. If you look through a portal where you can see yourself, it's pretty clear.

I agree about the distraction factor! It's probably the shortest game I've ever played.


penrynsdreams June 27 2010, 03:25:27 UTC
OH, right, I do remember that! For some reason, maybe because I'm female, I didn't even notice that she was. Maybe I thought the game was reading my gender somehow. :P


waterowl July 27 2010, 19:16:49 UTC
We loved this game and the kids were signing the song for weeks afterwards. :)


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